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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. 18-30 is good for me. I'm in my 30s. Just to answer your question. Sounds to me like you shop on age. True colours bro.
  2. Anyone over 50 years old chasing 18 year olds for sex, is a nonce in denial. Watching guys in their late 70s lurching the streets looking for something young to touch up... Cmon. This whole thread is disgusting. If you are an adult, you sleep with adults.
  3. Yeah, we really do. We just didn't talk to you. You really think expats live lives alone without friends?
  4. Stop being sour. Your type are not welcome.
  5. From what I have been told by people with many years on me, it's always been this way.
  6. Be careful who you talk to and what you share with people in these areas. Take what your told with a grain of salt, and keep the default position that most people are lying through their teeth or thinking of a way to take advantage of you. If you want to make friends, don't do it in bars. At least not "commercial" bars. Most of my friends these days do things outside of bars. As do other groups of expats I see regularly getting coffee with the same group of guys, ect. Then again, my main social circle isn't all gay, or all male. Just expats, most of which have jobs or businesses here.
  7. I'm looking forward to the angry faces of 10,000 Russians shopping for lunch, while 200 ABC+ pride folks try push past them. I'm sure someone will catch it on video.
  8. I don't go to bars to pick up boys. I spend money on drinks. And the bar I frequent doesn't really have any boys anyway.
  9. Wouldn't suit me. I like to go window shopping first, then message them on the apps after I have seen they look like their photos.
  10. I don't disagree with you at all. I only frequent one bar there, who probably is the only one making a profit. His rent is low, as it's not owned by the complex. The rest are closing. As I warned a few weeks ago, mass closures were coming. Now it's happening. BC Bar (closed) Double Shot (closed) Lambada Bar (closed) Divarium Bar (closing in 3 days) 4T Bar (closing) Rumours circulating about 3 more, but I won't say anything if I don't have the facts. These are just the ones I know about in the last couple of weeks. I estimate Jomtien Complex will be gone in a year or 2. That being said, I think it will just migrate to another soi. One with a more sensible landlord.
  11. And you assume everyone on this website is a tourist to Thailand. Ooop. The predominant reason the tourists on this website visit Thailand is to save money. They can fuck an Asian guy at home. It would just cost them more. Most threads here descend into conversations over "price". If you're loaded you in the wrong place. Then again, if you were, why would you need this place?
  12. Tops are selling LGBT Ice-creams. Ironically, they are STAWBERRY flavour. For anyone who knows any Thai slang, it's funny as fuck.
  13. The event was organised by SWING with participation of Jomtien Complex, and the businesses within, plus a few external ones. Besides a broken sign on the top of the street, which I am told is being taken down, there was no "SuperTown" sponsorship or involvement with Pride. Another failed Thai project, thank fuck. Sounds like a theme park for special needs kids. There was even a part of the parade with a ladyboy massage shop. Although I am not sure where in Jomtien/Pattaya they were located. They were on foot behind the truck I was on. While you are correct, I didn't see any BoyzTown business involved, I saw many boys from that area both in the parade and enjoying the festivities. If all the boys and staff are there enjoying it, I don't really care about the participation of the Chinese serving establishments. It was a great day, and a really good boost for Jomtien Complex bar owners.
  14. https://mikepattayataxi.com @floridarob put me onto these guys about 7-8 years ago when I travelled with him from Bangkok on my first trip to Pattaya. I have used them exclusively ever since and never been let down. I often get upgrades, especially when coming from Bangkok to Pattaya. 50+ trips, never an issue. In 2019 I even got to ride from the airport to Pattaya with the boss and his daughter. She spoke great English and it was great to learn about their business. Free water is provided, and you can request a stop at a service area with no issue. I seem to remember me and @floridarob stopping off for a McDonalds once 555.
  15. What is an enlightened one? What is an FTM? and a "bulliers" ? Who the hell are you? I've really never heard such garbage in my life. Do you speak English? I live in Thailand and I can tell you how things work here. As for where you live, I don't give 2 shits. You sound American, so a shithole terrorist state ran by a rotting deranged grandad. Enjoy.
  16. Not sure that's fair. A few bars have a large number of regulars every night. But they are your expats, and expats generally have 1 or 2 places they frequent. Cocka2 Bar usually has a good group sat with the owner Rob, myself sometimes included. Wednesdays gets people out trying to win the bingo at home bar. It's not all doom and gloom. You are correct though, some bars have 1 or less customers pretty much every night. There are a raft of closures coming in the very near future. But then again, new bars are opening too! No bars in the complex have a bar license. They can't get one as it's not classed as an "entertainment zone". But brown envelopes reach the right pockets on a monthly basis to keep the doors open.
  17. Dolce Vita is for sale yes. Toto also has the poolside restaurant at 2B, but I believe doesn't pay rent. The building can't get anyone in there, so gave it away. I recently moved out of VT 2B, mainly because its a shit hole and needs knocking down. Fun Size Bar, formally Lambada Bar, was constructed in the motorbike parking area next to Dolce Vita, and they also built a cannabis shop behind it in what we call Dog Shit Alley. The cannabis shop lasted about a month before closing down. Lambada Bar was about 3 months. He was trying to sell it, but in the end it didn't sell, the Complex took control back after defaulted rent and the new American guy took it. James was Iranian. As for a nice guy, that's for each to have their own opinion. All I will say is, I never went anywhere near Lambada Bar, neither did anyone else.
  18. It's called Fun Size Bar. There were about 12 customers for their Grand Opening. I attended briefly. American owner, Golf is running it for his sponsor. They were giving out 1 free drink per customer, so that was the draw. I counted 3 staff, and the boss. None of which I would consider Fun Size, whatever that means? Perhaps it refers to the staff having small dicks? They took over the location of the short lived Lambada Bar. The owner James did a runner after his bar never taking off at all. That was for multiple reasons, but hopefully the new owners will be better.
  19. Ladyboys are kathoey, and they use that term themselves. I have a couple of ladyboy friends who would likely beat your head in with their high heels if you called them transgender. I'd suggest keeping your mouth closed talking about issues you clearly have no idea about. No idea how US politics has anything to do with some violent cross-dressers in Thailand, but hey, you get to throw your toys out the pram hey!
  20. I hope this is the case. In 24 hours or so I assume we will see the details. As with all things related to Thai Visas, I never get my hopes up. It always has, and always will be a pain in the ass.
  21. I've heard that it's going to involve a "bond" payment of 300-400k, much like that retirement VISA. Also the requirement for a degree. I know a fair few remote workers, only 1 of which attended university. As you said, there are plenty of options already for remote workers. Mainly ED Visas, or more legitimately going through a company like UnionSpace and obtaining a work permit and paying tax.
  22. You get what you pay for I guess. Living in Pattaya I have seen rent prices increase, and I put that on the influx of Russians pushing up demand. Having said that, it's only about 20% higher then pre-covid, but 50% higher than post covid. 7-11 has seen massive increases, which doesn't effect me as much as it does the Thai people. Then again, Thai's are smart and use the markets, which have seen smaller price increases. I have to say though, the price of Durian is sickening. It shocks me to see Thai people flocking to these pop-up Durian shops and spending a fortune on the stuff. Luckily I can't stand it. The same can't be said about the boyfriend.... As for boys and bars, yeah it's getting very expensive for visitors. 100-120b in Jomtien Complex for a bottle of Chang is just wrong. I refuse to pay it. Walk 50 meters to the main road and the girly bars sell for 55-60 baht. It's just ripping off the gay tourists. Most expats I spend time with, who are generally not retired but work here, buy bottles of whiskey/vodka/gin and that keeps their prices down. You can also give boys drinks from your bottle, which doesn't class as a boy drink. But still tip them if you're getting them drunk! As for boys, well, pay what you want. As said in another thread recently, there are some pretentious little queens running round demanding 4k ST. I'm sure some are paying it, good for them. There are other boys just as cute who will run to your condo for 1000 baht. Especially now in low season. It's very quiet around here. I personally am spending a lot less time in bars as life is getting busy for me. Often when I do go out, I find myself in places that are not "boy bars" and have just as much fun. It's surprising how available boys are in Pattaya when you learn enough Thai to engage with them. That cute waiter in the restaurant you like, good chance he will come to your room after work! Anyway, pay what you want or don't. It's your journey. Be like the Russians and sit on the steps of 7-11 with a bottle of Chang.
  23. I know the exact boy being written about here, and I wouldn't touch that filth with a barge pole, and that's saying a lot.
  24. Well that reply was about as useful as the vagina flavour cardboard "chips" that old bloke sell in Jomtien Complex. Who the fuck is Ian?
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