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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. Nothing is provided for, or done for "free". Nothing.
  2. Obviously, it wasn't a good relationship in the first place. Where I live in the USA, you change insurance agents / companies and your rates skyrocket. Patience is a virtue.
  3. A poor quality video.
  4. The girl who was kidnaped was murdered. I'm in Mexico City this week and there is much video of the vigilantes doling-out justice as they deem it proper. Such acts of instant justice are not unusual in Mexico. Sometimes the accused who is beaten or killed was actually innocent. I remember one case where plain clothed police were pursuing a criminal who shouted the men chasing him were child abductors. One police officer was beaten to one inch of his life, so to speak, and the true criminal - suspected for child abduction himself- escaped. We see acts like this worldwide in communities with low education and/or where confidence in the police doesn't exist. No different than in the "old west" in the USA when people were hanged for assumed criminal activity ... and without a trial.
  5. I leave late this week for Mexico: Zacatecas, Aguascalientes then Mexico City.
  6. Let's remember to out the Russian agent here on these forums, boycott his businesses, etc. We know who he is how he preys on the gay community. Ignore him, deprive him of the income he receives from the gay community.
  7. Just wait until you reach 75!
  8. a-447: 155.5 million people cast a ballot in the 2020 Presidential election. Biden beat Trump easily. Americans spoke, loudly: more than 81 million people chose Biden, rather than Trump. Most people don't respond to polling, when asked. In this instance, the equivalent of fewer than 0.0015% of the number of persons who casted a ballot in 2022 responded to this one. This and most other polling, is not worth the paper it's written on. ➡Remember: Responding to trolls only encourages them.
  9. I'm based in US. Cell phone calling / texting is the cultural norm here. Communicating from US to contacts abroad and when traveling within countries other than the US I use WhatsApp.
  10. It's not just saunas, or Brazil ... checking the detail / charges for anything is just the smart thing to do.
  11. There are three principal individuals trolling these political discussions, why give them airtime / bandwidth? One, in particular, preys on the gay community here to earn an income at other businesses and is the most despicable of the trolls. Boycott that business, ignore the three trolls by denying them response time. Stop responding.
  12. Partial List of Trump’s failed businesses: 1. Trump Taj Mahal (Bankruptcy) 2. Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (Bankruptcy) 3. Plaza Hotel (Bankruptcy) 4. Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (Bankruptcy) 5. Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (Bankruptcy) 6. Trump Entertainment Resorts (Bankruptcy) 7. Trump Steaks (Failed Business) 8. GoTrump (Failed Business) 9. Trump Airlines (Failed Business) 10. Trump Vodka (Failed Business) 11. Trump Mortgage (Failed Business) 12. Trump: The Game (Failed Business) 13. Trump Magazine (Failed Business) 14. Trump University (Failed Business) 15. Trump Ice (Failed Business) 16. The New Jersey Generals (Failed Business) 17. Tour de Trump (Failed Business) 18. Trump Network (Failed Business) 19. Trumped! (Failed Business)
  13. Not feeding the troll is the solution to the endless hateful postings. Deny the troll the fuel of responses, to which he will respond to ... is the best course of action. The same is true for the troll on other discussions who preys upon the gay community promoting tour guides yet spews lie after lie. Just say no, deny the fuel and the trolls are likely to go away.
  14. Wrong.
  15. Wrong. Though defeated by Joe Biden by a 7 million vote margin of victory, 74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2020. The poorly educated do vote in the USA.
  16. Wonderful, detailed trip report. Thank you for sharing!
  17. Deleted, because I want to post it in a different discussion.
  18. There was a time … an American friend of mine was long-term incarcerated in a prison on the outskirts of Acapulco. I’d visit him on occasion. Repeatedly, he’d ask if I wanted to have sex with some of the sex-starved inmates. I could use his cell, he said. No problem, if I gave a small amount of $ to guards. He had an arrangement with the Commandant. Though tempted, I never acted on the offer. I thought, just my luck .. the door to the cell would remain locked, with me inside for a long time unless I paid a hefty bribe. 😇
  19. Thanks for the information. Yes, a direct complaint to the hotel manager is in order. The hotel owes you an apology.
  20. The front desk clerk specifically said she was concerned you might be trafficking a minor? Or you are interpreting her question to mean that?
  21. Easy to understand. For the gay guys who travel and participate on the forums ... it's not someplace we're very interested traveling to. 35+ years ago - before I was introduced to Thailand, and Brazil - I traveled to San Juan 5 or 6 times and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Not one of the guys I had sex with - and there were many - asked for money in exchange. Of course, I was younger and better looking than I am, now! There were some good gay bars with nude go-go boys, great beaches, etc. The owners of the St. Marks Baths in NYC had a gay baths in St. Juan which was a wild place (later taken over by one of the Chicago gay baths owners).
  22. For many, participation on social media leads to isolation and less up-close-and-personal friendships and relationships. An unrealistic view of ourselves, and the world we live in. This is not just true for adolescents but adults, too ... judging by some discussions posted to various GG forums.
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