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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. Endoscopy? Too much deep-throating 😳
  2. Not good advice to every guy in here unless he is confident in his ability, Anyone who thinks they can walk into a third world country and ask for their dick to be sucked because they are offering money can be in for a rude shock when they receive a punch in the mouth .
  3. Stayed in both and preferred Rambutan Firstly Rambutan is much cheaper, secondly the stairs had no rail going up in A&G The sauna wasn't exactly clean and for the price I think at that time nearly double of Rambutan ,so yeah next door same quality and half the prives I'm stingy I don't like to spend money unless I get something for it . I didn't think A&P was as good as the French owner made out ,I actually asked him for a refund .
  4. Whats going to be on your bucket list particularly in the next 1 year going into 2023? Particularly for us mature age guys who may have 15 to 20 years left on this earth ,what do you want to complete in life,well in the next year or so anyway and I'm not just talking about wanting to go to visit the Andes mountains or whatever I'm also talking about psychology stuff such as next trip be confident enough to asking the hotel bellboy for a fuck etc What about goals going outside your "comfort zone" , I can stay in 6 star hotels but this year I stayed in backpackers in Manila to experience it . Was going outside my comfort zone east? Nope , hardest thing I ever did I also walked Tondo a rough type of area in Manila at night by myself Are you going to go outside your comfort zone ? What about hustling? I'm setting again to ask guys who are straight for sex Yes hustle & going outside your Comfort zone , last time I got a punch in the face by one straight guy so that's not easy whoever thinks it is Hustle sex for free ? See if you can do it ? 2023 have you set goals ? Your bucket lists
  5. Jomtien gym ,main road ,near the complex ,run by a nice Iranian guy 995 a month or 150 casual visit
  6. Great points , I have stopped looking up this forum on my work issued phone actually.
  7. Unfortunately working for the government there are more managers than workers
  8. Last week towards my retirement I plan to get dismissed , I plan to send all the senior managers this πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•
  9. I hope he gets a ok ,I'm a big fan of his blog , he went away for a few years once . Get well soon MacπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
  10. Don't you have the Govt publictrustee department in the UK? I'm sure you do but just different name ,I'm sure they have paid service to act as Executor of the Will like they do here in Australia. You must have a Government service similar to the website below www.tag.nsw.gov.au
  11. You wouldn't want to come here anyway. Do a search on the "Aussie cossack" on YouTube, he was jailed for 10 months in Sydney yesterday for carrying the Russian flag! I joke you not
  12. Your right , I have always found Russians here in Australia arrogant & rude , especially here in Sydney where they live in the wealthy areas such as Bondi . I tend to avoid them
  13. A bit like the English soccer I guess ( sorry you call it football) , I was in Pattaya last July went into a english bar ,started with W up at soi bukhao and they were all cheering some teams , I can't stand the soccer and decided to get out of there before they all cottoned onπŸ˜‚
  14. What seems to be the problem there? Theres plenty of jobs it seems and they aren't a third World Country ? There seems to be a lot of Russian I meet who like it there ,I would love to visit Russia one day ,after this silly war
  15. Sitting near smokers affects my throat , hope those bars know what they are doing ,maybe the smokers are big spenders! Then I would understand
  16. How very true ! All you can do is offer support if they ask for it . So many many mature aged gay men have alcohol problems that I know of ,many lonely & live by themselves ,one I know is 59yo and a nurse director of a big hospital and the other a associate professor of a university ,every weekend drink themselves to oblivion on wine .
  17. Sounds like you work in the construction industry,in that case I wouldn't tell anyone you like guys especially younger guys,some older mature aged Gay men must still keep their sexuality secret in different occupations, I don't think it would go down to well in Construction or Wharf type jobs you being known as the "old poof" etc , Had a friend (fit 48yo guy) only last year working on the wharves here in Sydney unloading ,workmates there find out he was gay made a few jokes then even his Supervisor shouts out to him to sit & drive the forklift but then adds ," but only if your arsehole is not sore" 😊then all his workmates start laughing I told him to laugh with them, take it as a joke as mature aged gay man he needs to get over it
  18. I wonder as we get older in this generation is news & current affairs more important to us as Gay older men ? What about social media? I see many gay seniors on Instagram showing their semi gym bodies .
  19. Great post ! Live life to the fullest now . With all the health problems you had you need to be a realist I guess and know you might not have as long as you wish, and do everything you want to nowπŸ’œπŸ‘
  20. Very wise words. I'm trying as I get older and still a full time worker not to let things concern me that don't concern me ,if that makes sense 😊
  21. Its natural to grieve the first few days as the shock sets in and you will ruminate thoughts , leave it a few days and see how you feel. If still no better then you should see your GP to talk to a counsellor. But I'm sure after a few days you will get over it "so to speak. I'm sure there's guys on here with psychology/counselling knowledge who could advise πŸ’œπŸ’œ
  22. The way you describe those nuts 🀣
  23. $22 actually 😊,but I find the cheaper wines particularly red ones nice n sweet .🍾 What sweet red wines do you recommend to have with meat dishes ? I don't like bitter or sour 🍷
  24. Talking about milking the cow 😊is that the right saying? Forget the saying now ,
  25. How very true 🀣 Never thought of it that way
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