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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. gayinpattaya


    Same shareholders. Same bullshit.
  2. He certainly took ID cards, and had them sign a model release form. The platforms he publishes on require copies of these under US law. Standard 18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements.
  3. Very true, but stalkers and ex-lovers have been known to murder before. Some people will go to any lengths. Either way it's a good reminder to all to be in control of your digital security.
  4. Nope. He isn't me. I'm in my 30s, brown hair.
  5. Next time you are in Pattaya, ask a taxi to take you to Supertown Complex, or whatever the guy said in the other post. They will look at your like you're a moron. I just don't want first time visitors here to get messed up because some idiot online miss-informed them. For any visitor jumping on a motorbike taxi ect, you only need to say jomtien-com-plek (no X in thai)
  6. gayinpattaya


    Why? Al Jazeera support terrorism. So do CNN. No difference at this point.
  7. These are the type of crimes that concern me. While I wouldn't question his guilt or innocence, how is it proven that he himself send these files over the internet? Is there a witness? How many people have access to your WIFI network? Reminds one to keep security up. It would be very easy to frame a crime like this. Not saying someone did.
  8. There are a number of bar owners making a profit and living a good life in Jomtien Complex. I respect them for their dedication to their businesses. It can't be said for all....
  9. Well that's easy, they all want a small fortune. They just didn't realise they needed to start with a large fortune.
  10. Might be. As I said I don't know him, I just know who he is by sight.
  11. That's a different Bill. He frequents Cocka2 Bar every night of the week, usually around 10pm. I don't know him personally but I am told he's a nice guy.
  12. Not sure where you heard that. Perhaps the reason sunee operators won't come to Jomtien complex is A. because gogo bars are not allowed and B. You can rent a bar in Sunee Plaza for 3000b pcm. A number of bars in Jomtien complex are paying 70,000b+ pcm.
  13. Incorrect. It WAS BC Bar, the old guy sitting out front was Bill. Now closed
  14. Give me some time and I will write some information on this, but keep in mind it will be from my perspective. Others may see things differently.
  15. New news. Dorothys Bar closed yesterday. I believe someone has already taken the lease, but that's not 100%.
  16. They have a procedure now for about 80,000 baht where they pull out your ass hair and "implant" it into you bald patches. I know a guy who had it done.
  17. Currently, I am aware the following bars are for sale:- Dorothy's Showbar There are a number of other bars that will sell if they got the right price. Ask the owners. Currently the following locations are available for rent, using their former names:- BC Bar (no key money just take over the lease) Divarium (no key money just take over the lease) Dolce Vita (not sure on the terms) The pool bar opposite Cocka2 Bar (600,000b key money) There maybe more, but if someone seriously wanted to open a bar, it would be pretty easy. Just pop into the Jomtien Complex Office (located next to the former Cafe John) and enquire.
  18. My ex was so handsome last year. Now, vile. Yellow/green attempt at blond hair and 2 terrible tattoos. I'm not anti-tattoo, I like them. But sometimes tattoos just looks cheap and terrible.
  19. Yeah... Err. So a city of over a million people... Every male is a moneyboy? I've never heard such rubbish in my life. I have a bunch of Thai male friends, none of them are money boys. They have real jobs and live real lives. You would be closer to the truth saying "jomtien complex and boyztown is all moneyboys"... But even then you would be wrong.
  20. I know a couple or regularly walk from Jomtien (view talay 2) all the way to Terminal 21. They stop for lunch, have a massage, then make their way back on food, stopping for beers as they walk down Soi Baukhow. Must be a good 12km.
  21. Looks like Bic C. If they shopped at local expat shops, this can of beans is around 119 baht. I believe that's the price at The Pantry in Jomtien. I picked up a can of Branston Bakes Beans, which I prefer (they are less sweetened), for 89 baht the other day.
  22. I really hate agreeing with you lol
  23. I walked through the other night. Pitch black, not a soul in sight. Felt like a horror movie. No boys on the stage in Winner. 5 boys in Nice Boys. Make of it what you will. Pattaya is very very quiet right now.
  24. When in Pattaya, I would advise avoiding BoyzTown and Sunee Plaza at this point. Sunee is dead. BoyzTown's only activity is really Chinese women. If you want to see the gay life in Pattaya, go to Jomtien Complex. Avoid using the term "Super Town". Nobody who actually lives here knows what that is. No taxi drivers have any idea. Just a term coined by a few creepy tourists. You should be able to find all the information you need at the official website, www.jomtiencomplex.com
  25. Well at least I know who you are now. That's a relief.
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