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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. Yes same as Thai airways Flight attendants and Singapore they were nice .❀️ Worst ones for me were Malaysian Airlines and British Airways , some older nasty women, 😠but I do understand it must be a very difficult job dealing with some people having to "act" nice especially to rude passengers ,I could never do it πŸ˜… I probably end up getting fired the first day!πŸ˜‚
  2. "On demand" PREP? I will ask the doctor about this when I see him on Thursday again ,it may be a better option. So you just take it like 24 hours before sex?
  3. No I don't believe your being sensitive at all But I believe there has to be "evidence" to think that way ,many a time my Filipino boyfriend has corrected my negative thoughts.
  4. But they actually didnt make any comments to you both did they? Is it possible we can imagine what others are thinking? I'm not saying this happened in your case,just sometimes I can be like that where I imagine or think thoughts which have no evidence
  5. Do they serve alcohol on Qatar?
  6. Is anyone here on PREP? How are you finding it? Any side effects?
  7. Today I went to a sexual health clinic,which was Government run here in Australia so no fee involved. I had originally planned on seeing just a private GP at a medical centre but a poster mentioned on here about sexual health clinics in Australia so thought I would ring my local one this morning. They quizzed me so much first on the phone as they said they had a certain maximum qouta and some patients they refer to their GP . On hearing my answers how I had been in Asia the last 2 Months etc I was top of the list for a appointment. On arrival I was given a rapid antigen test , negative and sit in the waiting room , unfortunately there was 2 screeching Thai ladyboys in there as well one wearing a school dress mini skirt,I imagine they were ,"working boys " to put it nicely. Anyway 5 minute wait and the doctor calls me in , I told him of my throat being sore after sucking around 50 cocks in Asia the last few months He was fantastic and I whilst I was embarrassed I imagine he sees patients like me all day. He said I will test you for everything, With my throat he done a swab test where they use a swab and run it around the mouth ,I think and I can't remember but I think it was for chlamydia? Does that test for HPV too? The next one I had to go into the toilet and ram a swab up my bum 3cm and put it into a tube , problem is , πŸ˜…I got a little excited and...it went further than the 3cm...and...omg..broke off 🀨so had the get the doctor,(so embarrassed) to take the swab out ! I'm not sure what the anal swab test is for ,he did mention it but I was embarrassed so wasn't listening. Next was a blood test I guess for HIV ,and then a feel test looking at the testes and the areas on the side under your balls , All in about 20 minutes and results in a few days He kept encouraging me to go on PREP , bottom guys are higher risk he said But one thing he mentioned to me is...which I was surprised to know...is if someone is on medication for HIV they cannot ...cannot pass the virus onto you !!! I had no idea of that ! Guys I think it's important when we get old to have these medical tests,and I'm not only talking about sexual tests,but prostate tests as well . A lot of us wait until we get symptoms before we go for medicao tests,whether that be because we get lazy or even financial reasons if there's a cost involved. I think the next one will be a prostate test πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚with the glove finger,but seriously I think a yearly PSA& Full blood count test yearly is the least you should do . Of course colonoscopy every 5 years or so if you have a history of bowel cancer,other than that well life's a risk I guess
  8. Places like Bangkok or even the whole of Thailand doesnt concern me in that regard, even though I could count a few times there's been a few remarks made in Pattaya when I have been out & about with a boy or two As for the Philippines I travelled extensively with my Filipino BF and actually forgot about being "gay",nobody asked (except his family and unfortunately he had to lie and say I was his employer)😣 But unfortunately the Western Countries can have people who are very judgemental especially people our age group and above and even some quite nasty "Karen's" who won't mind their own business.
  9. Not sure if your busy in the Philippines,but I too back in July couldn't hire a guide for both Cebu & Manila ,all my emails went unanswered
  10. Just watched a ABC documentary on 81yo Lesbian now Australian Miriam Margoyles traveling Australia. Am I only the only Aussie to just recently hear of her,so funny and crude 🀣 I absolutely love her😊 Love to be with my partner for 56 years like she has ! What a incredible relationship, nearly 60 years with one partner, especially in those times where being "out" wasn't accepted.
  11. Yes I'm a bit embarrassed going to a medical clinic tomorrow about my throat in case the doctor judges , Great idea about the sexual health clinic ,I may go there instead πŸ‘
  12. That's what I don't want to go through. I guess as time goes by however the younger generation will have different thoughts. But.....a gay couple the same age is probably more accepted than some "Daddy and his son " and people judge that
  13. The throat testing,is that a swab? Is that looking for strep throat do you know? The only reason I'm asking is I have just come back from Asia after sucking like 100 young cocks & rimming a lot of butt ,and unfortunately have a sore throat in which I will see a doctor about tomorrow. But I didn't know what test I should suggest to him?
  14. 🀣"You may not have to interact with anybody .... It doesn't sound like I'm sociable I know πŸ˜…
  15. Look I'm going to be honest , my Filipino boyfriend suggested sometime we should go on a cruise in Alaska that he looked up. I asked him if it was thru a "gay travel company"? No he said ,"Does it matter? Yes , I'm going to feel very awkward on a cruise with a man (Boyfriend)who has boyish looks and is 30yo whilst I'm 62 and mostly retired European & American couples on the cruise who may judge/not judge I won't go on something like that, cruises etc , that means I have to be open and introduce my partner etc only to be laughed at behind our backs or judged etc ,no not for me unless it's a gay travel agency
  16. What airline has the bar upstairs? Is that Emirates ? There is unfortunately only one business lounge at Manila airport which gets crowded . I flew Philippines airlines business class and had the overnight flight so had the sleeper bed. They serve a meal to you with choice of drinks about an hour after take off then an hour later turn off the lights ,I slept about 5 hours out of a 8 hour flight.
  17. Sure , and I seen this a few weeks ago flying economy from Manila to Bangkok, a very obese elderly farang sat in the aisle seat in front of me,next to another farang and his Filipino GF. I heard him say to the couple in a Australian accent that he was very sorry but couldn't afford to fly business class. I did feel very sorry for him as part of his body was sticking out into the aisle and the air hostess pushing the trolley up & down the aisle were very rude to him,"excuse me!! Excuse me! ,,they would shout everytime to get pass.
  18. Not a habit among young people though it seems, particularly in the West where PREP usage seems to be high I guess many didn't live through that era of Aids , and now with PREP encouraged they take the risk without condom usage .
  19. Just asked my Australian Filipino boyfriend about Glan,he says last time he was there 2010 ,that there was a "indigenous" population there who caused crime. I searched for this on Google but can't see anything related to that,it may have been before but Glan seems beautiful and one place I will visit on my return.
  20. I think Korean guys are the hottest guys on the planet I'm attracted by the eyes the most and their dominance. Saw a few in the Philippines on Grindr but sadly didn't seem to be into me 😣 I wonder if there is much action in South Korea and younger into Daddies,? I guess it would be Pay4play there mostly?
  21. Don't take it the wrong way but you sound like me sometimes πŸ˜ƒ,Im sometimes a cheap Charlie too ,but I weak when it comes to comfort,I just can't sit in economy so long ! For clothes & things I just buy non brand name ,I'm not into expensive brands but for transport I hate discomfort,and I'm impatient so have to spend more in better class and taxis instead of buses . I think Macaroni you also wrote in a previous post you always take the baht bus for 10 baht up to Pattaya rather than use the Grab taxi , πŸ˜…,I love it !!!🀣🀣
  22. Guys times have changed from many years ago ,and even being old I try to move on with the times. It's great anti HIV meds were introduced a few years ago. Back in the 80's many scare campaigns were around and if course rightly so for that era, but times have changed and taking Prep and wearing no condom is now not considered unsafe sex as far as I can tell by the health departments around the world So I used Prep for many months before taking my 2 month trip to Asia,I stopped it when I got covid and started feeling nausea. However mostly I went back on it ,it's not 200% protection and you can still get other sexual diseases. To be brutally honest I had sex without a condom probably 90% of the time whilst in Asia ( I'm bottom so a receiver) The only time I had made my sex partner wear one was if he was a "moneyboy" particularly in places like Pattaya. I trusted many of the Filipino guys whilst I was in the Philippines mostly because they were non money boys ,and usually married closeted . I had (paid) sex with one Filipino security guard no condom as he was a virgin ( turned out to be a dud fuck ,he cum in around 30 seconds of fucking🀨)but mostly only in Thailand I made the guys wear a condom especially if they were well entrenched moneyboys . Are many of you guys taking Prep and now have you changed your sex practice not to use condoms? To be brutally honest I hate my sexual partner wearing a condom,I enjoy the skin on skin contact and just the fantasy of the married guy ejaculating in me ? It's more likely you can get other sexual diseases other than HIV especially if your blowing other guys and things like HPV in the throat are more common along with red eye etc Times have changed and peoples attitudes towards sexuality have changed and I think it's great
  23. Yes many of them you meet in the apps (except the free married closeted guys) will want to see you again and be your tour guide etc ( mostly uni students) Even at 62yo I had a lot of free sex in the Philippines,it made it so difficult when I went back to Pattaya my last few weeks of the trip to have everyone ask for money for everything. It didn't seem "horny" is that the word? to have some guy fucking my ass (Thailand) knowing I paid him and he is staring at the wall barely enough to get a hard dick ! I would rather than have some tattooed tradesman in the Philippines for free who is closeted gay fucking my ass in his lunchbteak for free as his wife is not giving him pussy The best guys in the Philippines were straight middleaged guys , tradies who wore their high viz vest fucking me for 5 or 10 minutes. No money involved I had one guy in General Santos City ( I think he was a electrician) about 35,very fit looking, tatts , pull up at my motel directly outside the door,with his ute ,child seat in the back, he fucked me for like 3 minutes on the bed ,I was on my back watching his face as he enjoyed my old ass pussy, ,no condom , then say to me " now I empty my balls I feel so good ,my wife doesn't let me empty ! With that and a smile on his dial, he answered I presumed a customer call and he drove off on his merry way in his ute ,πŸ˜ƒ
  24. I just watched a YouTube vid a farang who lost his job in the UK ,51yo,had enough of the UK, moved to Dumamagette in the Philippines (farang area)to be with his GF and after 7 months was so bored and got sick of the culture he has moved back. Now that's someone who I guessed went for his yearly 4 week vacation and loved it , and then tried it full time and couldn't lead the " normal life" there .
  25. Yes and I hated it The only great place was a Korean owned hotel I stayed in which was fantastic. Angeles city had its own walking street with go Go bars ,didn't see any gay ones ,a lot of mature aged ladies seemed to be working outside,some even our age 😳 Expensive for me and I'm very stingy , unfortunately many have tourist prices in cafes etc. As for traffic it was horrendous,hard to cross roads etc and mostly all American fast food restaurants, but a lot of Korean owned go Go bars & Business and I enjoyed walking in Korean town,so many hot Korean boys working these food shops πŸ˜‹ A lot of Koreans in Angeles city😘 Nope .not a place I would retire not my cup of tea,I imagine on Grindr there are boys available probably all moneyboys but I got covid so wasn't interested.
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