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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. Olddaddy


    One thing I haven't told the doctor is I also "rimmed" everyone of those 60 guys as well. Does that have anything to do with throat problems? is rimming more bacterial? I can't imagine telling , when I see the old Indian woman throat specialist next week that I licked a lot of ass 😳😳
  2. Olddaddy


    Why was their any lasting damage ? On another note went to see the GP today he has referred me to a Ear nose throat specialist who seems to be a old Indian woman, I'm thinking she won't have a clue what poppers are😳 How am I even supposed to tell her I sucked over 60 cocks ? That's what I'm not comfortable with when going to see a doctor say with a Muslim name or someone not familiar with gay life . I guess I just have to tell her 😳
  3. Lovely guy ,and fantastic restaurant the New Orleans. Unfortunately he received a lot of criticism from farangs during his time at Street Life ,but Richard was a people person and that was his style . He certainly was a fighter and never gave up. I believe he even got into teaching in his later life . πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  4. If your interested in the "dying process " you can search "Kev in Thailand" on YouTube . He died March 2020 after a year long battle with oesophagus cancer in Pattaya,failed to have medical insurance however paid his way for treatment eventually going back to the UK for treatment but sadly nothing more could be done
  5. I guess some people have a lot of money to waste , unfortunately I don't 😭
  6. Let's face it , there's not another gay farang nowadays to keep a lot of separate gay areas in Pattaya Less gay people paying for sex, more areas in the world to visit etc .to be honest I see even less gay bars in the Future There's becoming less and less, most of the old timers have died off . Different farang generation coming along
  7. Oh ok ,well I walked all around Sunee at night last month and had no problem,I even walked and lurked around that Soi that was opposite the old Le Cage /Mike's bar. I think people seem to be wary of me with my long beard and beanie onπŸ˜…walking in a dark Soi .I'm relatively big guy with long beard so I may not appear weak and frail I was more concerned of motorbikes driving fast past me than people I was a bit cautious in Walking Street however particularly on a weekend night with a lot of drunk young farangs around , thankfully it wasn't too busy,but one only has to bump into these young farang guys and next thing they want to fight But of course like anywhere you need to have your wits about you, I tend to be aware of my surroundings and what's up ahead,if I see some drunk guys or something I cross the road. THe Philippines particularly Manila I had to have my wits about me and be aware and confident . You can always buy pepper spray as well from the market shop near Boyztown .
  8. I don't understand what your trying to say? You mean walking down the long dark Soi re safety reasons ?
  9. Does the 1500 baht in Bangkok include the tip like it does in Pattaya? I wouldnt think so .
  10. Massage places in Jomtien Complex were messaging me on Grinder 1500 baht hotel room service all up,eg includes the tip. I guess that's for the hour ,I haggled and offered 1000 baht they came back with 1200 baht I ordered one masseur to my hotel room (walking distance) ,his massage wasn't great he seemed in a rush to get to the sex stage ,all up I think it was like 35 minutes. I paid 1200 baht he was from one of shops in Jomtien complex
  11. I quite like the Pinnacle back then,I even used to stay at the BBB Inn but that went downhill. Of course now my favourite place is Tartawan but last month I stated at the Furama .
  12. I use the paid version,and I'm known as a Cheap Charlie πŸ˜‚
  13. Had you said something like that on a forum 20 years you would of been ostracized,but times change and even the working boys are happy to be known as "professional money boys" .πŸ‘I found on my latest trip to Pattaya it was far far guys different from 20 years ago,these ones are likely to be doing "prostitution" work part time and work another full time job somewhere, These ones nowadays are more business like and great at negotiation,they are NOT interested in boyfriend type service , At times I wondered on Grindr if I was haggling with Donald Trump over business as some of them were so good at negotiation skills and of course now with all the social apps you are dealing with boys with better english One guy even sent me a itemised "qoute" as he called it,with time stated on service ,one asked me where he could park his car. As I said had you said that like 20 years ago you would of had a ton of "do gooders" on your back,saying " pity the boys" ,oh think of these poor your young men " all the whilst these hypocrites using them, but I agree with you nowadays Scott and you know I'm glad times have changed. I'm so happy to see these boys call themselves moneyboys it was such a new term for me when I arrived back in Pattaya after 5 years away I actually seen one of the old working boys on Grindr his name was "Max" he even spoke to me of times changing among the younger money boys, who are more business savvy .and sadly even told me of farangs who are so lonely they just want to bring him to their condo to talk ,or go shopping ,or for a coffee very sad indeed but the newer boys are not into that ,they prefer a business approach but to sit with some old farang on in his Condo listening to his problems because he is lonely I actually treated these boys as business and they gave me the respect back in negotiations, rather than pretend to be some kind of do gooders pretending to care about them by hiring them for sex ,I made my intentions know on service Yep it's all money & business nowadays
  14. Reported 4 hours wait to check in yesterday at Sydney airport. Blaming it on staff calling in sick apparently 😳
  15. Justlooking back on my old emails I have a booking at the Pinnacle in Bangkok in 2006 talking to Jimmy. I remember that , is Pinnacle still around and if not when did it close? Also I didn't notice the BBB Inn around last time, i ended up getting a refund there one night must be around 10 years ago they didn't clean the room before I arrived so decided not to stay
  16. πŸ˜‚I couldn't last that long. My short time offs were usually finished within 30 minutes.
  17. Olddaddy


    Would this be still ok to get vaccinated if you have the HPV already? I will find a different doctor tommrrw and get advice on checking my throat, although the pain is more under the left chin , it could be thru sucking over 60 cocks in 60 days
  18. Olddaddy


    Apparently prostitution is too 😳but I admit the legalisation of marijuana last month even shocked me!😳
  19. Olddaddy


    Yes I believe so,even though the doctors don't seem to like to give direct answers . I'm taking doxycycline at the moment,although I may have to get my throat checked by a specialist with one of those cameras , certainly not looking forward to it if I do , Apparently there is no actual test for HPV But I admit I sucked a lot of cock in Asia in the last few months
  20. Olddaddy


    Yes I see them marketing in fancy coloured small bottles now no doubt to make them more appealing to the younger bottom generation
  21. As Richard ..(forget his last name..Burke?) ex owner Street talk) use to say...If you want a boyfriend in Thailand..then Rent one !!!! Never buy !πŸ‘
  22. I was in jomtien complex last month,I didn't see this place,I believe it's closed down.
  23. Olddaddy


    To current a long story short , My doctor advised me yesterday not to use Poppers before sex ,well not to use Poppers at all actually. Im not the only one to come to his medical practice with a sore throat and respiratory problems he says after using poppers ,had no idea they were "dangerous" to health . They are a relatively new thing for me I must admit , I did use them in the Philippines a few weeks after when I was bottoming 4 young dicks a day on one occasion in the province where I arranged a (paid) gangbang with 4 young farm workers who topped me hard Did they (poppers) help? Not really,gave me bronchitis and a throat infection. For those that don't know what poppers are they are sold online and in sex shops mostly and are leather cleaners I believe? Just small coloured bottles with various names on them Contrary to believe they are not illegal and I believe marketed as leather cleaners You sniff / inhale the contents , it is supposed to make you relax or become sexual aroused ,some didn't work for me,well most didn't work πŸ˜‚ I have completely stopped after what the doctor told me, I'm not judging those who use them nor am I saying to stop using them, I'm just saying better to minimise harm if you can and show caution when you use them, apparently never never use inhale popers after using Viagra as it can cause heart attacks! But only you can make that decision , but if you choose to use them then consider to use the harm minimisation strategies . .
  24. I love your work, for years I often wondered where you went , of course I always thought the worst ,even some posts on forums I recall didn't seem to know where you went . I'm just so glad your back !! I recall you had the "key" thing or coloured things as indicators,can't remember what they call it ,key indicators? Oh I'm going mad trying to remember 20 years ago πŸ˜‚
  25. All well & good but no go Go bars in jomtien complex where you can line the guys up and look at their balls 😊
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