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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. most people in statistics die between 78 & 82 Sorry but I'd rather be a realist , I guess those ages will raise as the next generation become healthier and they find better treatment to medical conditions,
  2. I guess too you will be better off when your 67 and can apply for the UK aged pension. That's a big leap you made though and took a risk. As long as your happy in your current lifestyle, I guess you have had some regrets though time to time of moving their too early but sounds like you made the right decision πŸ‘
  3. Great point about still working as we age , how many older gay men on here still working, especially in jobs they don't like? I think once past 65 don't waste your life ,go out and enjoy it and spend it . Are you all working only for the $$$ or is it lonileness? There guys at my workplace who are in that 70's always talking about retirement loaded up with $$$ but will never retire as work is their family & social life . They will die wasting their life .
  4. True 🀣 But do it cautiously,there's a lot of weirdos out there . I probably wouldn't walk through say Soi Buckhao late at night holding hands with a youngish looking 18yo boy though😊
  5. Going by the YouTube vid it looks very busy I was going to say it looks like a younger gay farang crowd into dancing techno music etc ,but myself living now with the motto "Grow old disgracefully" I think they wouldn't mind a old daddy dancing with them !πŸ˜‚ But the music they play may bore me after awhile,I prefer 1980's anyday ,give me the Communards , Duran Duran , Boy George ,Pet Shop boys , Erasure ,but I guess the younger gay farangs may never have heard of them ! Oh well πŸ‘ Hate to see their reaction if they take requests and i shout out "Wild boys from Duran Duran !! And the crowd look at each other ...WTF ? Who the F are Duran Duran ? 😳😳
  6. Is mosaik still going? I didn't look last time I was there although I must of walked past it as I went to talk to the "indian" owner at Salt N Pepper cafe and look and listen to him ( 2 hours😳) talk about Abraham Lincoln history and his wooden train carriages that he makes . Next time you guys are in that area pop into Salt & pepper and talk about Abraham Lincoln to the owner πŸ˜‚ and trains You will be there for hours πŸ˜‚
  7. Well that's one thing also as I get older and as we all get older .....we should pay no attention to what others think, hard to do though 🀣 But if most of us have less than 20 years left give or take,should we stop worrying about what others think? I recall GB had a quote once about this,can't recall it now though ,(must be the dementia setting inπŸ˜‚) Should we as older gay men be able to hold hands with our (mostly ) younger boyfriends in the street , should we be able to travel together in cruises without being concerned about what others think ? Yes as getting older I'm becoming less concerned what others think and that maybe a positive change Even I'm trying not to judge younger people I see , I live in a predominantly gay area so every weekend night we gets hordes of young gay people in my area including many Asians who like to let their hair down screaming laughing out loud etc I was walking with a older gay friend last Friday night coming back from a restaurant and he started judging them, "look at these young people being so loud " he said "Oh shut the Fuck up ! I retorted back , " I remember you were much wilder in the 1980's getting high in the gay nightclub toilets to the Boy George & Trio music ! That soon shut him up 🀣
  8. I found as I get older I have to take vitamins ,Berocca etc to overcome fatigue I'm now aiming for more meat in my diet ,sounds strange I know comparing that they say eat less but I stopped off beef & chicken for awhile and I had less energy How else have you changed as you got older ?
  9. Lol, 🀣my Filipino boyfriend Marc put the Xmas tree up yesterday He said they do that in the Philippines this early 😳, and wrapped empty boxes as presents underneath ,oh I just let him do it πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
  10. Usually I don't drink ,but having dinner with a friend last night he gave me sweet white wine 🍷πŸ₯‚, and I loved the sweet white wine ,drank a few glasses and U slept the best I ever had ,just woke up actually and I'm afresh ready to hit the gym !! I won't drink again though for awhile even though they say red wine is good for health ? Any wine drinkers here ?
  11. Is a pressure cooker the same as a Air Fryer?
  12. Well guys went to a GP yesterday, about my prostate . He said gay men and listen to this ,he said gay men have HIGHER PSA levels because they have gay sex and it massages the prostate !!! I had no idea ! Anyway rather than a rectal or blood test again ,he gave me a urine test ,didn't know you can get these for prostate so I will await the result
  13. I'm not sure exactly how the NHS works ,I guess the same as Australia Medicare system, However I still prefer to take out private health insurance BUPA which I pay $230 a month because I prefer to get into private hospital within a week rather than wait months in the free public health system. I can't imagine how long I would of waited to have my throat checked under the free Australian Medicare system if I didn't have private health insurance,probably would if been months . So saying that if I moved to Asia I would spend that $230 a month in insurance anyway . Every time I go to Asia I get my teeth done as dentist is not free in Australia. I don't know the NHS in the UK if there are waiting lists for non urgent surgery,I guess you have the option of paying private health insurance too though
  14. For those of you over 60 as a gay man how is your lifestyle now? Obviously your life goals change as you get older over 75 etc when your lifespan becomes around 5-7 years left ? Are you living life to the fullest ,travel,sex etc I ask this because I realised as we get older there is a countdown to life Some of us may prefer to be retired ,others to work full or part time . Others to be unfit ,others to go to the gym But the question is ,are you wasting your next years left ? I don't know how to define the term wasting your life because my late mother preferred to stay home and read books and watch inspector Frost reruns whilst my father done gardening everyday so everyone is different To me I'm planning the countdown to death ,some days I don't have the motivation even for sex though . But I'm not one now to waste time working continually for money my goal this year starting from October 1st to December 31 is to suck as many cocks , and be fucked . Im changing my attitude goal , and starting to think positive instead of negative, in the last few days walking to the shopping areas in my area I noticed African guys looking at me whilst walking past , unfortunately I didn't stop and talk to them kept walking,my ass was aching afterwards dreaming of the African dick I could of had , I told a friend later in the cafe about both days I had African guys looking at me and how my butt was aching thinking about them and my regret and not stopping to talk to them, unfortunately he is a old negative man who told me he didnt think they were looking for sex but talked negative ,I will avoid talking subjects like that with him in future Secondary I'm not going to allow "drama" into my life ,we all won't be here in 30 years time ,stop letting little things concern you ,get out there and enjoy what you have left ! I plan to grow old disgracefully wbu ?
  15. Yes apparently going by a forum post I saw some are paying rents of 75000 baht per month ! I wonder what happened to those old guys who used to sit out the front of Memories bar ,Ralph & Jack? I imagine they would be in heaven And what was the Thai host guys name?
  16. I'm travelling on a train right now had to laugh out loud,the other passengers must think I'm crazy but that was funny !🀣🀣🀣
  17. Although I never thought The Corner Bar was a failure ,it seemed to be a huge success, whatever their reasons for going back to Texas or America they will be missed
  18. Yes unfortunately I did get to that stage when I stayed there for 3 months , the first month was ok but " how much you pay me" ? ..got a bit tedious after a while .
  19. Yes I forgot about the failed business ventures and the ones with the boy as a partner in the business I often wonder where all the Farang business owners of Sunee Plaza of 20 years ago are now?
  20. What kind of reasons did they leave Thailand after trying it out? For me it was boredom, missing friends ,sick of moneyboys , etc
  21. How do his make a profit??😳😳
  22. I tend to disagree "guys looking for LTR are more likely to find in Pattaya" Sure,moneyboys that is,that are working the scene I think Bangkok and or Manila are the best in seeking LTR
  23. I guess jomtien has a few gay expats who like to meet up, thankfully not the same generation of expats as 20 years ago ,which have all moved on,so jomtien is more a expat area although there are fewer and fewer every year. You will enjoy jomtien more though as it has a mixture of gay bars and gay massage areas as well as gay friendly hotels You can always visit Sunee & Boyztown.
  24. Yes about right plus bar fine & drinks
  25. Olddaddy


    Probably, life moves on Scott .
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