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  1. You got me curious so I did some exploring - a ton of possibilities! https://www.gaymexicomap.com/en/guadalajara/
  2. Guadalajara was ranked as the number 1 gay city in Mexico. Not sure if this is still true. I was there in the early 2000s and definitely thinking about going back. When I was there, there were several gay bars (I didn't go), quite a few saunas, and this was pre-Grindr, so I met a lot of guys on the street. I hung out in a plaza in the central part of town where there's a huge pedestrian area and guys just found me. I also picked up a soldier in the main zocolo. I was younger, and no one asked for money back then. I'm sure with Grindr, you'll be able to meet a lot of people. I don't know about the bars and saunas, but I am assuming they are still there.
  3. I want to know too. I had sex with a security guard in St Marten, he asked for $5 afterwards. He was the guard at the place where I rented an Airbnb. If this guy is a guard at a resort and is available, I would definitely stay there.
  4. I just came back from a trip to Mazatlan. I hesitated to post a trip report because honestly, there were more disappointments than anything. Mazatlan was great, and if you go, be sure to go to Isla de la Piedra - a short boat ride from the port - for lunch and to hang out on the beach. My Airbnb was near the port, so I went there as often as I could. Grindr blew up when I got there. Quite a few guys looking for mature. Most weren't my type. I had a few over, but mostly they were disappointing in one way or another. One guy was fun in bed, but then turned weird and I had to block him. A few others used enhanced photos, or I didn't screen carefully. Towards the end of my trip, I started noticing that people used "apoyo" (help) in their Grindr screen name and in their profile, they said things like "doy apoyo" (I give help). I tried that and met a cute guy from Puerto Vallarta. Most guys seemed okay with 500 pesos. I gave a few a thousand. Normally, they'd ask how much and depending on how much I was into them, I'd offer 500 or 1000 - but that turned out to be a mistake since they ones I offered more money to had enhanced their photos or used someone else's, and were disappointing in person. I also went to the sauna and it was a snoozefest. About 10 guys on a Friday night during Carnival, which was supposed to be a busy time. I stayed about an hour and left. All in all, it was a really great trip. I loved the town and Isla de la Piedra, the weather was perfect, and I had some great food. Sex was plentiful and more innocent than places like Puerto Vallarta where they seem to be professional and charge a lot more. It was worth it for the place itself. The fact that I had any sex at all was a bonus. I love Mexico and now that I'm retired, I plan on going to as many new places as I can. I'll report on any findings, even if it's a disappointment.
  5. I really liked the Dojo-group in Kyoto. A few of the guys I hired are also available in Osaka. Don’t even bother with the form on the website. Just email them to set it up. Almost everyone in Japan speaks limited English. Some will say they don’t speak any, but in my experience, after I spoke a little Japanese to them, they suddenly could also speak some English. And there’s always Google translate. In Tokyo, I used Re:Born and Gym-K. I had amazing sex with guys from both agencies. I wasn’t happy with Tokyo Kids. If you like skinny twinks, you might enjoy it more than me. Have fun. I enjoyed myself so much, I’m planning on going back for two months.
  6. When I was there in 2021, I found a guy on Grindr. You might just try making that your profile. The guy I met started out as a sex hire. He wasn't really a hustler, just a guy with a big dick who needed money. I offered him money if he'd show me around. He took me to the Botero garden, on the metro and up the cable cars as well as some great local places to eat. I forget how much I paid him, but it included sex afterwards and was definitely worth it. He took the job seriously and explained a lot. Anyway, worth a shot. Somebody might want to make some extra money and they could take you to places off the beaten path.
  7. Japan Trip Report: Tokyo - Thermae Yu A few disclaimers: 1. I wrote this trip report on the Narita Express and finished it at Narita Airport and when I submitted it, it disappeared. So I'm writing it again. 2. This is not about a sex venue. But if you want a recommendation for a good sento near ni-chome, read on. For my last day I had planned on going to 24-Kaikan to kill a few hours between when I checked out of my hotel and when I got on the Narita Express. I'd been there on Monday and it was not totally satisfying, more frustrating than anything, and since I had had such a good time with Sakaki-san the day before, I wanted to leave on a high note. I Googled "sentos in Shinjuku" and found Termae-yu. It was one of the best things I did on the trip (that didn't involve sex). You arrive and like everywhere I've been, take off your shoes and put them in a locker. No coins needed for lockers. Then go to reception. You keep your shoe locker key, but they give you another locker key and warn you that there's a charge if you lose either. BTW - they have a no tattoo policy - a few small tattoos that can be covered with bandages are ok, but that's it - sorry. The layout of the place was explained to me, but I was confused. I wanted a massage I'd seen on their website that said a 60-minute massage was equivalent to 8 hours sleep - it was some sort of deep relaxation. I went up to the 2nd floor where they told me oil massages happened and found myself in the men's locker room which opened up to the baths. Eventually, I was able to figure out how to book my massage (with help of a cleaning guy who I was hoping was the masseuse) and went into the bath area to soak beforehand. The bath area has the usual washing areas with plastic stools, soap, shampoo etc. There's a dry sauna, a steam room and several pools indoor, including a carbonated pool (I didn't try it). There's an outdoor area with a pool with water that's shipped in from a hot spring in Izu - good for beautiful skin, digestive disorders, high blood pressure and a whole host of other ailments. There's a beautiful mosaic of Mt. Fuji behind it. The whole place was very nice - looked new, clean, and quite spacious. The clientele was mostly younger men - 18-30ish, with a few older guys, almost all Asian, all in very good shape, so lots of eye candy. I saw one really hot South Asian guy with a gorgeous body and nice cock. There was plenty to look at, but this is not a gay sauna, so no hanky panky or even any cruising that I could tell (one cutie did smile at me though). While I'd hoped for a muscular young guy with smooth skin as my masseuse, instead it was a short Korean woman. Seems Korean women are quite common in spas/onsens. It was billed as "lymphatic drainage" and I don't know what that meant, but it was definitely one of the best massages I've ever had. I was given a pair of disposable panties to wear (they were see through, so ...?), but she was so good and so professional, I really didn't care what she saw - I'm sure she'd seen it all. After my massage and another soak, I discovered that the deep relaxation massage I wanted was on the 3rd floor. Was I told there were massages on the 3rd floor? I don't remember (also Thai massage on B2). I went up, and after some confusion and a lot of help, I was able to book a 60-minute deep relaxation head massage for 2:00. Down to the restaurant for the best ten-zaru soba. The tempura was the best I'd ever had. Fresh, crispy and a nice variety. I went back to the locker room to relax a bit - there's a co-working area as well as a sleep room (I didn't go in). My head massage was deeply relaxing and I dozed off. Great thing to do after lunch. I was now ready for my long flight. I went back, had another soak. It had gotten more crowded than when I first arrived at 11. More young guys - several very hot. I got dressed, paid and left. Total for two massages, lunch and admission - 20,000 yen - about $130 - It's hard to even find a massage for that little here in the Bay Area. They are open 24 hours - on my next trip, I will definitely go post-flight for jetlag relief. Great place to go if you miss the last train and are stranded in Shinjuku. They have a lot of rules you have to agree to when you enter, which include that you have no tattoos (apparently they are experimenting with relaxing this rule for women for "decorative tattoos"), you are not drunk, and no conversation in the baths. It was a check list that I had to check and then sign. Definitely a place to check out if you are looking for a legitimate bath house with a nice hot spring and massage in Shinjuku. I'm sure there are other places as well, but this is where I'll be going from now on. Back home now and missing Japan so much. I lived there in the 90s and didn't realize how prevalent male prostitution was. I remember Kings of College being there, and met a guy on the street once who told me his "type" was guys with money (he charged 10,000 yen to spend the night with me), but now, older, with fewer options, I really appreciated the opportunity to spend time with some really hot Japanese men. While there were a few duds, most of the guys I met were very attractive, and we had great sex. Grindr, while not as reliable as hiring out, was also a source of some good dick. The kinky Italian guy who wanted to fuck his dad seems to have disappeared. He hasn't logged into Grindr for days now and I'm worried that something happened to him. I will definitely be going back and possibly staying longer.
  8. It was very noticeable. I hadn't considered Lunar New Year when I planned this trip. I will from now on.
  9. I wanted the gym room but it wasn’t available. I had a great time!
  10. Trip Report: Tokyo - Re:Born, Sakaki-san First off, apologies for the stupid typos in my reports. I will try to proofread this time before I publish. I’m blaming autocorrect, and hope you can understand what I meant to say. For today I had booked a massage with Re:Born https://reborn-storeinfo.com/ Again, thanks to whoever provided the link. I really wanted a massage before I left, and it sounded like they provided actual erotic massage with happy ending. After checking who was available, I went with Sakaki because he was the closest to what I was looking for, though to be honest I wasn’t totally attracted to him. He looked like he had a beefy body and his cock was big enough - 17cm. He was available in the afternoon and their shop was located at Higashi-Nakano, on the Oedo line, two stops from my subway stop in Nishishinjuku. Cost was 14,000 yen. Apparently I was paying 1,000 extra as a non-resident, and 1,000 for the room even though it was “free”. 14,000 for 70 minutes wasn’t bad. I thought anal wasn’t permitted for anything under 100 minutes, but I guess I’m confusing it with another shop. They sent directions for the JR and when I asked for directions for the Oedo line, they said to use Google Maps (!) Turns out both are at the same station. Directions from the station were clear. My ability to follow directions apparently is lacking and I don’t know the difference between right and left. Fortunately, I’d arrived early because I thought I’d grab a quick bite to eat before my 2 p.m. appointment, but I walked in the wrong direction. When I thought I had arrived at the spot, I was about to take a picture and email them but instead opened Google Maps and checked to see if it would be of any help. It showed me that I had gone the wrong way, and that’s when I realized what left and right were I walked in the other direction and everything they describe was clear. I still had about 30 minutes and there were no restaurants nearby, so I walked slowly to 7-11, got an onigiri and a green tea and ate it in the store. While I was eating my onigiri, a cute guy came in. I was thinking “all Japanese guys look kind of gay”. He looked very serious and a little snobbish, not friendly at all. Maybe he noticed me checking him out and I was making him uncomfortable - understandable. When I finished my snack, I walked slowly towards the location and stopped in a sunny spot to kill a few more minutes. It was very cold and windy, but standing in the sun made it a little less unbearable. They were very clear in the email not to go up more than 5 minutes before the appointment time. At about 1:56, I got on the elevator. I pressed the keyhole and nothing happened. Then I noticed the bell and that worked (it’s these little confusions that keep me entertained when I’m traveling). He opened the door right way. It was the cute boy from 7-11 (you’d already figured that out, right?) He was wearing cute little undies and a tank top.He still seemed serious and not too friendly. I spoke to him in my limited Japanese and then he lightened up a little. We took care of the formalities - payment, mouthwash and then he started the shower and disappeared (he’d gone into the toilet, which was in its own room). I just assumed the shower was for me, so I got in. I was feeling nervous for some reason. When he was done in the toilet, he knocked on the shower door and then came in to join me. He started soaping me up and I could feel his cock start to get hard. He was much cuter in person than in his photos. I think they got him from a bad angle and maybe he was younger and his face was fuller. He had a really cute face, and once he started to smile, he was adorable. Beautiful eyes, nice hair and a perfect body - muscular but not huge, nicely toned, and a back that tapered down to a perfectly hard little ass. His dick was also very nice. Not huge, but bigger than average and nicely thick. I was still nervous though and when he started soaping my cock and I didn’t get hard, his hardon went down, which only made me more nervous. I really thought I was just going to get a massage and a handjob, but now I was afraid I was too nervous to get hard. As we showered, he started kissing me - the sweetest most tender kisses. I soaped him up and enjoyed feeling his hard ass. We played for a bit in the shower and then got ready for my massage. The room was set up like a locker room. There was a locker room bench, a locker, some sports equipment and a few of the costumes that are available. I just wanted him naked, so I didn’t request a costume. At the other end of the room was a futon on the floor. He grabbed a tub of cream (for the massage) and had me like face down on the futon. The massage was actually very good. It didn’t start off great as he was just applying pressure, but once he got going, it was very nice, relaxing and erotic at the same time. When he was massaging my arms, he put cream on my hands and had me play with his cock. He didn’t get hard. I didn’t think it was going to end well. He had me turn over and massaged my legs and kept trying to stimulate me. I might have gotten a little hard. Then he started sucking my cock and amazingly I did get hard.That also got him excited and I could feel his hard cock on my leg. It felt really good. He had excellent oral skills, similar to my other favorite from the other day - Yutaka. I pulled him up towards me and he shoved his cock in my mouth. It was the perfect length and width. Big enough to his the back of my throat but not too big to choke me. He face fucked me for a bit and then I moved him forward so I could eat his ass. He really enjoyed this and was moaning like crazy. Now we were both very hard. I think he may have been aware of time somehow, so he put his cock back in my mouth and started face fucking me again. It was obvious this is how he was going to cum, which he did - a very healthy load down my throat. I was rock hard and able to make myself cum (I kind of wish he’d done it, but also I’m glad things went the way they did). He kept his cock in my throat until I finished. Amazingly, it didn’t take long. We returned to the shower and now he was the friendliest and sweetest guy imaginable. We continued kissing, he complicated my body, told me I was handsome, when I said I liked him, he said he loved me ❤️ (and of course I believed him). We dried off and I started to get dressed. I was worried that I’d overstayed my time. When I asked him “daijoubu?” He pointed to the clock. It was 3:08. I still had two more minutes. He really had timed it perfectly. It was kind of sad leaving and we continued kissing each other until I put my shoes on. Just as I was ready to open the door, he said, “candy?” And pulled a bag of candy out of his backpack. He pulled out three pieces of candy that he put in my hand. It was the perfect sweetness for a perfectly sweet time. If you come to Tokyo, definitely give him a try. During the massage he asked if I was top or bottom. I said “middle” (I’m mostly bottom but I wanted to give a safe answer. When I asked him, he said, “same, but today I’m top”. I was worried he was going to fuck me because I hadn’t prepped, so I’m glad I got a face fucking instead. Oh, I just realized he was speaking some English, even thought at first he said he didn’t speak any. I think he was encouraged by my clumsy Japanese. He was 30 years old, but looked about 25. It was the perfect way to end this trip. I feel so satisfied. I am now regretting my decision to go to the sauna tomorrow to kill time after I check out and before I get on the Narita Express. I’m worried that I’ll leave there feeling frustrated, but maybe I’ll be able to just relax and not try too hard to pursue guys who aren’t interested. Thank you again to all who provided links. I only knew about Tokyo Kids and they were my least favorite of all of the agencies I tried, so I’m glad I had other options, especially in Kyoto, but I had two really hot guys here in Tokyo who left me totally satisfied. Still waiting to hear from the kinky Italian who wants to fuck his dad, but to be honest, I don’t know if I if I have it in me after this afternoon. Daddy is tired.
  11. Trip Report: Tokyo - Tatsuya and 24-Kaikan After my disappointing trip to Deep Throat Men’s, and since nothing was happening on Grindr, I decided to take another chance with one of the boys at gym-k. I’d had such a good time with Yutaka, I thought it was worth another try. https://gym-k.com/sp/ First, I emailed them and said I knew it was late notice and I wanted to know who was available (because that’s what the website said to do) - they responded that the boys are not on call at the shop and that I should check the schedule and let them know who I wanted. They had to contact each boy. (I say boy, but these are mostly MEN.) I wrote back with my top three choices. Number 1 was Tatsuya. I’m not sure why I chose him because normally I go with dick size and body first, and he was definitely not the biggest in either regard. They wrote back and said he could be at my hotel at 10 pm. Then they wrote again and said he’d be here at 8:30. Then they said 8:25. Okay, it was good. Much faster than I had expected. I requested an hour, which mean no anal. I went outside and waited for him. He approached me and spoke fluent English. Turned out he had lived in SoCal for a few years. He was cute. Kind of sporty looking, a little shorter than me, but I had high expectations for his body. It was nice, and for 36 inches great shape, but not as hard a Yutaka. He liked to kiss, which was nice, so after we spoke for a little we made out a lot. His dick was on the small side. It was listed as 16cm, but I think it was smaller than that. It was okay because he really was cute. He said he was 36, but looked like he was in his 20s. We had a nice time together and he came for me, showered and left. Today I decided to go to the sauna early just to check it out. My plan on Wednesday is to check out of my hotel at 11, go to the sauna and spend a few hours there, then come back and get my bags and go to Shinjuku station to get the Narita Express. I figured since I really had nothing else to do, and I’m done with sightseeing, I wanted to see what it was like early in the day. I didn’t get there until a little after 2, so it wasn’t that early, but I was surprised to see two guys going in before me. They looked like regulars, like maybe they even had memberships. The locker room was busy as guys were getting dressed and leaving. Maybe it was a lunchtime rush? Here I thought I was going to have the whole place to myself, and it turned out to be busier than the last time I went after 3. So maybe if I go at 11, it will actually be busy? I seemed to miss a lot of guys who had just left. I ended up playing with one young guy who was obviously into old men. After me, he went off with an older Japanese guy (who looked older than me). This boy was walking around without a towel and had a really nice cock that was semi-hard. We fooled around in the shower. He grabbed my cock and gave me the most aggressive handjob I’d ever had. Youth is great for some things, but I definitely appreciate the experience of an older guy who is able to make me cum. Let’s just say this youngster wasn’t doing it. I turned him around and pressed him up against the shower stall and jerked him off using soap as lubricant (kind of hoping he’d take note). He came quickly and we parted ways. I checked out the upper floor with the beds and several guys were engaged in play. One cutish guy kept going up to people who were having sex and reaching down, I think he was checking to see how big their dicks were. It was kind of weird, intrusive behavior. He had a cute butt, but he wasn’t interested in me. He definitely gave off creepy vibes the more I watched him. After hanging out for a few hours, I left. As soon as I got outside, a “hung top” messaged me and sent photos of a huge cock. He was Asian and his dick was probably 8 inches, very thick and really yummy looking. When I told him I could host, but my hotel was on the other side of Shinjuku, he lost interest. I should have invited him to a love hotel. It was the one that got away. Damn! So for those who asked when the sauna is busy, I discovered that there seems to be a lunchtime rush, and it’s mostly locals. If that’s your thing, go early. Of course, there’s always the chance that they don’t like foreigners, but there may be that one guy who does, and you won’t have any competition. I really didn’t expect to be having this much sex on this trip. I am definitely going to come back.
  12. I used the room at Tokyo kids near Shinjuku Gyoen-mae. It was okay. Nothing fancy. Clean, but what you’d expect. A bed. A shower. A boy.
  13. Japan Trip Report: Tokyo - Deep Throat Men’s It was a lazy Sunday and Grindr was kind of quiet. I wasn’t planning on doing anything but then I made my reservation for the Narita Express for Wednesday and realized I had to go to Shinjuku station to pick up my ticket. Japan really hasn’t figured out a ticketless system yet - why couldn’t they just issue a QR code that I could use to board? Anyway, after that, I decided to head over to 24-Kaikan (the sauna) in ni-chome, but on my way, I remembered Deep Throat Men’s. I was curious, and liked the idea of just sucking and not having to undress, wash, and all of that. I found the link here and headed in the opposite direction. https://www.dt-men.com/ If anyone wants to go (I’d say don’t bother) - it’s down the street alongside the Shinjuku Prince Hotel - across from the Seibu-Shinjuku station. You have to walk the equivalent of a few blocks. The directions don’t seem clear, but actually they are (Google Maps is the problem). It is right across from Hang Out and Hang Over (but Google Maps brought me inside the station when I tried using that as my destination). Once I found it, I went up to the third floor. When you enter, you choose your level 1 or 2. 1 includes a soft drink. 2 includes alcohol. I saw people with glowing wrist bands, so maybe they were level 2. I never got my soft drink. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to do that. I went inside and put my things in my locker. Nice that they provide lockers because it was really hot inside. A few guys were sitting at a small bar on the other side of the curtain in the entry. And a few more guys were standing in the little hallway leading back to the cruising area. It’s small. There were two booths with a glory hole between them and glory holes on the outside. Another small area with mirrors and then a very dark area in the back. One booth has a door that closes but doesn’t lock. The other has a a curtain. I peeked through the curtain and what looked like a really hot young guy who had his pants down and ass exposed was getting a blow job. I went back to the dark area and couldn’t see anything because my eyes hadn’t adjusted. Someone touched my crotch and I touched his. He was hard as a rock. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It was small (average Japanese size), but thick and very hard. I decided since we’d gone that far, I might as well suck him. He also had me play with his nipples. It didn’t take him long to cum. And that was it. The two guys in the booth continued playing with each other and it looked like they switched roles. The other guys kept pacing the narrow hallway as if there was something new to see. The music was annoying and it was really hot. I stayed about 30 minutes and couldn’t take anymore. I figured everyone there was a bottom and if a top did come, I probably wouldn’t have a chance unless he was into white daddies. I was curious about Crew, the place mentioned on the Deep Throat website that is on the fourth floor, so I went upstairs. A guy was standing outside. I opened the door and looked inside and was very confused. There seemed to be an entry fee and it smelled like a sauna. I thought it was like a video arcade with booths and hustlers and really just wanted to see what was going on, but someone told me to wait outside and I realized the guy standing outside was next in line. As I was leaving, someone came up to me and used a translator app to tell me to wait outside. I said I wasn’t interested. Then he told me to go into Deep Throat Men’s. Turned out he was interested in me, but since I’d just left, I wasn’t going back. As I left, I got a message from Grindr from a Canadian guy who had contacted me earlier. He had just checked into his hotel. Long story short, I was catfished. He sent me a photo of a really nice cock. When I got to his hotel, he was very small, and he kept asking if I wanted to do more than suck, even though my Grindr profile makes it clear what I will do on the first date (I’m not going to go through all of the trouble of prepping until I see what a guy has to offer). I sucked him for a bit, but finally said, “you know, you sent me a different photo, this isn’t going to work” - it wasn’t so much that he was small, it was that he lied that was really getting to me. As I was getting dressed, I saw him hit something on his phone. When I got outside, I opened our chat and the photo disappeared right before my eyes. I asked him why he deleted the photo. He said it was still there. It wasn’t. So now he was lying on top of a lie. Fortunately, Japanese guys seem to be pretty honest, so my guard was down. I contacted the Monster Cock site and tried to set up a massage for tomorrow with the guy with the biggest dick. I mean, they are not really monster, but big enough. On the website it said he was available from 10:30. I asked for an 11 a.m. massage. They got back to me and said he was not available until 6 and it would be 23,000 yen. Apparently none of the discounts apply to foreigners. It was too much and I was glad I had an out. If I was going to spend that much money, I’d rather go with the guy I had yesterday who was so satisfying. All is not lost. A kinky Italian guy messaged me from Osaka saying he would be in Tokyo on Tuesday. His message says it all: “I like to feel like you’re my father, to be your son. Deep tongue kisses, penetrations from son to father, that you suck my dick as if you were my father.” There are advantages to growing old, even if I don’t get this fetish, I’m happy to oblige. It will be a nice send off for my final day in Japan.
  14. Yes, so one is Tokyo Kids, located near Shinjuku-Gyoenmae, and other is Ni-Chome Kids, located in Ni-Chome near the BYGS building. When I went to Tokyo Kids, I thought I was going to the other one and got confused. Fortunately, I was early.
  15. I found this on one of the sites. https://butt-massage.jimdofree.com/やさしいシャワ浣の仕方/ i brought a bulb with me which I use first and then do the shower douche to make sure I’m totally clean. They have hoses in the toilet at tge sauna in Shinjuku.
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