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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. You should come to Pattaya. I haven't put a mask on once for 2 months now. It's over.
  2. I would just like to add, I really miss Screw Boy... damn.
  3. It's open. Left with a handsome boy 2 days ago, and we went to Cafe Blu at Arcadia Beach right next door. Anyone who has contact with the owner should really suggest allowing free entrance to boys under 25. Just add 20 baht for farang if needed.
  4. This is nonsense. I lived in Bangkok and was well acquainted with the Ha Tinh boys 5 years ago. I used to sit at Red Dragon (outside screwboy) till the early hours multiple times a week. They are all from the same province. They won't take shit. But if you show them respect, it will be returned. I am unsure why the OP is so hateful. I found them to be some of the more honest, no bullshit people to spend time with.
  5. That's not the correct way to say it. But if you are a tourist talking to a bar boy it doesn't matter. He will smile and say yes till you open your wallet and pay him.
  6. Make your mind up. In your original post, you said propositioning a bell boy for some fun. Now, you have changed to offering random people in a 3rd world country money to suck your dick. These are very, very different things. My advice was sound. You articulated badly.
  7. 2023... 1. 3 month motorbike adventure in Vietnam (Hanoi to Saigon) 2. Open business in Pattaya (not a bar) 3. Reach my goal of becoming fluent in Bangkok Thai. If you want to fuck the bellboy or motorbike taxi driver, just ask. Really.
  8. Cannabis was decriminalised. It's not legal to walk around smoking it. A couple of bars in Jomtien Complex are allowing customers to smoke there. More bars are not allowing it. I have no interest, but others can do as they wish. I smell it everyday now, but I don't worry so much. My only concern is it will attract the wrong type of people.
  9. I had a Thai boyfriend in 2018 (not a bar boy). We broke up but stayed friends and had fun sometimes. We had friends in common so would still regularly go to Sinlapin Issan ect. We were separated during COVID as I was no longer living in Thailand. \ 6 week before my return to Thailand we were talking most days, excited to reunite. 4 weeks before my return, he went silent. His friends told me drugs, but I never saw him take drugs. He was a hard working young man. He died. He was 28. ============ Yes these things happen in Thailand. But the country has little effect on how much it hurts. I'm sorry you lost your friend. Just writing this has me in streaming tears.
  10. It really is in one of the most dumpy areas of Pattaya. I would strongly advise looking elsewhere.
  11. The owner mentioned doesn't make a profit. But some people have enough money to run them as a hobby.
  12. double post....
  13. Well, some venues pay their rent to the Jomtien Complex *office is just down from The Agate*. Others pay the building owners as some of the complex is privately owned. The complex is a racked. The rents are disgustingly high, and go up year on year. They will eventually destroy the complex, which will be a shame. I know of one complex owned bar now paying 75,000 Baht a month rent. And that doesn't include extra payments for use of outside space on the road. As for the land under the complex, I don't know the history but it is still zoned as residential because of either the proximity to Royal land, or it is actually royal land.
  14. Zack (@homebar) explained to me that the reason they won't re-zone the complex from a residential zone to entertainment, thus allowing gogo bars, is because the complex is actually sitting on "royal land" due to a royal residence Pratumnak way.
  15. The shop is not important. Walk past them all until you find a boy you want. Then go into that stop. If you dislike the shop, pay to take him home, and do it there.
  16. That's how I see it. A scam is a trap, a trick. Something unexpected. I don't believe for a second anyone on this forum flew to Thailand and was surprised to learn there was such a thing as a "moneyboy". We all know what we are choosing to engage in.
  17. Delta in 2021. Omicron is Feb 2022. Never did masks. Never vaxed. Arrived back in Thailand in May. Have been challenged once over a mask. Walked out. No my behaviour hasn't changed. I wash my hands when I arrive home and before eating. When I had a sniffle last week, I stayed at home to be socially responsible. It's nice to report that aside from the odd returning tourist who brings it up, this COVID stuff is long gone in Jomtien. The complex feels as it did in 2019, just a little quieter.
  18. I thought after only 7 years experience of Thailand (Living here full time for 5 years) I was still naive when it comes to boys and their games. While I don't know @Gaybuttonpersonally, he seems to be the voice of reason around here. Generally speaking I don't believe these boys are trying to scam you. They are trying to work your feelings and lust to earn money, too pull themselves out of poverty. Are the Khmer boys different? Yes - They still do it with a smile.
  19. Yeah. I dropped enough info here on how to find it. The website has been around for 15+ years. Most members here will have heard of it.
  20. We all have a type! Keeps things interesting. In fact, if any of you know the adult video site private***movie (I'm not sure on the rules with linking, but if you know you know). The barman at Divarium was the latest 4K video (blond hair). This site is blocked in Thailand though, a VPN would be required.
  21. If little Winnie has started that at Divarium, that's crazy. Might explain why his bar has been empty every night for the last 3 weeks. Still, I would ignore him and make your own arrangements with the boy. I won't deal with people acting like "pimps". Having said that, he only has 4-5 boys working for him, and not the best lookers in Jomtien Complex by any stretch. I have a feeling it might have not been the bar, but instead something dodgy with that god awful mamasan he employs (the one that looks like a soi dog and begs for drinks).
  22. Everything said here is 100% spot on. I had a real world example of this recently. I always had the rule, don't shit where you eat. 2 months ago I broke that rule, and took a boy from a bar I visit almost daily. We had a short time and 1 long time in a week, and I was kind of done. I told him I wasn't looking for anything serious. But he made it clear he was. He turned on his stalker mode. The next week was a mix of begging on LINE, and overly affectionate when I was in the bar, to the point of annoyance. He knew what he was doing. I didn't play along, just waited for him to get bored. A week later, it has devolved to dirty looks from across the bar. That lasted a week. For the last week or so, he doesn't even make eye contact with me. I no longer exist to him. He's moved onto new targets. If you are a regular at M2M, and there is an issue, just pull Beer aside (the cashier with the cap) and mention something, tactfully. Having said that, as GayButton said, I don't think it will be needed. Just smile and carry on with your routine.
  23. The new roof on Jomtien Complex will ruin any chance of a New Years from the past. The fireworks from the bridges were always great. But I sincerely hope that Jomtien Complex can have a huge Christmas and New Year. The expats/tourists need it, just as much as the bar owners!
  24. I know a 25 year old ripped Burmese boy who works at a car wash in the day who I think you would like an introduction to. He hangs around 69 Bar in Jomtien Complex, but doesn't officially work there.
  25. My only suggestion is to go to Jomtien Complex just to see were the gay scene is really thriving now. Grab a beer and watch the madness. Bars like as @home bar & cocka2bar always have groups of expats and visitors happy to talk to new guys. You may even find yourself talking to me! Have your fun first though. One must prioritise.
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