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I'm just kidding. And nope, I didn't off anyone that night from any bar I visited. Can't remember when was the last time I actually offed a boy from Fresh Boys. Did sit and talk to a few of them though. That night, it was almost impossible to talk to a boy as the place was jam-packed and I was seated sandwiched between two customers, who also came alone. Customers who actually called down a boy had troubles finding space for the boy to sit so many made a quick decision and the boy was back in street clothes and off they went in a matter of few minutes while their seats were almost immediately filled by a new batch of arriving customers. The boy I last talked to in Fresh Boys about two months ago was this tall, skinny Cambodian with a boyish, attractive face. He was pretty new at the time, gay, "can do everything", and thus got a lot of attention. I was in the bar in less than 30 minutes and he was already called down by two different customers and then sent back to the rotation pretty quickly. That made me curious so I bought him another drink. Up close, he wasn't that cute (a feature shared by many photogenic folks, who would look great on TikTok) and looked older than his age of 23 (I would guess 27). Didn't exactly shine in the personality department either, not to mention unrealistic expectations (while short-time 2.5 to 3K, pretty in line with the current market price, long-time 6k to 7k and, as travelling companion, 10k per day???). He said he just returned from a trip to Malaysia with a customer (and probably got paid that kind of money?). One interesting thing about him is that he said he was kinda famous on Tiktok and FB in Cambodia so if he knows there are Cambodian customers in the house (which is rare), he would hide in a corner and not take the stage for fear of recognition The only thing that at first impressed me was his long-term career plan: he would stay in this line of work for about 5 years, save enough and then quit to start his own business. Sound like a career-minded boy. Then I saw him holding a iPhone 6 Pro Max, which he made sure everyone in the bar see he's holding and which he said cost him more than 50K. Well, he barely started out and we are back to the common issue of money (mis-)management. I'm not sure his 5 year saving plan would work out that way. Now it's my turn to send him back to the stage with the usual excuse: I already had a massage today, so I MIGHT come back tomorrow. And he told me (his English is pretty decent, no need for google translation) "That's strange because the other two customers said something same same (well, we punters should really work on our creativity when it comes to excuses) so what he's gonna do when tomorrow comes with three potential offs???" (I was nice enough not to tell him to look up the English saying "Tomorrow never comes"). Back to the present. The boy was also in the line-up that night. Still tall, skinny with a more haggard look. Obviously, no longer had that "new boy" freshness that got regular customers' attention. Although nearly half of the boys on stage got off during the night, he didn't get a single drink during the whole time I was there. I think he did recognize me and try to make eye contact several times ("You promised you come back tomorrow!" "No dear, I said I MIGHT!") but my main concern was to spot Jason's boy, No 25, both on stage and in the audience, to no avail.
Gosh. You sound just like J.
@jason1975 Just so you know, I have had a one-night stopover in Bangkok today so I decided to pay Fresh Boys a visit. The house was packed and many boys got offed. I saw number 24, 26, 27 & 28, but no 25. He probably took a day off, or better, got offed before I arrived (around 9 pm).
I'd like that idea provided we both last that long Anyway, the Dutch guy stayed in a long-term hotel. I should've taken a page from your playbook and told T. to come and cook dinner for him (if he can cook). It would be a nice bonding experience.
It's not hard to see which customer "belongs with" which boy in a particular host bar. Almost every boy in the bar has their own regular customer(s), who fall somewhere between "sponsor" and "once-off". So when a new customer walks in, he's "up for grabs" and available boys all rush out greeting. But when a regular one shows up, the boys' first reaction is looking for his "owner", unless that customer is a "butterfly", who patronizes the bar but tends to sit with a different boy each time. (I know that when J. started to get to know me, some boy in the bar had warned him "Beware, he's a butterfly". Now I'm completely converted, from butterfly to regular and eventually sponsor). So that Singaporean is O.'s customer, the British redhead always sits with Je. (who in turns can pick which friends to sit with them), the lanky Italian belongs to Te., the bartender-cum-cashier ("He's old so no sex, just likes to hug me to sleep, I like that. He supports me with 5K a month." Te. told me). That generous Japanese customer, who's based in Bangkok but frequents Pattaya, often sits with a bunch of boys, but has a special liking for K. (the "we-choose-customers-too" boy I mentioned earlier). That big white-haired guy? He would not let just anyone to take his order, only D. and Ko., ("He even glared at me when I tried to be friendly to him", a boy, who obviously not D. or Ko., told me). J. himself also has a few regulars, including someone from New Zealand and that talkative Australian who bought him flower the first time they met and then took him to M-bar. (Do I sound jealous? No, I don't. Don't say I do because I don't!). The Aussie (I still think he's a nice guy, sigh) actually has a long-time Thai boyfriend, who often accompanies him to bars and apparently doesn't mind his partner sleeping around. The other day, when I was sitting with J. by the door, we saw the Japanese guy walking by. J. alerted K., who was being "busy" with a new customer and didn't pay attention. K. immediately excused himself for a toilet break, rushed out just to give the Jap a hug. That shows you how the boys value their regular customers. They know which side of their bread is buttered on. I once sat with O., a 19 years old boy, one of the main cast in the bar's dancing team. With his boyish face, nice body and slinky dance moves, O. has no lack of customers but comparatively few offs. I think I know why after sitting with him and also observed him with other customers. Most of the time, he tended to keep a distance, being polite but aloof, with a far-away look in his eyes, like his mind always wandering somewhere else (to put it bluntly: he looks bored). But then, whenever he sits with that Singaporean regular, he looks like a different person: animated, smiling a lot, leaning toward the other, not unlike when he dances and the boy obviously love dancing. Back to T., the boy whose story started this thread. As the fate has it, the Dutch customer has become T.'s regular during his three-week stay in Pattaya, sitting with the boy for hours almost every day and taking him off once or twice per week. Sometimes, he came in early, spent time with T. for an hour, then left to have dinner, then came back to sit with him some more until very late. So I told T. to let the customer know that he doesn't have to stay inside the bar all the time. "Ask him to take you to dinner, to coffee, to cinema, or just walk to the beach, spice it up!" So T. did, and the next day, they had a long walk, hand in hand, along the beach. How romantic! When T. had to make a visa run to Cambodia, which usually costs the boy about 1000-1200B per trip, the customer gave him 3000. Upon hearing it, J. told T. "That's someone to keep. He's a good man." hehe. The customer left the day after Xmas. "He promised he will be back soon next year and also talk about sending me money every month" T. told me. "Thank you for bringing us together."
Your insightful analyses make sense to me. When I told J., instead of spending all the money he made on his family, he should save and follow his own dream first. Once he succeeds, he will be in a much better position to help those back at home. And J. said "I'm the youngest son in the family. My mother is getting on and you know that she's not very healthy. If I finally make it one day but she's no longer around, my success would be meaningless to me. So I'm trying to make her happy whenever I can." That thought actually strikes a deep chord in me. I was also from a family of humble background. Growing up in a country devastated by war and then communism, I suffered from malnutrition as a child. When my mother had some money, she took me to a food stall to have certain nutritious dishes, but she could afford only one portion. That meant she watched me eat and then finished off my leftover if there was any. Two of my life goals are to make my parents proud and to provide for them with everything they need. Unfortunately when I finally made a name for myself and earned a fortune, my folks were already too old and too weak to enjoy life and travel the world with me. @jason1975 as sponsors, who have genuine intentions to help the boys prepare better for the future, I guess we all face the same dilemma. We can comfortably give them fish, but hardly manage to provide them with the so-called "fishing rod". Part of the problem is that if these poor boys have what it takes to make it, they probably never worked as MBs in the first place.
Hic, all these, unfortunately, I could clearly observe in J.'s case, especially in his financial support for folks at home. I've been trying to change his mindset, little by little, and encourage him to save for his OWN future, but I guess it will take time.
Sorry about the number mix-up. When I have a chance, I'll see what I can do. I guess I'll sit him down the next time we meet and go through everything again to ensure "employee satisfaction" hehe. Our deal actually includes some minor provisions, such as one shopping trip for clothes per month, 3K for transportation costs per home visit back to Laos (+ off fee if necessary), and (this is totally boyfriend privileges) unlimited hugging and kissing (i.e., J. can hug me and kiss me as much as he wants)
Do you have a specific date for your next trip yet?
I know and I think I heard it all. Some even bragged about their cheating like it's some kind of achievement, to show off how smart they are. Others received money from a farang boyfriend to spend it on their local boyfriend. I guess if I do not trust J. enough, I wouldn't bother about making a deal. Regarding your question, I myself wouldn't go with a boy if I know he's in an exclusive relationship with someone else, whether I know that person or not. It's a matter of principle, which applies in non-commercial situations too. There was this 19 year old boy in JC, whom when I offed him, told me he was single. Then I saw he wearing some brand-name sports clothes and shoes and asked how he could afford those. He said those were gifts from a German customer, who was his friend's boyfriend. A few months ago, the boy contacted me and announced that he opened his own bar in JC. To my "Who gave you the money?", he said it was his own saving. I'm sure it was a lie, so I did a little digging and found out the boy had a German boyfriend (no doubt that "friend's boyfriend" mentioned earlier), who gave him the necessary capital of a few hundred grands to open a bar. It's nobody's surprise that the new bar didn't survive its first month (what that farang was thinking, to let a young boy with no skills and no experiences to run a bar on his own?). The relationship didn't work out either and the boy is now back to freelancing at M-bar, pretty much moneyless, according to my sources. So I guess I did sleep with someone's boyfriend by accident after all hehe. Indeed. Whenever J. told me something, I first gave him the benefit of the doubt. If it later checked out (and it usually did), I trusted him a little more As the payer, I got to dictate the terms hehe, so the emphasis is on J.'s behaviors However, I know that he cares and wishes I could be committed too. When we just started out, every time I mentioned a boy I used to sit with, J. always asked "Did you take him to the room?" (Boys usually don't ask their customers that kind of indiscreet questions about other boys rights?). I told him I sat with a lot of boys but offed relatively few. I like talking and flirting with them, but remain quite selective about whom I would take to my room. There were several trips during which I didn't make a single off (in both Bangkok and Pattaya) just because I didn't feel "clicking" with anyone. Subsequently, J. implied that if I go with other boys, he'd rather I don't tell him (then why he kept asking???). At least for now, I don't feel the need to off other boys. I stopped seeing all my former regular boys, both in Bangkok and Pattaya, and told them I've gone steady with someone for now. I even skipped Bangkok almost completely (maybe stopping over for 1 night once in a while to get updates on the bar scene) so that I can spend more time with J. He can see for himself that when I'm in Pattaya, I take him off every night and usually sit in his bar every night too. I think your "con nuôi" is fortunate to have you in his life. Is that boy No 28 you kept talking about in the other thread? I think I know all the regular Viet boys working at Fresh Boys by face, but can't just match a number with a particular face. Nope, it is a fixed amount every month. The other day, Je., a roommate of J. (there are 5 of them sharing a room for 4K a month, 3 sleeping on the bed, 2 on the floor) was telling me something we already know "MB is no easy job. You wouldn't know all kinds of customers we've been through. There were times I was already naked in the room when the customer made a ridiculous demand. I wanted to put my clothes on and leave, then I think about how I'm gonna pay the rent tomorrow..." His eyes are brimming with tear and it was insensitive of me to ask "What's the worst thing a customer ever did to you?" He started with "A year ago..." and then broke down, not able to continue. "Sorry, I still can't talk about that..." Once Je. went to the toilet, J. told me "Every boy has a similar story to tell. Customers made us cry more than you would think." My inevitable question was "Have I ever made you cry?" He gave me a look "Certainly, but I don't want to talk about it." But I think I know what he referred to. It was that time when I asked my Taiwanese friend to pose as a customer to test J. There were some big misunderstandings on both sides and we almost broke up over it. That night, after finishing work, J. took a couple of his close friends to go sitting on the beach and drinking. Around 4 or 5 am., the friends one by one went home to sleep. J. stayed on, drinking alone on the beach because he was devastated. "I didn't want to go home. I just wanted to keep drinking until I forget who I am." He later told his roommate, who confirmed that he came back to the room around 10 am, crashing almost immediately onto the bed. Fortunately, I arrived in Pattaya that same afternoon and we had a long heart-to-heart that night and cleared up everything. As I said before, although I regret testing J., I did not realize how strong J.'s feeling for me was until that incident. Until then, he never told me he loves me but here is something he told H., my Taiwanese friend, "I love Min. But I don't think I'm worthy of his love because of my job as a money boy."
Still a virgin?
1. It is supposed to cover all areas. I think J.'s life in Pattaya is confined to his co-workers, especially those from Laos and work in the same bar as he, and bar customers. I once asked him if he could ever develop feelings for one of his fellow MBs. He looked at me like I'm some kind of a pervert. "They all are my friends. I don't have that kind of feeling for a friend." I also asked him if we stay as customer and boy and one day he goes back to Laos and find a local boyfriend, would he continue to see me as a paying customer, and again, the answer is NO, he wouldn't. 2. I'm not sure what J. thinks about that (I may ask him later), but for me, I'll take it as it comes. If we last another year, I'll adjust financial terms for inflation and also, well, "seniority", like, I'll increase everything by 10% each year (3000 becomes 3300, 25K becomes 28K, and so forth). Maybe one day, if we last that long, I'll drop the "transaction-based" payments completely and simply take care of his financial needs. Once the boys in the bar made a joke about J. being so "international" in his relationships. His first boyfriend is Thai, second Laos, and now the third Vietnamese, so what nationality would be next on the list? And he was like, "No, no, I don't want no more boyfriends." I think it's not about the specific amount per se, but he thinks the deal is unnecessarily complicated (I'll talk to him just to be sure anyway). Also, the offered minimum of 25K is already generous, toward the high end of such deals. Most boys I know receives between 10K and 20K; one gets only 5K but no exclusiveness is required. V.'s case of 30K mentioned earlier is quite rare. K., another Laos boy who has the most drinks in the bar, sometimes with 20+ drinks in a single night, more than most boys make in a week, and also someone who is willing to go with any paying customers, told me he normally makes between 20 and 30K per month, so if a customer wants to make an exclusive deal with him, the offered amount must be at least 25K. So here we go I told J.: K. has to "endure" all kinds of customers whether he likes them or not. You only need to sleep with one customer, who you actually likes, and still make more money than him. What do you complain about? Hehe.
Actually, we do not travel together this time. I'll fly to Africa tomorrow for a 10-day safari trip. J. needs to go home to supervise the renovation of part of his family house. He applied for a leave, but the bar owner would not approve because it's now high season and the bar is pretty busy. So I offer to pay the off fee for him to cover the time he'll be away. After consulting various arrangements the boys have with their respective sponsors, the other day, I officially made a "sponsorship" deal with J., which is transactional by nature. I'll give him 3000B for each time I off him from the bar, with a guaranteed monthly income of at least 25K. That means, any month I meet him 8 days or less, or not at all (usually when I travel to a different continent for the whole month), he still receives 25K. Otherwise, he would make more than that. Like this coming January, I plan to be there for 2 weeks so he would easily make 40K from me alone. J. receives roughly 6K from the bar (basic salary + his cut on drinks and off fees) and a couple of grands in tips from other customers in a good month, which would be enough to cover his local expenses. He can save and/or send home all the money I give him. I also encourage him to save at least 10K per month, putting it into a saving account for his clothes store project, and promise that if by the end of the year he can save at least 100K, I'll give him a boost of 20K. It took J a day to sleep on the offered deal, then asked why I don't just give him a fixed allowance, like other sponsors do. I explained that I'm his customer-cum-boyfriend. As a boyfriend, I'd make sure he has enough money to live on and send home, with or without other sources of income. But as a customer, I also want to give him additional motivations to spend more quality time with and take good care of me (my way of pre-empting what @vinapu often calls complacency). Provide good service so that the customer would keep coming back Of course, our deal, like most boy sponsorship I know of in Pattaya, includes a provision for exclusiveness. He can sit and go drinking with other customers, but no sexual favors, to which, he's like "ok" with no change in facial expression. That's good news right?
I think he did, but he wore a face mask in lieu of underwear
To be honest, I sometimes asked myself "Why I invested so much of my time and effort into this (not to mention money). Who's the paying customer here? Ain't I supposed to just lie down, enjoy the service and then pay?" The answer simply is ""cuz I'm happy when I'm doing it" Anyway, yesterday, I asked to pay J.'s off fees for 8 days in a row for travelling purposes (300B per day), and the bar gave me a discount. Instead of 2400, I ended up paying 1500. What a pleasant surprise Not sure if other bars have a similar policy, though.
A week ago, a customer offed both J. and his friend from his bar in JC to continue partying in Boyztown. About 10 minutes after he arrived, J. sent me a message "I'm going back. I don't like it here". My first thought was: the customer forced J. to do something he didn't want? Should I be alarmed? I sent him a message, asking what happened but got no response. 30 minutes later, when he's finally back to JC, it turned out the customer only took the two boys out to watch that erotic show in X-boys, whose sexually explicit content was offensive to J.. It looks like one year working in JC hasn't acclimatized him to this kind of stuff yet. That little incident probably gives you some clues. J. is hopeless traditional when it comes to sex. And by "traditional", I mean "farmer housewife traditional". Sex should only be carried out properly in the bedroom at night, with all the curtains down and lights mostly out (I once tried it in the bathtub, he seemed to enjoy it but was reluctant to do it again). Something like rimming would be unthinkable. For some reasons, he also came up with a "no more than one f*cking per day" rule. Actually, he would not allow me to say "f*ck" out loud. "It's not appropriate in Laos culture. You should say "together in the room." So when we are "together in the room", much as I'm turned on by his body (perfect to my liking: symmetrical, well-developed chest with lean muscles, the kind of muscles you got through good genes and physical hard work, not pumping yourself up in the gym, very lean waist, cute buns and long lean legs), the sex was getting old pretty soon. So I thought, it's totally up to me to spice up our sex life. It's a good thing that J. never fakes orgasm. He only moans when he indeed feels good. So I used his moaning as guidance when exploring his body and finding his G. spots. As someone who only tops and whose basic moves used to limiting to "fast-forward" and then "stall", I ventured to try out more positions, carefully calculating the angle and tempo changes in each case to achieve the maximum results (i.e., the loudest moaning). I even learned how to do cum-control in order to last longer (those daily cardios in the gym helps too. Actually each day with J. is always like working out twice if you know what I mean😉 ). My efforts paid off. Since I'm someone who feeds off greatly on his partner's pleasure, the more J. enjoys the sex, the more turned on I am. In the past, if I sensed that the boy was in pain or just wanted to get it over with, I often lost interest quickly and couldn't even get hard again. That's why I always preferred a boy who was also into me. I ended up having some of the best sex in my life with J., although to an outsider, it may look like my partner was just lying there and moaning. To see that a little farmer housewife sometimes sounding like a cat in heat gives me a sense of achievement too. PS. Once, my male ego forced me to ask J. "Do I give you better sex than your ex-boyfriend did?" He looked the other way, blushing a little but was vague with his answer "I don't know." Is that a yes or he was sparing my feelings? A few days ago, J. got angry with me for something (probably) quite trivial. Being passive-aggressive, he didn't want to talk it out. So he undressed and got into bed. When I joined him, he allowed me to do whatever I want but played dead. Sensing his resistance, I told myself "Challenge accepted!" So I really took my time, trying to be as gentle as I can, and started by paying visits to those G. spots with my tongue. As people say, the body doesn't lie. J. used his right hand to push down the little J. who was claiming loudly it should have its own life (and fun) too. He even gritted his teeth, determining not to let out a single sound. But he could hardly control it as the sound leak became more and more noticeable. Eventually, when I started upping my tempo, it's like he finally gave up and the moaning business was back to usual. So I thought "Mission accomplished!" I was wrong. After we finished, J. got up immediately (no usual post-coitus cuddling), got dressed and went home. He didn't even stop to collect his fee, which I laid out on the table next to the door. He was THAT angry. Although I wasn't sure why he got angry, being a good boyfriend, I sent my apologies for whatever I did wrong through message (of course I didn't say "whatever" in there). I was forgiven the next day though. PS. Speaking of fake orgasm, there is this Laos boy whom I offed just once about 2 years ago. We had barely even begun it when he started moaning loudly and saying all those "come on baby" "oh yeah" "f*ck" "feel so good" whatever. He couldn't hold his conversation in simple English (we used google translation most of the time) but obviously he has a very good command when it comes to those phrases. It was so distracting I had to tell him to tone it down but he begged to differ "That's my way. I was always like that with my ex boyfriend back in Laos." A few minutes into it, my already hard cock got soft and could not recover, so I just let him go with the promised fee. I nicknamed him "the porn star" and the sobriquet sticks. Everyone in the bar knows about his tricks and calls him "porn star" as well. Now come to think of it, he would make a perfect cast for @Olddaddy if his self-made porn idea ever materializes. I run into the Porn Star, who is now freelancing, once in a while and got his feedback on how his acts would work on other customers. It turned out it works for some and for those who hate it, he has learned to cool it. He promised if I off him again, he will now lie completely still in my bed, without making a sound. Do I look like I'm into necrophilia to you?
Or inserted first, and then eaten
Trip Report (Nov/Dec 2024) - Trying out new experiences
Min replied to jason1975's topic in Gay Thailand
Me too. Back in my days in NTU (Singapore), I even hosted a karaoke party for gay fellow students from the same university -
Trip Report (Nov/Dec 2024) - Trying out new experiences
Min replied to jason1975's topic in Gay Thailand
See True to Jason's way of always doing something with A BANG The garland might have something to do with it. Those Chinese probably thought "Well, that hottie received a garland. There must be something special about him." -
Let's make one thing clear: I'm not trying to romanticize anything. I'm trying to tell things as it is. I don't even let myself be dragged into pretty pointless (to me) arguments, such as "what is real love" or "Transaction-based relationships are not real" blah blah. I never deny that money is important in JC "love stories". Please, those working boys come from poor family, of course, money always matters! To many of them, money is not just a means to achieve goals, money is the goal itself. I always look at it this way, to quote my favorite character from my favorite show (The Big Bang Theory) Bert: You guys are nice, but I'm just gonna buy Rebecca a Jet Ski and see if that gets her back. Raj: (once Bert left) I feel bad for Bert. Sheldon: So he's using his money to attract a mate. Is that any different than me using my intelligence to attract Amy? Or Leonard using his power of groveling to get Penny? Raj: Sheldon, what did Amy have that attracted you? Sheldon: Oh, so many things. Her mind, her kindness, and especially her body. Raj: Really? Amy: Relax. We're the same blood type. He knew he could harvest an organ. Ask yourself this: why the boy chose me among paying fellow customers? Because of my good look? my personality? the way I care? I give him more money? Or because nobody else was interested? Or a little bit of everything? Whatever the reason, you obviously have something to offer that others don't, at least, at that moment in time and place. So what if you entice the boy, first and foremost, with your money? At least, you have money. And later on, if he finds out about your other endearing qualities and grows more attached to you, doesn't it make it even better? I once half-jokingly asked J. what else, apart from my money, made he fall in love with me. His answer is brief and, as clichéd as it may sound, still moves me "because of what I feel when I'm with you." About two months ago (we were in a hotel in Vientiane at the time), in the middle of the night, J. suddenly turned to me and hugged me so tight, his whole body shaking, he woke me up (he was never a clingy type when he sleeps). Then he stopped and I went back to sleep. The next morning, I asked him about what happened. "I had a terrifying nightmare. That's why I hugged you. I now don't remember much about what I saw in my dream, but as soon as I hugged you, I feel safe again." Should I ask for more?
Trip Report (Nov/Dec 2024) - Trying out new experiences
Min replied to jason1975's topic in Gay Thailand
I understand. There are merits on both sides of the argument. However, my main point was trying to help Jason see why his guy flat out told him "I want you to come to my bar" (instead of just implying) even though they have dinner with each other every day. Of course, the decision on how to act is totally his. I'm also aware that with Bangkok drink pricing, it's costly to help raise the boy's status that way. Let me share some of my own experiences. I used to have a regular boy in Pattaya's X-boys, who often sent me a message during more quiet nights "Min, please stop by and give me a drink. I have had none so far." To be honest, the only thing I liked about that bar at the time was him so I only set foot inside whenever I want to off him (usually once per week). Other nights, whenever I passed by, I went straight to the stage and tucked 100B in his underwear and then left. Other boys oohed and aahed, and my boy looked proud as a peacock. That was of my way of showing him public support without breaking the bank. -
Trip Report (Nov/Dec 2024) - Trying out new experiences
Min replied to jason1975's topic in Gay Thailand
You may want to try to look at it from the boy’s perspective. He might think that if you care for him, you would show up in his bar frequently, offing and/or buying him drinks, and by doing that, show others how popular he is, increasing his values and status in the bar. Several boys, once given a choice by me, 100B tip or one more drink (from which they get 50B), invariably go for one more drink to increase the total number of drinks they secure for the bar. This is not just about money. The boy might even expect you to also buy drinks for his less fortunate friends, raising his status among those too. In other words, giving him “face” in the bar may mean more to him than having dinner together every day. If you are not sure, have a heart-to-heart with him and see what he thinks, which would probably help you better balance between personal interactions and public display of support -
Could you two take the chance and make a video together?
Wonder why you singled out Olddaddy? Because of his porn-star potentials?