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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. You need a letter of residence, not a residence card. You can get one of these from Immigration.
  2. Urwin was on one tonight! Double Shot is great. The boy with the longer hair, skinny. He is a lot of fun! Speaking to other bars owners this was the best Saturday / weekend since covid. Bars were packed. Boys were being bar fined all over. The complex was alive again. I had my best night out since 2019. Just a shame the police had to turn up and close everyone at 1:45am. Great way to welcome back tourism. Shove flashing red lights, guns and flashlights in their faces. Well done BIB! I guess it's important to remember that after 2am, in a bar, you catch covid. Idiots.
  3. This assumption could land you in hot water. I know many Thai's who go for a drink in Jomtien Complex after work and such. None of them have any interest in being "offed" by an old farang. They are customers just as we are. Double Shot boys can be offed, but as you said, they are straight. You wont be fucking them! I hear reports that many of them are duds (can't keep it up with a man). It was only yesterday I was talking to a friend and he mentioned the time he was walking through Jomtien Complex with his boyfriend, and some old farang touched his boyfriends ass. The boyfriend turned around and walloped him. Classic.
  4. Who is responsible for the confusion? Well.. 2 doors down from the Agate Hotel, is the "Jomtien Complex Office" (that's the name). They are the knife in the back for all bar owners in the complex. I had to deal with them once and it was a fucking nightmare. These are the morons who decided to put that stupid roof over the complex, with floods the upper level when it rains causing drips and leaks into all the bars below when it rains and in hot season makes the whole street a fucking sauna. These are also the morons who, without talking to any business owners, came up with "SUPERTOWN" and put big signs on the entrances. SUPERTOWN has been snubbled by all the business owners in the complex. Many actually put "Jomtien Complex" on the signs to their bars as a bigger protest. As for the website "gaysupertown.com" ... This is the hobby of "Banjo Jim". He's a cheap charlie who walks around the complex touching boys without tipping, and tries to use the fact he has a shitty website to garnish free drinks from bar owners.
  5. I was in Bangkok in May. Madrid was closed. Has it moved? The place on Patpong? The history of that eatery... It was sad to see it's closed doors. CIA safehouse, great pizza. Ugh. Great memories.
  6. Yeah..... Please, never say this. Really there is no need. For reference, the E is flat tone, HA is rising/up tone. But still..... Never say it haha
  7. You would be able to swim every day. I do. It only rains for an hour or so. You never get prolonged rain. As said above, as long as nothing "bad" happens globally, the bars and massage shops will be open everyday, every month, year round. Just as they were before covid. Keep in mind that there is a large number of expats here. We keep the bars and massage shops alive in low season. Jomtien Complex is all host bars. No gogo bars. Head to Boyztown for gogo bars. Toy Boy, A bomb, X Boys, Dreamboys. Sunee Plaza has Winner Boy and Nice Boys, but it can be dead some nights, even now in the run up to high season. As for Bangkok, I think there are other members here who live in Bangkok and can give you better information. I live near to Jomtien.
  8. May will be fine. Boyztown will likely be very quiet, but if you head to Jomtien Complex all the bars and massage shops will be open. There may be a few less boys, but also a lot less tourists, so less competition. I love low season, and hate high season. The only advantage of high season is the slightly cooler weather. Everything else sucks. As a travel tip, don't use "Pattaya Jomtien Supertown" This place doesn't exist. No taxi driver, motorbike taxi, bar boy or anyone else will have a clue. You want to say "Jomtien Complek" (Thai's dont say X). Good luck planning your trip. I am sure you will have a great time.
  9. It's "uuuu-e" 🤣
  10. I never said "manly". I said bar boys / gay boys. fem boy is an American word. Where I am from we just said "tranny" when I was growing up. Ultimately I can only know what I am taught at my Language school, and by Thai friends who help me practice my Thai speaking, reading and writing. If I'm wrong, I apologise
  11. I hear it from many normal gay boys. Every day. "fem boy" isn't a thing in Thailand. It's another western invention with no real relevance in Thai culture.
  12. Pretty shocked how bad this advice is from a media organisation like The Thaiger. I guess since Tim left it really has gone to the dogs. TnT News is great though so check that one out (his new solo venture) ===== Khun is a polite way to address a person. You add the word before a person’s name. While it is similar to using Mr. or Ms. in English, there’s no direct correlation to English. ===== This is the worst. Khun means "you" but can also be used to address a person, but rarely is. It's mostly foreigners saying it. "Oh Hello Khun Chai, How Are You".... nah.. just don't. - you are hungry - Khun Hiw - คุณหิว ---- Probably worth noting that many boys you meet will not say Krap. They will say Ka. The gender rules are not culturally enforced and people are free to refer to themselves as they wish. Many bar boys and gay boys will also use Chan, instead of Phom. Most Thai people think nothing of it, so learning both means you won't have to think about it either. I'm still in my first year of Thai Language school. It's a fascinating language to learn, but a huge learning curve. You essentially have to forget everything you know about western language and start over.
  13. I am voicing my compassion for civilian victims of wars caused by criminal globalist governments. If that's crazy, our species is really in trouble.
  14. You are doing as we all do. I am certain the drivers are very appreciative of our tips. Mikes drives are always smart, on time and polite. https://mikepattayataxi.com A link for anyone looking for transfers.
  15. Good job mate. Those drives are the best if you ask me.
  16. Mike Pattaya Taxi is still 1000 baht, but you should be tipping the driver to....
  17. That's right. Please tell me how many years the United States (USA) has been at peace in the last 100 years? The most violent terrorist country on the planet. The USA is fucking disgusting. Enjoy speaking Russian. I surround myself with with people who speak logic and sense. NATO are globalist criminals scum. Biden and the democrats are globalist criminal scum. The EU are globalist criminal SCUM. I don't support war. I have a Ukrainian lady in my Thai Language class, and she is fleeing war with her young children. It's horrible seeing how people are suffering. Innocent people being killed by criminal globalist elites makes me angry as fuck. I don't support Putin starting a war. I don't support any government. I am firmly anti-state. But most of all, I hate Zaleski and the Ukrainian nazi military. All the innocent Ukrainian civilians caught up in this war, they have my prayers.
  18. Whichever "current thing" a gay man has chosen to support or not support, it shouldn't exclude them for enjoying boy bars. Boy bars are not a place for politics. There is a big group of young Russian men who are in Jomtien Complex most nights now. No idea what their politics are, I don't understand Russian language. They seem to be enjoying themselves though, and the boys like them too. It's all good.
  19. You're correct, it happens a lot less in Jomtien Complex than Silom Soi 4. Having said that, when it does happen in Jomtien Complex it's normally a straight Russian couple, and their look is often more than shock. Sometimes it's pure horror. It's most humorous when this figure it out halfway down the street. They stop in their tracks, then have to decide to continue, or backtrack the way they came. Strangely many backtrack, which makes them really stand out. Russians, by large, sure do seem to be very homophonic still.
  20. A couple of the Nice Boys boys you now see in Jomtien Complex. They are not nearly as fun fully clothed!!
  21. Any of you guys into twinks, look up Itawjeng He was a bar boy in Chiang Mai. Now he moves around Thailand making his Onlyfans videos. He was in my condo building a few months ago, with another boy who "DID" onlyfans, but has stopped. The risk these boys are taking, keeping in mind everything they are doing is illegal and a prison time offense, they have my respect. The pandemic bought on hard times for many. These boys risked their own liberty to stay afloat. Good for them!
  22. Do you work for Toy Boy? It seems they can do no wrong! They have printed menus for drinks prices, off-fees and minimum tips. They have an English version, and a Chinese version! There isn't a Thai version though, which I may have understood better than the badly spelt English one, if they made one. One of my group didn't even pay for his drink, he has been going there for so many years and spending big. The mamasan was very upset that his staff had delivered a fake Jack Daniels to our table. He was berating the waiter. But that's not the point, it still happened. Drinks are 280 baht. Reasonable for some, no problem. For fake alcohol, which can be very dangerous to ingest, it's an insult in my book. Please can you provide your definition of 'many' ? Pre-Covid drinks were 180baht, and there was 40+ boys. So many they couldn't even fit on the stage, and that was the case even in low season. Last week, there were 2 cute boys (one I know already, he was working in JQK Bar in Jomtien Complex till last week). He doesn't like farang and prefers Asian customers, which is totally up to him. There was another boy who was cute 6 years ago when he worked at Cupidol, and was 25. Now in his 30s, he needs to stick to his moto taxi job. I really need to get myself up to Dream Boy and see what the fuss is about. I keep hearing great things.
  23. Pikki Bar has many cute ones! Many of the cute ones are actually boys who used to work in Cupidol and Toy Boy!
  24. I was talking about the men on the stage! Our group of 4, were the only customers.
  25. Tamnan Esan essentially died in 2018. Sinlapin took over. It's air conditioned and far better. Not sure Tamnan is even open anymore? Either way, all the boys go to Sinlapin. Where the boys go, we go!
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