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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. That's really great news. I will try to make it up there as soon as possible.
  2. Your best bet and likely only option in Pattaya will be Boyz Boyz Boyz in Boyztown, but expect a lot of tattoos ( and screaming women ). If tattoos were not a problem for you, the rough trade at Nice Boys (Sunee) might be an option. Jomtien has predominantly twinks, most of which are Lao & Khmer, and most have darker tans. They are not rich Bangkok boys! There are exceptions, but very few, and even then they wouldn't be what you are looking for. The only other thing I can think of, if you don't mind a late night, is go to volleyball (Dongtan Beach) at about 2am. There are usually a few hundreds boys there. Many are available. Dragon Man Club has what you are looking for, but I have no idea how that place operates. Not sure you can off the guys, buy maybe? Anyway, good luck and have fun! If nothing else, Pattaya is a great place to visit.
  3. Damn, when did A-Bomb re-open? It was all boarded up the other day, I was told permanently!
  4. No. There hasn't been any serious flooding. It's been mostly dry for a while now.
  5. For a person who posts extensively about their inability to fuck prostitutes every night while in Pattaya, I get the impression you know very little about this area of Thailand, outside of a few sois. Chonburi is a fantastic area for people to retire. There are golf courses, beaches, social clubs. For younger guys there are sports teams. The variety of food options and restaurants is world-leading. It really is endless. If you go down the coast past Rayong, the snow-birds are there in their tens of thousands. It really is beautiful and they live fantastic lives. Us expats look at you tourists, just as you look at us expats. We all have our reasons for being here. I know many expats who frequent Jomtien Complex every week, but even those without long term boyfriends are not looking for a "short time" every night. Jomtien Complex is becoming more "gay bars" and less "boy bars" by the day. You can pay for a prostitute in most countries in the world. I am not sure it's a good reason to retire abroad. Just my 2c.
  6. And that is why rooms have safety deposit boxes. The rooms that don't should be avoided. At some point we all learned the hard way.
  7. If this happened in a Gogo bar, it's very unusual and I agree with the OP, not good at all. However, if this happened somewhere like Jomtien Complex, I think it's important to remember where you are. A very insightful British tourist said last week while chatting at @home bar, that often Jomtien Complex feels like a social club. While 20-30% of people here at the moment may be tourists, the vast majority are expats who are in the same bars, with the same customers and same boys, most days, if not all days of the week. While not the case here, it's also important to mention that a large number of Asians who drink in Jomtien Complex are not there working, but out for a drink after work. Although many will quickly become a freelancer for the right price. Jomtien Complex is largely an expat location. Hopefully a busy high season can change that. Over the covid period, many expats kept these boys fed and housed (those that couldn't go home). I am still aware of a good number of Complex boys who are still living with farang, but working the bars at night. I personally am very friendly with a few boys in Jomtien, drink with them often, but it will never be anything more than that (they are not working there). Would be interesting to know what the boys story is, if you see him again. Either way, I hope this doesn't happen to you again.
  8. Right? I'm going to ask Doug for my own seat, so I never have to leave.
  9. I can assure you Doug, the owner of Toolbox has no intention of opening a bar in BoyzTown. The dancer you met is a lovely guy who I believe will be arriving in Pattaya very soon, as with many of the Toolbox boys & dancers. One arrived yesterday. Toolbox was the best bar in Cambodia, probably Asia. Anyone excited for it's return should be looking in the direction of Jomtien Complex. Quite honestly, I can't wait and I really hope it happens very soon.
  10. Toy Boy is open - With new signage/name. But locations, staff, ect are all the same as before.
  11. There is a new app named BOLT. It's like Uber, but super cheap. You can get air conditioned cars around Pattaya for 1/2 the price of a motorbike taxi.
  12. Jomtien Complex has changed a lot in 3 1/2 years with many new bars, pop-up bars and cafes. I was pleasantly surprised. Having said that, some things, never change. Home Bar is still the same and Zack sits in the same spot each night. Cocka2 is still operating, although that top end of the Soi can get a little too noisy with bars fighting for music dominance. There are actually more bars now than there have ever been. 69 Bar and B.N Bar (Big Nuts Bar) both opened this month.
  13. I like BLUED the best
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