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Everything posted by Phoenixblue

  1. Gay and mature but you could be right that my interactions with gay men, other than online, are rather limited.
  2. Honestly, given the chance, I would love to explore the option of being married. However, gay marriage, is a luxury that I am rarely afforded.
  3. These 2 words carry many interpretations, perhaps you can be a tad more specific?
  4. Lucky you.
  5. Many do, no doubt, but they are still relatively in the minority among gay men..maybe I'm wrong and I hope that I am but that's what I think so far.
  6. Marry me I'm single! 😇
  7. You are fortunate to be in a line of work where you actually like some of the people you interact with. This case is not universally true though.
  8. Who is this "World of Statistics? A UN agency? I find it hard to imagine that they had to do a survey in India and Malaysia where the question put forward was when did you loose your virginity! To be more precise did they ammend that question with "did you loose your virginity with a member of the opposite sex or same sex?"
  9. Interesting. Care to give more details if you like? ✌️😍
  10. There is no one best app that is applicable worldwide. Different apps for different regions. Price/cost and reward ratios vary accordingly.
  11. If they didn't enjoy it they wouldn't have done it Or maybe, like people in most jobs, they tolerate it just for getting paid.
  12. Is same sex marriage really that much of success? How many gay couples have remained married more than 5 years? I am thankful that the option to get legally married exists but is it being utilized fully? Do gay men really want to enter into committed relationships?
  13. This is a Cardinal Rule that most men, for whatever reason, seem to overlook. Love, romance and affection are not involved. It is a commercial transaction pure and simple. Men renting their bodies for sex are not in love with you.
  14. You're being too optimistic, What middle ground is left? Happy Holiday Season to you and all members.
  15. Philosophy is abstract. Thai Buddhism is devotional; hence the common scenes up and down Thailand of folks praying to Buddha statues and other deities. Again the charm of it is the spiritual vibes in Thai temples, I admit I love the ambience of the chanting and incense and flower bouquets. I never said Buddhism was perfect, yes it can get politicized as you mentioned in Myanmar but noway as close as to how other religions are. Buddhism is way more peaceful and tolerant, relatively speaking.
  16. Well religions are just systems that program their adherents to blindly follow a set of rules and regulations that regulate how they live their lives; as such Buddhism is indeed a religion. I think one of the charms of Thailand besides the awesome food and sex and architecture and people is the charm of the local branch of Buddhism practiced there. I do understand that Buddhism is far from perfect but it's much more "humane" in it's approach to life. Imagine what would happen if the world embraced the Thai version of Buddhism! It'll be alot more peaceful and tolerant; bonus point: more relaxed attitude towards sex 💗🌈
  17. Add to that ALL the major world religions* currently embroiled in holy religious wars killing each other to prove that they are the only rightful way to God and His, He is always male, only representatives in existence. My God is better than yours. *the exception being Buddhism?
  18. It's not painful if you put numbing cream on your skin before treatment. It used to be painful before new devices were developed, now its not more painful than shaving. It's cool on your penis too (or anus) ! 😎
  19. Have you considered getting laser treatment to remove body hair?
  20. There's this guy Alex mentioned on another thread here. Looks white to me. What do you think?
  21. Alex, he looks European? 🤔 Or do Thai men look like this?
  22. That's a shame, would have loved to see European MBs in Thailand. Guess if I wanted to have that experience Spain would be an option or Czechia, but then ofcourse the costs would be more than double. Thank you for your answer.
  23. If you're looking for other nationalities in Pattaya or Thailand in general would the choice value still hold true? How about if in addition to Asian men one would like to meet say European guys (East European) would they be available and with less cost than in say Europe? 0
  24. About 4 years before "The Celluloid Closet" was released this gem of a film was made, "My Own Private Idaho." For many reasons it strikes a chord with my heart as it was made when I was young and the introduction of gay characters was starting to rise in earnest. Not to forget that the two main protagonists are among my favorites. It may not be an overtly gay movie but the the hints and tender moments make it all the more magical and haunting at the same time. It's portrayal of growing up gay is even more realistic than films made nowadays. A tribute to the both Keeanu Reeves and the sweet, charming angel that is River Phoenix. The campside fire scene is the particularly heartwarming. The exchange was poignant and romantic and profound and intense. 💗Mike Waters: If I had a normal family, and a good upbringing, then I would have been a well-adjusted person. Scott Favor: [Laughs] Depends on what you call normal. Mike Waters: Yeah, it does. Well, you know, normal, like, like a mom and a dad and a dog and shit like that. Normal...normal. Scott Favor: So you didn't have a normal dog? Mike Waters: No, I didn't have a dog. Scott Favor: Didn't have a... a normal dad? Mike Waters: Didn't have a dog or a, or a, or a normal dad. anyway, that's alright. I don't feel sorry for myself, I mean, I feel like I'm, I feel like I'm, you know, well-adjusted. Scott Favor: [Laughs] What's a normal dad? Mike Waters: I don't know. [pauses] I'd like to talk with you. I mean I'd like to, uh, really talk with you. I mean we're talking right now, but, you know. I don't know. I don't feel like I can be... I don't feel like I can be close to you. I mean we're close, you know, right now we're close, but, I mean, you know... Scott Favor: How close, I mean... Mike Waters: I don't know, whatever. Scott Favor: What? Mike Waters: [pause] What do I mean to you? Scott Favor: What do you mean to me? Mike, you're my best friend. Mike Waters: I know, man, I know... I know... I know I'm your friend. We're good friends, and it's good to be, you know, good friends. That's a good thing. Scott Favor: So...? Mike Waters: So I just... [pauses] Mike Waters: That's okay. We can be friends. Scott Favor: [flustered] I only have sex with a guy for money. Mike Waters: Yeah, I know... Scott Favor: And two guys can't love each other. Mike Waters - Yeah. [pauses] Well, I don't know, I mean, I mean for me, I could love someone even if I, you know, wasn't paid for it. [pauses] I love you, and... you don't pay me. Scott Favor: Mike.... Mike Waters: I really wanna kiss you man. [pauses] Mike Waters: Well goodnight man. [pauses again] Mike Waters: I love you, though. [pause] You know that. I do love you. Scott Favor: Alright, come here, Mike. [Pats the ground] Scott Favor: Let's just see. come on, man. I Just wanna see, come on. My Own Private Idaho (1991) - Campfire Scene.mp4
  25. You can draw a line between the first four in the list and the last 2. The cost is double or triple the amount you will pay and the guys you hire won't necessarily be any cuter or more experienced in the skills of commercial sex.
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