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Everything posted by Olddaddy

  1. Thanks πŸ‘ Not that I'm a regular customer, but I was concerned our only Sauna was disappearing
  2. Well the reason I didn't get the Covid boosters is because I don't or should I say didn't believe in them.
  3. Yep I can imagine walking into my workplace and telling my work colleagues in excitement "Guess where I'm off to tommrrw! They reply excitingly"Where? " I'm flying to....wait for it.... Anchorage! There would be like 30 seconds silence as they start to think where the F is Anchorage Before one says " is that near Melbourne? 😲
  4. I know it's somewhere up the top of the World but no unless I google it But I'm sure if I walked into any bar in Australia and said I'm off to Anchorage today I would get some perplexed looks !,πŸ˜‚
  5. Wasn't the info....I found the blog funny 🀣 especially asking if there was food codes for sex ..I know I don't make sense ,you'll have to read that part of the blog! 😁I love shameless Mack , unfortunately he left me for a few years
  6. Is anchorage in Alaska?
  7. Shameless Mack blog has a few good blogs on Manila venues from 2019 I have no idea how to put the links up though to the Manila section ,but well worth a read .
  8. Yes I prefer to have a microwave if I can. Of course I must have a hotwater jug.
  9. Yes Airbnb is great for long stays and much cheaper. The downside is some Airbnb owners will also add extra charges for utilities at the end of your stay.
  10. Yes !. I didn't bother with the covid booster,I didn't even bother with the flu vaccine this year which every year I get without fail Last week at this time I was lifting weights in the gym feeling strong and energetic Right now I'm in bed with coughing , tired,body aches . Once this is over I will go get the covid booster
  11. Amazingly I just travelled the last 2 months through Thailand Philippines Malaysia meeting a combination of guys from money boys to non money boys to straight to bisexual and Rimmed and licked many butts and kissed many mouths. I came back to Australia 2 weeks ago fit n healthy where I headed to the gym in such a energetic mood. Last Sunday I was forced to call in sick to my workplace with body aches ,headache , bronchitis. Unfortunately the doctor would only see me via the FaceTime video. He told me to have a covid test ,buy it from the pharmacy Yesterday I had a RAT test which is covid positive. Today I'm much better but still lying in bed using paracetamol The body aches & tiredness is the worst following the breathing almost like wheezing having to sit up to breathe Though not as bad as I experienced it several years ago before I had my 2 X vaccination I in reality should of got a covid booster & flu vax I can't imagine what I would be like though I had not had the 2 covid vaccinations so I believe they saved me from much worse symptoms I believe it's something I caught at the gym , I remember people coughing on the treadmill next to mine etc Day 4 of this ,I hope it goes soon. I'm eating soups ,vitamins etc Slept for 12 hours yesterday dozed off at 5pm woke at 5am I always seem to have dreams when I'm sick πŸ€• and wake up suddenly
  12. My next trip to Manila will be a short 8 nights. I'm tossing up between a hotel or Airbnb Obviously hotel will be a little more expensive though just a few hundred dollars more . There are positives & negatives to both. What's your experience of this if you have stayed in both?
  13. Must be noisy 😧 I'm also right in the City but you get used to the sirens,loud drunks ,screaming ,noise beeping , I went to the country last week and I couldn't sleep πŸ˜ͺ
  14. No I was recently in Manila last month I had no one ask anything about Covid I will be going back in a few months so hopefully can do a report
  15. Bkkmf , interesting points thanks for bringing this up May I ask you and anyone else a few questions Is it this "generation" of Gay farangs who are reserved /keep to themselves or they more the older ones? I'm asking that because I'm wondering what the next generation will be like ,say fast forward 10-15 years will we be more "friendly" or more into our iPhones etc , unsociable I found the younger gay farangs more talkative than the snarly old ones , I met a few young Singaporean guys in Pattaya visiting The next question,are Bangkok Gay farangs more friendly, to me spending a few nights in Bangkok I made more friends in 3 nights than I did it in years of going to pattaya!!πŸ˜† I still have many phone numbers. Thirdly , nowadays you can be gay and mix with the Pattaya straight communi, I do and you can be accepted if you can joke and have a thick skin to their joking around So if your playing pool up at soi Bukhao in a "rough" bar say the Aussie bar and people know your gay then joke with them. Sadly though ,I too found the same as you in the Pattaya gay community
  16. I have a partner and when he does have time to travel with me , refuses to stay in any hotel that doesn't provide breakfast!!πŸ˜‚ Makes it awkward because I love my cheese n ham toasties from 711. "So your idea " , he says "is to sit on the 711 steps and eat cheese n ham toasties ? Yes !😁
  17. I have been there twice but never again. I was listening to a radio interview of a Australian professor jailed for a few years by them on ABC radio , he believes they will be overthrown eventually. As for the lady that was home detained for many years ,I used to love her bravery but she too became a wicked leader especially to the Rohingya minority
  18. Howards Hotel Does anyone remember that era?
  19. I can only speak about last month in May , I recall it being very busy one Friday night that there was a line up . There was lot of younger trendy type guys from Singapore and Malaysia ,
  20. Excellent πŸ‘ thanks Jason
  21. The friendliest bars I went to on my last trip to Thailand were not farangs in Pattaya but in Bangkok of all places ! I did post about it here last month. I felt like I was a movie star as a older gentleman KFC colonel sanders lookalike came over to me and introduced himself The Asian guy next to me was from Taiwan,all very friendly farangs In Pattaya no farangs talk to each other I really enjoyed the friendly farangs in Bangkok
  22. I hope if that's correct , that the place is refurbished. I did stay there and can't complain at the 1500 a night average price with free sauna access, just it does need a refurbishment. I did stay years ago many times at Punyas Howards Hotel and that was also fantastic ! I love the Gay Sauna and I got lucky on my last visit a few times with guys from south Korea and China
  23. I was going to say "Australian born Chinese " πŸ˜‚
  24. Lucky I bought my apartment in Sydney 25 years ago .
  25. Maybe for you old man
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