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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. Sunee is dead. I agree it's not worth the visit. Winner Boy's grand re-opening was not so grand. If you want a nice restaurant, look at Cafe Blu. Yupins is over-rated, total slop if you ask me. Poseidon is very good but you may have to book. They get very busy. It's well deserved. BoyzTown is dead. Been a few times recently. Pikki Bar is the only busy bar, and again it's well deserved. The boys are treated well (paid 100baht for boy drinks) and it's a welcoming and fun atmosphere. ToyBoy have bumped their prices again. It's now 280 baht for any drink (including a bottle of water). 1 or 2 twinks and a bunch of fat aging taxi drivers. A friend of mine stormed out the other day when instead of being served a JD and coke, he was given Blend 285 with what we presume was some sugar. Disgraceful behaviour. We were a group of 4, who have been regulars for many years. All of us have said we will never return to ToyBoy. I have heard many expats reporting a great time in DreamBoy, with 30+ boys on stage. That may well be worth a visit. The fact is, Jomtien Complex is where it's at now. Tonight (Loy Krathong) it was packed. In the last week there are SO MANY new boys around, it's a great time to be in Jomtien Complex. Enjoy your trip!
  2. Really? Not what I saw.
  3. A number of boys have told me that they never go with Indian customers. One boy told me an Indian customer got very angry trying to haggle down the pre-agreed tip after the act. I know if I was a bar owner, I simply wouldn't allow them in - more to protect the boys than anything else.
  4. You're over thinking the whole thing. If a bar boy calls you a butterfly, he isn't being kind to you. He's pissed off you wont be paying him more money to see him again, but another boy instead. Boys here can be very direct with their words. You get used to it. As for friends, you won't get any issues out and about. It may well happen that some boys wont go with you if you have been with their best friend the night before. But that's on the boy and nothing for you to worry about. Just smile and move on. You may be new to boy bars, but the boys here have seen it all 100 times before. Agree on activities and money before you leave the bar, and keep your word. Really, that's all the boys want you to do. They are working after all.
  5. But most of them dog ugly.
  6. If you are drinking chang/leo/singha bottles, 100b is the highest you will pay. The Venue and M2M are higher because of the shows. If you drink Tiger or Heineken you may pay a 10b to 20b baht premium in bars. @home bar, 4T Bar and Cocka2 bar serve draft Chang beer. Glasses are 70-75 baht. 1 Litre Jugs 170-200 baht and towers (3 litres) are 600+ (depending on the bar). @homebar is the most expensive. It's the expat centric bars that serve draft beer. The tourist bars can't get through a keg quick enough before it ruins (3 days).
  7. I don't think they are trying to do anything more than increase their profit margins. Bribes are up, rents are going up. While it might sound insensitive, nobody running a bar in Jomtien Complex comes from a business background. I know of a truck driver, a janitor, ect ect. This may be changing with the new JEWEL bar. Or maybe he will just leave it to his boy to turn into another Asian party bar. Every new bar copies the bar next door. There is not new ideas. No ingenuity. Same shit uncomfortable furniture. Same overprices warm beer. Same fake liquor (spirits). More disinterested boys because the bar owners don't pay them a salary and expect them to work for free. Hopefully things will change. My hopes are on a Toolbox 2.0!
  8. Probably worth mentioning that 4-6 boys from Toolbox are in Jomtien Complex now. A couple at @home bar. 69 Bar. They are on another level of sexy.
  9. Ask the guy who doesn't remember? Chinese. That's what happened. The whole street is being knocked down for more Chinese construction. The landlord of Toolbox wouldn't renew the lease. Toolbox survived COVID.. but It couldn't survive gentrification.
  10. Dragon has increased off fees (I heard 400) and expected tips. Divirium minimum tip is 1500. Times are changing.
  11. I know 2 bars for sale for 5 million. One building recently sold for 12 million, and a bar (just the business and lease) recently sold for 2 million.
  12. Doug is yet to make a move on a new bar. Many of us are praying he does something soon. The complex needs something new. The old formula is failing. As for drink price fixing. Yes, one farang bar owner tried to fix drink prices at 100 baht / beer. Some bars went along with it, others didn't. Complex prices are getting stupid, when you can walk 20 meters to one of the newer "pop up" bars and pay 30 - 40% less for drinks. Greed will be many bars downfall.
  13. Europe is crumbling. I will never go back. If I look at the likes of Biden, Justin Trudeau, Lizz Truss, the horse face cunt in NZ. The west is pathetic. These people are criminals and scum. However this new world turns out, I will be on the side of China/Russia and their allies. To everyone else, enjoy your energy bills.
  14. The USA is the bully. The rest of the world need to stop appeasing warmongers. This is all caused by NATO's advance east. I am 100% anti-war. I feel great sorrow in the suffering of the civilians in Ukraine. If as a species we found a better way to organise ourselves, maybe all this pointless killing could be avoided.
  15. You are entitled to your opinion. I am mine. The US / EU and UK governments I regard as criminal filth. I would condemn them before any other global leaders. While Thailand may be corrupt, it has nothing on Ukraine (which most under 40s can't even point to on a map). Follow the money. The scum then (30s,40s), are being funded by the same people as the scum now.
  16. I feel far safer living in a country that abstained. Don't poke the bear!
  17. Cafe Blu Seeland. The Kebabist All the previous suggestions are years old. There are some fantastic places to eat if you will pay for it. Des Amis is what it is. No tourist will eat there every night.
  18. I believe as of today, October 1st, Thailand is open to all visitors, regardless of vaccine status. Back to pre-covid normality. The emergency decree is over.
  19. No, they don't. They only put the mask on when they leave with a farang. It's a good disguise.
  20. Will see you soon at at Cocka2. You will be the only masked person. Or did you change your flights for 2023? Covid is all over Pattaya. Everyone has a sniffle. Maybe cancel the flight.
  21. no? You choose how to live your life. I will choose how to live mine.
  22. I spent a year living in Bangkok in 2015-2016. There were days that I put on a pollution filter mask. But they are very different than anything medical. You can buy packs of replacement filters in 7-11 that you chance each day. They might still sell them. I don't know. I don't live in Bangkok anymore.
  23. BOLT is great. @Gaybutton continues to be a voice of knowledge on everything Pattaya. Alternatively, hire a motorbike. That's how most of us get around.
  24. In Pattaya, I haven't worn one at all in 2 months. It's a thing of the past. I was in a Pharmacy yesterday and the nice lady smiled, and I could see it! Fantastic. A few of us expats commented the other night that were was only 1 "expat" who walks through Jomtien Complex masked up. He stands out like a sore thumb. It is true that maybe 50-70% of Thais are still wearing them indoors (shopping malls, ect). Take a short walk through Central, and you won't see many, if any foreigners with one. Having said all this, I hear in Bangkok it's very different and mask use is still near universal. A good reason to stay away from Bangkok.
  25. And? People will continue to catch a cold for the rest of time. I couldn't give 2 fucks.
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