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Everything posted by Min

  1. Min

    Senso Massage

    Somehow I can't put "you" and "shy" in the same sentence
  2. Min

    Senso Massage

    I came down there just to take pictures for you. No intention of coming in
  3. I saw it last night, the first performance of the night. I think the dancers got other gigs somewhere else as they didn't appear again. Their outfit looks nice but nothing kinky about their performance.
  4. (part 12, truly in a tidbit fashion) After making my usual rounds this week at Dream Boy, Fresh Boys and New Twilight (in that order) and offed three boys of different nationalities (Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar, respectively), one from each bar, here are some updates. 1. Drink price and boy's cut: Dream Boy is the most expensive at 450B for both customer and boy drink, Fresh Boy: 400B, and New Twilight: 350B. Boys all got 100B from their own drinks. The bar fines (or off fees) are all the same: 500B (but different from Pattaya bars, as reported in earlier parts, boys in Bangkok bars receive nothing from the bar fine). 2. Boy's basic salary: all three bars provide some incentive for boys, who show up at work on time (8pm) and who do not have an off that night (boy drinks don't count). This amount varies from bar to bar though. Dream Boy stingiest with 100B/night, Fresh Boy better with 150, New Twilight most generous with 200 (on par with Banana Room reported in part 8). Fresh Boy also had this weird rule: if the previous night you don't have a customer, the next day nobody cares if you show up for work or not. But if you had a customer the night before and you don't show up the next day, bar assumes that you are still with that customer and you have to pay a bar fine of 500B. Since the boy I offed from Fresh Boy is Viet and we talked in Vietnamese, I think I got this correctly. 3. Number of boys: Since Dream Boy currently boasts the largest cast (more than 40), Fresh Boy middle of the pack (around 25) and New Twilight (less than a dozen, 7 floor boys and 4 show boys the night I visited) comes last, the above-mentioned incentive appears to play a lesser part in boys' decision of where to work. I think number of potential customers is far more important. Fresh Boy and Dream Boy both played to a packed house the nights I visited (drizzling midweek nights) and many boys got off. Things did not bode well at all for New Twilight: Saturday night, perfect weather (pretty cool but no rain) and only 6 customers (4 alone and 2 together) at the time the show started (10p30). A few more arrived during a show. There was a large gaggle of young male farangs coming in, who could easily double or triple the "crowd" size in the house if they decided to stay, but they didn't. I think when they saw there were only a few boys on stage, fully-clothed, they backed out immediately. 4. Speaking of New Twilight's attire problems, I made it a point to complain loudly to 2 different mamasans about what the boys were wearing on stage (this is a GO-GO bar with GO-GO prices, why LONG jeans and black t-shirts with LONG sleeves, revealing almost nothing; the boys all looked like valet parking attendants in some casino hotel in Cambodia). Both mamasans assured me boys would wear less later (after the second show, around midnight), but I didn't see that happened. When I finally picked a boy, before making my decision (actually I already made my decision when he showed me shirtless pictures on his phone), just for added effect, I asked him to get back on stage at least shirtless. He took off his shirts and stood at the end of the rotation. Then it looked like he explained the situation to other boys and moved up front so I can admire his toned body. I nodded my approval "that's how it's done", told the mamasan (who recognized me from the early X-boy and Lucky Boys days and still remembered I'm Vietnamese) to go get the tab. Funny enough, when my boy got back to me, another on stage also took off his shirt (probably in hope of getting more attention?) I also saw that most boys who were asked to come and sit with a customer are show boys, who wore underwear most of the time, and one got an off and left with a customer after the final show, around the same time I left with mine, a bit after midnight. Another problem (New Twilight's freezing aircons which other members complained about) was also addressed several times that night. When I put on my light jacket, a mamasan asked if they should adjust the temperature (good customer care). Then another customer on my left asked them to change it again because it was still freaking cold. Then just before their second show, one of the dancers in a skimpy outfit asked for the third time. It was then warm enough I had to take off my jacket to reveal my toned body. Sorry I digress... 5. The "You can f*ck me but keep it an open secret" trend: as discussed in part 10, I noticed this phenomenon years ago in Vietnamese MBs in Vietnam, but this time, I start noticing it too in Bangkok bars. When I visited Hotmale earlier this week, the only one I would consider offing is No 34. Checked with a mamasan, who said he's Thai and straight. "Can I f*ck him?" "No, he's men." A few minutes later, another mamasan, who somehow got wind of my enquiry, approached me and said "You can f*ck him but you have to pay more. But keep it a secret because he's shy and doesn't want others to know". I refrained from asking the obvious question "then how come do you know?", "how much more?" Mamasan didn't know (maybe it was an even bigger secret) and ran off to asked, then came back with "He wanted 5000" (same level as Moonlight models?). I don't think so, so I didn't off anyone from Hotmale that night. Then in New Twilight, the boy I picked was also straight. Both he and mamasan said he's willing to bottom (not asking for more money though) but again, it's a secret (I tell only you) nobody knows (except those who know). 6. This time, I continued to off mostly new faces, as is my wont. I was second customer of the boy in Dream Boy, who was a 26-year-old hair stylist back in Cambodia and who needed money to pay off his big loan. I was (again) the first customer ever of that boy who got on stage shirtless in New Twilight. He was from Myanmar and just started 2 weeks ago, got two boy drinks but no off yet. It seems he's indeed new and tended to do exactly what I told him. Back in the hotel, I gave him a toothbrush. He went off brushing his teeth, then came back, still wearing his jeans. "You didn't take a shower?" I asked him. "I have to take a shower?" Off he went back to the bathroom. Later, it turned out, not just was this the first time he slept with a man, it was the first time he slept with anyone (He hasn't even slept with a girl yet, never had a girlfriend, and he's 21 years old already. Must have come from a far-flung backwater area.) Didn't even know how to kiss with tongue. "Are you nervous?" I asked him. "No, I'm not nervous.... I'm afraid. This is my first." Speaking of "first time", I was also the first time ever of Little Lao in part 11. Born to a farmer's family, grew up in a rural area and only did farming work, he never had a chance to have sex with men, let alone have a boy friend. "I went to Thailand to earn money but also to have opportunities to have sex with men," so he told me after that farce of threesome also reported in part 11. "I slept with 4 or 5 men so far" He added (proudly? but appears to lose count already though) Anyway, what happened with the Viet boy I offed from Fresh Boy was more hilarious. He was far more popular than the other two and also the youngest at 18 years old. He started in Fresh Boy 5 days ago and I was already his fourth customer. That means he got customers, both farang and Asian, almost every day. Can't speak English and Thai (not yet), very sweet and nice to talk to in his mother tongue, I think he would follow the same route as other cute Viet boys I met in Fresh Boy. Popular at fist as a cute new face, but no repeats. His idea of servicing a customer is still pretty much jerking himself off to a porn video while the customer watches. Just out of curiosity, I also asked him how much it would take to f*ck him. He said, he would consider bottoming, and since this is his first time, to "take his flower" or to "pop his cherry" (or whatever expressions you think would fit), a customer needs to pay 50.000 bath. To be fair, in Vietnam, virginity traditionally matters a lot and wealthy businessmen have been known to pay many times of that amount to deflower a girl, believing doing so would bring them good luck. Anyway, the boy in question, in stark contrast with the Myanmar boy, slept with girls before he reached 18 (the consent age in Vietnam is 16) and already got a new Viet girlfriend who's only 17 right here in Bangkok, barely five days after he arrived, so I think the matter of virginity is not really relevant here. 7. Finally, some funny tidbits. I agreed with some other members' observations: New Twilight white-wearing waiters are generally cuter and also more gay than their floor boys. Because @jason1975 got a regular working as waiter in the bar and he made it clear that his friends stay away from his man, I have to be sure. When I came in, my first question to a cute waiter who greeted me was "Who's Jason's man?" (so that I can stay away from him) "Everyone else, but me" came back the answer. Sorry this is totally made-up. I just wanted to pull Jason's proverbial leg. The fucking show in Fresh Boy that night had to stop midway, I guess because the top can't keep it hard. So they went backstage and the audience was asked to watch a cabaret performance while the boys got themselves ready again (I don't know how). The Viet boy sitting with me gave his kudos to the top - who he saw, during his five days working in Fresh Boy, perform every night, three different shows each day, all requiring a sustained hard-on (first a jerk-off solo on a couch, then the big cock show, finally the fucking show). Should I start a blue pill donation campaign to help him out? I'm sure many members here have one or two to spare. (to be continued)
  5. I have no ideas. I also noticed some (but not all pictures) just disappeared. Probably some forum's bugs. @TotallyOz: do you know anything about this? Hehe, I have been travelling but don't have much to add. They have a lot of boys to my taste but too bad boys mostly wear masks during a session
  6. Min

    Senso Massage

    Taken a few minutes ago
  7. Somehow my main takeaway from your post is that next time I should book a hotel in the vicinity of a campus
  8. I think you somehow got 1 & 2 all mixed up, but maybe that's actually the whole point
  9. You mean you would do just about anyone as long as they are next door?
  10. You never heard of them?
  11. Wow, your Central & South America resume is extensive. You live in Mexico so I guess you speak Spanish and probably Portuguese too? I tried a famous sauna in Rio once (not 117, the other one) and felt it was pretty hard for English-speaking people to seal some deals there.
  12. To be honest, I still haven't had a single clue in mind how a threesome should be I read other members' report, I sampled some scenes from Korean seegasm series but never found those particularly appealing. They lack the level of intimacy the one-on-one has, which is important to me in having sex. Guilty as charged. It was not really about sex and I kinda expected disaster from the beginning. I derived more pleasure from watching them interact with each other, however awkward it was
  13. (part 11) Another story of a failed threesome It all started in Boyztown when I fired up Hornet that afternoon and saw a fresh cute face just a short distance away. His profile says he's from Laos. So I said Hello, and he replied in English "I'm moneyboy. Give me 1000 Baht". Pretty turned off by this style of soliciting, I got off. A few days later, I saw that cute face again in Boyz Boyz Boyz, looking pretty much like his profile picture and in the same clothes. Liking what I saw, I struck up conversation again. He said he also recognized me from my Hornet picture. Turns out the first time we talked was his very first day in town and he wasn't yet well-versed in the subtleties of asking for money from prospective customers. All forgiven then. 22 years old, from somewhere near Vientiane, so far no customers yet and with very little money left (he even showed me his wallet: some changes in Thai baht and a note of 5 USD - probably his emergency fund). Since he asked for 1000 Baht before (big mistake), I offered "1000 Baht for short time, okay?" We proceeded to my hotel nearby. He got showered, then checked his phone, reading a new message, then turned to me "Can you give me 200 more for taxi" (already forgot he told me he had been staying in Tukcom, just a few minutes walk from my hotel). It looked like someone started giving him relevant tips. I was like "Ok" (I intended to give him the standard 1500 anyway, unless he's a total dud in bed). I liked both his face and his body, small but firm, and especially his very cute butts. His tool, on the other hand, is pretty... how can I say this nicely... well, it has a nice personality. This fact though gave me some self-esteem boost because mine looked quite huge next to his. As a top only, I care a lot more about the butts and belly area and usually have not much problem with small dick sizes as long as I don't have to use a magnifying glass to locate it. The bigger problem was that he came super super quickly. Just a few strokes then he gripped my active hand, stopping it from moving, and before I realized what happened, it happened. I had barely begun anything. "Why so quick?" He turned to google translation for help with explaining "I was too emotional". It was also pretty awkward at first when penetration began. He was totally clueless about how to position himself to ease the process. I got myself a bottom virgin or what? But once it was underway, he seemed to enjoy it - which was always a big turn-on for me. Two days later, when the Thai from X-boy ditched me for another potential off that did not materialize (see part 10, who, by the way, kept sending me messages day after day about how lonely he was, when I would be back, why make him wait so long - a week in between repeats seems like eternity to certain bar boys with not so many customers, promising he "wait me alone" this time etc.), I called the Lao as a last-minute replacement. Our second time went much smoother as we got to know each other a bit better. I was careful not to do anything to trigger his "short" fuse (in every sense of the word) to keep him hard through out before I finished. Once I came, it took me less than a minute to catapult him to climax. Quick as it might sound, I would say, he has come a long way from our first encounter. I gave him the same 1500 as the last time and he now asked for an extra 100 for taxi, which I obliged. Looks like he started mastering the subtleties of prying more money from easy-going customers. Back to Pattaya this time, I first stayed in Agate in Jomtien Complex. That evening, I fired up Hornet and again saw that cute face just a short distance away (let's call him Little Lao because he's indeed little). I thought he was a few kilometers away in Boyztown. Walking down the main soi, I soon found out why. Spotting him sitting with another Lao friend (whom I also saw working in Boyz Boyz Boyz last time) in Divarium, I stopped by. Buying drinks for both of them and a Thai, who massaged me last time in Soda. He has been freelancing at both places (I never quite get the difference between regular staff and freelancer in a boy bar. They both earned tips from drink and bar fine. It looks like regular staff have to report to work daily, are expected to be on time, and earns some bar allowance if they have no drinks or offs that night. Freelancers come and go as they wish with no allowance). The Thai speaks good English so I enlisted his help for translation when needed. So we talked. Little Lao and his Lao friend (let's call him Big Lao because he's taller and bigger) recently moved from Boyztown to Jomtien because "too many boys there" Little Lao said, "too much competition" Big Lao chipped in. In fact I was not only Little Lao's first customer, I was his only customer during the time he worked in Boyz Boyz Boyz. Although Big Lao (same age as Little Lao but looked younger) has a quite cute face and smooth fair skin, he's on a hefty side (1m74, 60 kg he told me) so not really what I'm into. My initial plan was to off Little Lao again. But I felt kinda bored that evening. Then the fact that they are from the same country, friends and also roommates, both worked in Boyz Boyz Boyz, reminded me of something. So I enquired further "Any of you has a brother, who's currently in Pattaya?" Both shook their little and big head. So there gone the grand idea of reconstructing a classic scene from a cult movie. For members who are not familiar with this reference, I included below a few lines from the movie's original transcript. Anyhoo, I carried on with the idea of offing both of them just for the heck of it. Double checked by asking them directly and then though the Thai's translation to make sure they had no problems with this arrangement. No problems, firmly confirmed. So I paid for my soft drink (60), three boy drinks (150 each, boy gets to keep 50), and two off fees (300 each, boy gets to keep 100), tipped the Thai 200 for his help with translation. We walked back to Agate at around 10.30 pm. Both receptionists were still on duty so they checked for Id. Little Lao carried with him the physical passport, Big Lao - only a picture on his phone. Both were accepted and no joiner fees were required (I booked a double room). Up in the room, both stripped down to their underwear. Little Lao was still little, Big Lao was indeed pretty big (I think he lied about his weight - should be at least 5kg heavier). Big Lao went to shower first and he took quite a while - at least 20 minutes. Little Lao and I cuddled a bit and I could tell he was getting hard just from my running fingers over his body. It seems he genuinely likes me. However, getting hard didn't mean nothing else is going on in his other mind. "So you f*ck me, or you f*ck him?" Based on what I saw them in underwear, I was pretty sure "I'll f*ck you only" He smiled as this was exactly what he was getting at. "If you f*ck me only, can I get more money?" Didn't sound like their bonded friendship was that strong. I calmly told him I needed to be fair and would give them equal amount this time. Next time, I would off only him and would give him more money. "Thank you" his voice was very soft, almost sounded like a child. He hugged me tighter and his little bird was now hard as a rock. So he genuinely likes me, but obviously not anywhere in the vicinity of his love for money. I feel embarrassed to tell you what happened next but I will anyway. My professor in Orgy-ology, vinapu, must have good laughs at my expense. In bed, the discussion continued re. who f*ck who. "I f*ck you, you f*ck him" was Big Lao's suggestion. "No I'm top only, so I f*ck him, then he f*ck you" was my counteroffer, which made Big Lao laughed his head off, so hard he almost fell off the bed (probably at the mere image of Little Lao's tiny prick poking at his immense bottoms). "How about you and I both f*ck him" was my other idea which is cue for Little Lao's turn to react unreasonably. "Noooo, I only let you f*ck me" He screamed, clinging to me for dear life. Since this wasn't going anywhere, we decided they both work on me first so I get ready to perform, then I decide who I wanna f*ck and the person who doesn't get f*cked chuckwow on his own. Two Laos then talked in their mother tongue and decided Big Lao take care the upper part, Little Lao - the lower part. Then we achieved a new level of awkwardness. None of them wanted the other to see his own junk, so Big Lao focused more on using the blanket to strategically cover his not-so-easy-to-cover body, while Little Lao kept his underwear on. After a while, I decided Big Lao turn to one side to chuckwow while I work on Little Lao under the cover. They then started talking to each other in their first language again, it was very distracting as nobody could keep it hard for long. At one point I had to tell them to shut up, but still, I couldn't finish. Seeing this was already a fiasco, to get it over with, I told them everyone chuckwow and no one could get up until he cum. That had an immediate effect on Big Lao, who stopped talking and kept at his task at hand. After a minute, Little Lao started talking again, only to be shut up by the glaring Big Lao, who now also found it in his way. Big Lao cum first. If we were in Nice Boys, he might have won that 300 Bath-prize. I finished second but it took forever for Little Lao, which is a big surprise based on past statistics. I figured out what might be problem and told Big Lao to shower first. Once he was out of sight, Little Lao achieved orgasm in less than a minute as usual. Now come to think of it, if only I told him there were a 300 Bath at stake, we might have a new world record. It seemed Little Lao's bed behavior was very different when his friend was around, and not in a good way, except for the money haggling part, which is in itself no good news either. When they were about to leave, I gave them their money. Big Lao barely glanced at his, but his eyes glued intently on what I gave Little Lao, probably to make sure that they received the same amount (he could tell I was more attracted to his friend). Again, didn't sound like the bond between the two was that strong, mutually. Once they were gone, I recounted my thick wad of remaining 1000 notes, telling myself "Never again", which exactly what I told myself after my previous feeble attempt at threesome. Some people just never learned. Before you all scoffed at me, I did learn my lesson. The next day, I was in Toy Boy, and again torn between two boys, both also from Laos (now it looks like I have a thing for Lao twinks), both attractive but in different ways. The first one, 26, more fair, worked in Toy Boy before Covid so he's pro (evidenced by the way he touched me in all right places right there in the bar). The second one, 23, more tanned and more toned, looked like he came straight from some paddy (indeed he was a farmer back home). Seeing what the other was doing, he also tried to massage me, awkwardly, using a bit too much of force. But his awkward shyness was actually what attracted me in the first place (and probably why I ended up being the first customer for quite a few boys in my life). After talking to them and knowing that First Lao got about 2 offs from the bar each week and Second Lao, only working there for less than a month, had no off yet and had so far survived on drink tips, I decided to off the Second Lao first. When he got up to get dressed, the whole bar cast cheered up for him, some even clapping, probably for winning his first customer. It looked like they were truly happy for him. Total expense (noticeably more expensive than Jomtien as this is Boyztown): 220 for my soft drink, 250 x 2 for two boys drink (boy gets to keep 100), 500 for one bar fine (boy gets to keep 100), 200 tip for the boy I didn't off (who accepted the missed opportunity gracefully) with a promise I'll off him next time, 40 x 2 tip for two other boys in underwear on stage, who tried pretty hard to get my attention, 50 tip for the mamasan who helped with the off, 20 tip left on the receipt folder, and last but not least, 1500 short time fee for the boy I picked. There was another mamasan, who had nothing to do with the whole process, shoved his hand to my face demanding tip to which I firmly said No. I checked to make sure Second Lao bring his passport. He did. However, this time, I brought the boy back to Agate quite late (around 11h30 pm), there were no receptionists on duty and hence no Id check. The one night guard sitting outside couldn't care less. Just got the above Hornet offer from probably one of the expats retiring to Pattaya. Straight to the point, zero social pleasantries, but with enough relevant information for people who need it. I feel flattered (someone still thinks I'm worth 1000B). It's also evidence that 1000 is the on-going rate some local expats would pay for short time service. Later I messaged a grab-driver-slash-money-boy, who asked for 2000 then quickly agreed to 1000 when I mentioned that "my local friends" only pay 1000. (to be continued)
  14. His entourage? Was it the whole cast of a nearby bar? Sorry if my joke is inappropriate.
  15. Last night (my first night in Agate), I had 2 Lao boys back with me around 10.30 pm. One of them had the physical passport, the other - only a picture on his phone. Both were accepted by the receptionists. No joiner fees were asked (I booked a double room). If you bring a boy back quite late (probably around mid night), there are no receptionists on duty (there is one night guard outside but he couldn't care less) and hence probably no Id check. I'll give more details and tag you when I write my reviews of all four hotels in Jomtien Complex I have stayed on this trip. My breakfast is more like brunch (quite late, usually toward the end of the service time) but a big one because I need energy to start my day and also for gym later. I skip lunch and only have one more main meal after gym (early dinner or should I say linner : ) For me "buffet breakfast" means unlimited servings of salad - mostly raw vegetables, and fresh fruits.
  16. I'm thinking what I would do if I were in your shoes. Probably ask mamasan to move the boy's drink and respective bill to John's table?
  17. Which places you would recommend for breakfast in Jomtien Complex, esp. a buffet-style one. Thanks.
  18. Funny you should ask. This week I'm going to stay in Agate for a few days then move to East Suites for a few more days (I'm gonna try their famous King Jacuzzi Suite to see if it's really as nice as some members here said I'll give feedback once I complete my stays. But I heard that East Suites staff couldn't care less about whom you take to the room though. FYI, I stayed in Poseidon and Zing in previous weeks and both were a disappointment for different reasons, especially Poseidon. Zing was also worse than pre-Covid period.
  19. I was back to Bangkok last night. Saw three Viet freelancers around 10 pm near the bus stop and in vicinity of Bangkok Christian Hospital (they were usually there much earlier). Also saw all three of them on Grindr. Speaking of twinks, I also saw a new(????, at least to me) Massage place named 9-teen Massage opened on Silom road (from Silom 6, turn right and walk a few meters). There were 4 masseurs sitting outside, all twinks from the look of it (although they all had their mask on so I couldn't be 100% sure). The place looks cozy, opening hours: 10 to 24.
  20. I was back to Dreamboys last night (Monday). Orange juice was indeed 450B now. Didn't off anyone so did not check the current off fee. But as zoomomancs pointed out, price could vary according to the day.
  21. One of the reasons why Lucky Boys boasted a large daily rotation of boys was probably every boy showing up for work before a certain time cutoff received a daily allowance from the bar (7h30 pm and 300 if memory serves). Most Viet boys working there, from what I heard, did not bother (like that money was just a pittance to them).
  22. What blog?
  23. including all forms of back door...
  24. Min

    Senso Massage

    He'll move his November flight to August.
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