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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. What does that mean to you ?
  2. The Fist ✊ dildo is my favourite There used to be a whole lot of stalls selling them once I wonder if Vietnam has them?
  3. No no Is it Daiso ?πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅πŸŽŒπŸŽŒπŸŽŒ
  4. That might be the Japanese dollar saver stores ,forget the name,Danisu?
  5. What a miserable Pom you are ,whilst I sit here in sweltering Sydney ,you complaining about the weather !! Nothing worse than a whinging pom as Aussies say, FFS look on the bright side It's either immigration and immigrants you people are whinging about or your cold weather, be grateful that you are not sweltering in 40 degrees heat
  6. Is that why I see the old guys looking bitter and miserable in the Jomtien complex?πŸ˜–πŸ‹
  7. Two WhatsApp messages in two days by two different boys that I saw in my October trip One guy I had seen several times in my first 2 weeks of my 4 week trip then he ghosted me and was too busy ,he even cancelled a few appointments to turn up , Excuses were "it's raining " etc or" I'm too tired after working restaurant all day" ' He wasn't a bar boy ,he is 38yo ex bar boy works in restaurant I took him to dance clubs , etc and even paid him for his time , then I thought I did something wrong ,he just started ignoring my messages So I didn't see him the entire last 2 weeks of my trip ,he just didn't answer my messages or response was a few days later with short replies "I'm busy" etc I even sent him a message saying I'm going back home in a few days if he wants to meet up ,his response was ,"I'm busy working long hours in restaurant but see you next year on your trip " 😲 Last night I get a ringing sound on my WhatsApp, Im thinking it's some scammer but I accept the call and go to video to see it's him !!! Hello he said ,you remember me? How are you ? I have no money πŸ’²πŸ’²can you send me some I have no food "Really ? I said What happened to the long hours in the restaurant? I asked ❓ Oh I have fight with boss he says You didn't want to see me the last 2 weeks of my trip , you ghosted me , now you want to call me back in Australia asking for money !😳 Unbelievable β—πŸ˜―πŸ˜³the audacity to ask for money after not wanting to know me the last 2 weeks of my trip !
  8. I love a sausage both the food ones and boy ones I try to eat healthy 80% of the time,but I am a chocolate 🍫 lover! Sausages have protein though I love the German Kransky sausages
  9. I prefer cock over politics πŸ˜―πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“
  10. I would like big butt plugs ,vibrators ,dildos ,anal lubes
  11. Of course we can get porn on the internet etc But what areas / markets in Bangkok that we can buy butt plugs ,gay DVDs , anal beads etc I remember there used to be a specific road with market stalls
  12. Shocking , regardless of whose fault it is ,you don't attack an elderly man in a group
  13. I believe they stopped that march at 9pm a few years ago
  14. Every day in Thailand I had to get massage with hard pressure preferably by a big person Otherwise a niggling type pain in my lower back Just recently in Thailand,I remember having a pain in my lower to mid back and the only massage was a skinny Thai girl who done a good job but no pressure,so when I walked out my back was in pain it needed Pressure πŸ˜” to CRACK it She agreed to walk on it ,BUT her weight didn't CRACK my back ! So I ended up walking past a πŸ›΅ motorbike taxi stand in Jomtien to see a big fat taxi driver,I ended up giving him 50 baht to walk on my back As soon as I laid down ( on the concrete) he stood on my back and walked πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ,crack crack crack , instant relief !!!! Four or 5 cracks !!! I'm not sure what is exactly wrong with my back but I have to get my boyfriend to WALK πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈon my back to CRACK it Everyday ! Everyday otherwise there's a dull pain Sometimes it's just one massive crack other times if he walks on it ,it's several cracks Crack crack crack crack ! Otherwise just one huge crack either in the middle or lowe CRACK !!! CRACK !!!
  15. Strangely this seems to be the fashion amongst the younger gay crowd nowadays I'm noticing this a lot amongst the younger SydneyπŸŒ‰ gay community πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Even going to gay night clubs they are wearing tank tops and shorts to show their musclesπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ I guess 😳 I have a good gay younger friend who also wore one to a nice restaurant last weekend, he told me he paid $145 AUD for it 😳some designer tank top🎽 He did look nice though with shorts and a designer watch but I'm not sure why it's becoming fashion I personally don't like it
  16. He could mean the Aerobics class πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ
  17. When will I see you again?🎡🎡🎀 When will I see you again 🎡🎡
  18. And this is exactly WHY some hotels lock their balconies πŸ”“πŸ”’ The Furama Silom Bangkok was one
  19. I could probably do a better job than most of them !! 😜 πŸ˜‚
  20. He tried it on you ,maybe you come across as too niceπŸ™‚,or too "interested" in him ,is that the word I'm looking for? Because you took interest in his birthdayπŸ₯³πŸͺ…he thought perhaps you were a nice person who he could make feel guilty You showed you cared πŸ’šand he tried to take advantage of that I never forget travelling on a bus in the Philippines last year with my boyfriend sitting next to me , a young lady with a limp and crutches was standing No one stood up for her so I decided too ,she sat her ass down in my seat πŸ’Ί without even a acknowledgement and turned around shouting to her Filipino father to sit next to her ,, Pointing at my boyfriend who was seated at the window , she said "and him go too ,my father need to sit down ! So she wasn't content with me getting up for her ,she wanted my boyfriends seat too He wouldn't budge Needless to say I was the laughing stock of the bus ,even the bus driver was laughing πŸ˜‚ But my Filipino boyfriend wasn't 🀬 I ended up standing for 30 minutes and ended up in a argument with my boyfriend when I got off ,sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice πŸ‘ πŸ™‚
  21. I like that laneway opposite Cocka2 bar ,although you can get attached by the cats 🐱🐈and smells of cat πŸ’©
  22. Greed is something I see a lot in South East Asian countries Even by farang business owners and not just Thai They don't seem to know the repeat customer model Many a bar or business even owned by farang I have walked past and never gone back That could be by overcharging eg a Go Go bar 🍺 that pads a bill or adds drinks that you never had or high price sitting outside Or waiters in bar or restaurant that asks for tips BEFORE they serve you ,that is annoying 🀬 I had this at a fish & chip shop the first thing she said without even taking my order was " you give me big tip ok " With that I put the menu down ,the farang owner standing nearby looked at me😳 I looked back in his eyes ,πŸ‘€ I said to him in front of the waitress "At least try to Kiss πŸ’‹ me before you Rape me ! 😩 With that I walked out πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ
  23. I think better to pay though and walk out that way there is no conflict πŸ’™πŸ’› Although Reader didn't pay the full 1500 , the boys loss
  24. As long as they knew , I mean they should realise it's 15 minutes into the massage
  25. He sounds very ungrateful but he thought you were a "turnover " and you would feel guilty and say oh I'm sorry I will give you more ! He had probably done it before and succeeded You did the right thing.πŸ‘ Did the massage shop ask you on the way out what happened? Guilt tripping is used a lot in Thailand business psychology I had a bar in Pattaya (nameless) that used this on me last time ,the owner on seeing I gave a 20 baht tip ,the drink was 180 baht for this bar) started to tell me the waiter hasnt had many customers, he had rent to pay etc ,like it what my fault 😳😳😳"I'm sorry to hear that I said Maybe if you charge 100 baht for a drink like every other bar instead of 180 you could give it to the waiter I said ,I mean all he did was bring me a drink 🍻 20 baht is not sufficient?
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