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Everything posted by gayinpattaya

  1. Switch it up a little. Go to Moo-Katar instead. The best one is at Rompo in Jomtien. Rompo Buffet.
  2. I went to the same place. Just off Taksim square. It was a joke, but cheap. Just past the Hyatt on the second floor? lol
  3. Still in my first year learning Thai. Keep in mind a lot of these boys have not had the best education. I would take it as "sugar baby" if you wanted a western translation. Younger bottom/not a man (gay)
  4. I called him a sheep (an animal). You called me a dwarf (a offensive term for a person of short stature) I think you broke your own woke code here.
  5. Right. George Bush is responsible for the deaths of more than 1,000,000 innocent Iraqis when he lied to the world about WMDs and bombed civilians. Putin is far from being a vile as that man, and the United States.
  6. Nonsense? I assume you watch CNN / Mainstream media lies and believe everything you are told. Good little sheep. I have seen just as many reported war crimes on the Ukrainian side, especially from Ukraine's Nazi Azov Battalion. They just don't put that in the mainstream press. Doesn't suit the narrative. Enjoy watching the continued puppet show with the Zalenski dancing clown. As a note, sure a war was not declared. NATO clowns just named it one. Putin used the term "Special Military Operation". I believe that is still the case.
  7. It's disgusting that criminal Western governments and vile NATO are removing the rights of young Russian families to travel. They didn't start an armed conflict. I'm very happy that Thailand is staying neutral. If things escalate, id rather be in a neutral country.
  8. When I first moved to Thailand and was living in Bangkok, I felt obliged to meet up with forum members. Most of them were ok, although not my people. I met a couple of real weirdos. This one dude with his pen and notepad, writing about boys clothing. Well, they write horror movies about freaks like that. There were men who I was scared to even be seen talking to. I learned my lesson there. My best meet was FloridaRob. We honestly hate each other, but we have different taste in boys, can chat about a load of rubbish, and nothing is ever taken too serious. If you have never met anyone from here before, just meet FloridaRob. He's so laid back, he's usually laying on it.
  9. Yeah, 3 years ago Grab was great. It's amazing how quick things can change. I remember UBER in BKK being the best one.
  10. This whole thread is essentially, "How do differentiate expats from tourists". Group of 8 farang around a table? expats Guy sat alone looking at boys? Tourist. Sure, there are always exceptions. Just most expats go to bars to chat to friends. We don't need bar fines to get our boys.
  11. Did you hear about BOLT? I'm told their rates are much better than GRAB in Bangkok. Here in Pattaya, BOLT has destroyed GRAB. Everyone uses BOLT. I would be interested to know the BOLT situation in Bangkok now. I will be heading up there next week myself.
  12. I used these 2 resources to travel in 2020-2021-2022 https://www.kayak.co.uk/travel-restrictions? https://www.skyscanner.net/travel-restrictions I managed to travel 3 continents on a permanent bases without any unnecessary injections thought-out the covid bullshit. They are still regularly updated and should provide you with the information you need in regard to flights, transits and arrival information for most countries in the world.
  13. Instagram is just posers. Some of the Chaturbate boys use it, that's the only reason to try contact boys there. Was nice for me when I was in central America Find the boys with a naughty twitter account. I have maybe 18-20 boys from Jomtien/Pattaya that I follow on Twitter. It's fantastic. I especially like it when they post clips with other boys who I know. Might be a 30 second preview clip linking to an onlyfans, but that's good enough. If you live here, you don't need to pay for the onlyfans, you can invite them to your room.
  14. With the activity of police in Jomtien Complex the last few days, a fair few bar owners seem to be asking the same questions. Just as they are getting back on their feet after 2 years off bullshit, the police want to kick them in the nuts 1 more time.
  15. My point on Thailand was the rules are the same as they were in 2019. There are no COVID related restrictions. I flew into Thailand in May with the Thai Pass and a test. Was very easy. Now not even this is required. As for Lao, happy to hear that. I had an unvaccinated friend who had to do a rapid test before crossing the border a few days ago. Hopefully Lao will catch up, or maybe as you said they are already.
  16. You can. Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia require nothing. If you fancy a trip to Lao, you will need it. Lao require vaccination proof or a rapid test.
  17. In Jomtien Complex, It's not just the smokers and vapers. You now have the weed smokers also. A couple of bars are not allowing people to smoke it on site (@home bar is one). Most of the other bars have no issue with it's consumption. I didn't care much, till the one time a guy started smoking weed inside Dragon Music Lounge. The smell was overwhelming and we left.
  18. You can fly in unvaccinated and without tests. The borders are open. Rules are the same as 2019.
  19. I don't like public displays. Thai culture doesn't either. I have left bars before because a pensioner was sucking some twinks face off. Better that than fetch up my dinner. === In all seriousness, when you are with a boy in bar, you are also in a bar with his friends, possibly even his boyfriend or girlfriend. In @Home Bar in Jomtien Complex, a couple of the boys even have their wives there! While it's unlikely anyone would say anything, I would keep it respectful and in privacy. If nothing else, the boy you are with will like you a lot more for doing so.
  20. Yes that's both possible. It's referred to as a "Long Time". You pay more and they stay with you longer. If you pay a lot more they will certainly try to make you feel loved, to extract more money from you. A "short time" in most cases end when sex is done. They will be out your door to look for another customer, or go get drunk with their friends at the beach. You can offer more money for them to stay, and they may say yes! As for conversation, 90% of them have very limited or next to zero English. 10% or so have ok English. This would have to be a part of your decision process on who to bar fine.
  21. Exactly this. It's not rocket science.
  22. If that's the case you will have no problems at all. It's very rare boys will turn down customers. You have to be truly monstrous for them to not want 1000-2000 baht in their pocket. Some foreigners get a bad reputation because of whatever reason. Boys talk about us, just as much as we talk about them. It's just as easy to get a good reputation though, which can pay off big time. There are a number of foreigners in Jomtien Complex the boys actively move away from and ignore when approached. It doesn't take long for news to spread around here.
  23. I would be more worried about recording pornography in Thailand. Enjoy decades in prison if caught.
  24. Maybe in Bangkok you can find that, but in Pattaya it's a different story. Boys under 30 are here to make money. Your age means nothing. How much money you have in your wallet, that's what matters. Pattaya is a commercial city. It's important to remember that most of the boys here are not from Thailand. They have travelled here to work bars and make money to send back to their families. A large number of them are heterosexual. They are having sex for money, nothing else. While there are always exceptions, they are few and far between. These arrangements are usually between boys and expats where more long term arrangements can happen. This may be hard for you to believe, but a lot of boys will have no interest in you at all. Many will completely ignore you. In their mind, you are too young to have the money to support them. Generally speaking, most younger foreigners in Thailand are poor backpackers. Older guys in their 30s-40s, I am sure you can find free sex with some of them. I personally moved to Bangkok when I was 29. I had a couple of relationships up there that were not based on money. It was certainly easier there than here in Pattaya. My advice would be to avoid Pattaya if you are not willing to pay. It might put a big dampener on your trip.
  25. Yup same document. Also usually required for opening a bank account.
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