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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. One more corrupt Mexican politician in a long line of them.
  2. My experience has been, as recent as my visit in March 2024, that it's more of a porno-scenario than anything else. A couple of the Metro lines are not fully operational at this time, including the main line, Linea 1.
  3. This is the type of flip flops I travel with and they're clean and worn inside only.
  4. Just pick up an inexpensive pair at one of the markets. Long time ago I started traveling with a pair, wherever I go for use in hotel rooms, beach, pool, saunas, etc.
  5. A research starting point are the many excellent trip reports archived further down this DR forum.
  6. Watched the video. Their focus is on trendy venues. A bit shallow, IMO, but do give a glimpse. They, individually, are a turn-off for me.
  7. There are a handful of relatively recent discussions of the DR. Is there something in particular that you want to know that's not included in those reports?
  8. As I view it, the target and likely market is Europe and the Middle East, not Africa or the Americas.
  9. The young man was an active-duty soldier in the U.S. Military, living off base which is permitted in many circumstances. Reportedly, the soldier was on a facetime video call with his girlfriend in a room located at the opposite end of where the front door is situated. There were three knocks on the front door: once without announcing who the officer was, second when the officer - standing to the side - not in front - of the door and called out identifying himself, and quicky a third identifying himself. The apartment has an exterior entrance and it's not unreasonable to believe any resident who was at the other end of the apartment, could hear clearly. The soldier, reportedly not certain who was at this front door knocking loudly, retrieved his lawfully owned handgun, approached and opened the door with the handgun at his side pointed downward not in a threatening manner - and without warning or ordering the soldier to drop his weapon, the police officer opened fire and killed the soldier. The police officer, who had not waited for back-up which was almost at the building before approaching the apartment and who listened at the apartment door before knocking, seeking to determine if a loud or violent domestic dispute was underway - had been given an incorrect apartment number by a woman who met him when his patrol car arrived at the building. There was no indication that there was a reason for the police to seek entrance to the apartment.
  10. I took a good look at myself in the mirror this morning. OMG! Who the Hell is this guy? Where did Mavica go? 6'2", 205 lbs., 36 waist. The occasional brown spots from blood thinners. Oh, about to turn 75 in a couple of months! Prompts me to express gratitude that anyone will warm my bed ... for pay, or ... not likely ... for free! Thanks for the memories!
  11. Many of us are getting older, and our interests and preferences have changed. Being in bed by 10 p.m. can be the new norm. So arranging for someone to entertain / service / please / accompany us earlier rather than later in the day is what we look for. 😁
  12. Don't do it. Find another company, group.
  13. The 'devil' is in the details, the fine print of proposed rules that may or not remain unchanged from the proposal being discussed. And, 'at the end of the day' airlines will simply raise fares / fees to recover whatever revenue they are required to pay out as compensation. Yes, there will be exceptions such as weather, "acts of God" and things about which the particular airline had on control.
  14. US$135. He must have been special.
  15. Barebacking not only places the escorts at risk, the rest of us as well. Selfish lack of respect for life, or all. No way to sugar-coat it.
  16. Don't believe everything you hear or read. If you visit Mexico City you will have enough water to drink (bottled, just like the locals), and shower with. No widespread shortages .. for anyone. Periodic reductions in the dry season, yes. But trucks bring water into the hotels, apartments and restaurants. You'll need some ability to speak / understand Spanish, though. I've lived in the city, and I travel there once or twice yearly ... including March this year. Is it the right stop for you? I don't know. It's an incredible city, though.
  17. Surprised? You were in the center of gay activity / nightlife in Toronto. I live in the USA. Constantly, there are television commercials for PrEP.
  18. Yes. However, traveling from the USA - airfares are less to Mexico from LA, hotels can be reasonably priced ... and meals are a bargain IMO. Now, you can travel first-class and pay a premium. I don't travel at that level, though.
  19. Yes, I sometimes look-up gay porn actors from the pre-1980s era and am often saddened to learn they died from HIV/AIDS.
  20. Mexico will be the least expensive to visit, given your departure point. We're entering the Summer travel season when airfares, typically, are higher. Certainly, a lot of culture and things to see / do in Mexico ... especially so if you speak Spanish. Last week I returned from 10-days travel in Mexico. However, unless you're on the youngish side of life and/or aren't too picky with escorts that may be available ... I don't think Mexico is a good place for sexcapades (I'm 70+). I don't think we know what kind / types of guys you are attracted to - if there is a specific type - or your age. When I think of a trip where I can have the opportunity for cultural adventures mixed with plentiful opportunities for sex - at my age - I immediately think of these three destinations (departing from Florida): Brazil, Colombia and to a lesser extent (culturally) the Dominican Republic.
  21. Someone can also type the numbers "55" onto the Notes application on a smart phone, or simply write the numbers on a piece of paper. Show either to the Mamasan. Or, use the voice translator.
  22. You've selected an extreme example, and not for a condominium monthly maintenance fee ... but it's a co-operative. In Co-ops your monthly fee includes a proportionate share of the whole building (not just your unit square footage) annual real estate taxes and other fees. This particular co-op is either too high-priced for the market or there are problems with it ... because it's been on the market 130 days. Co-ops are typically more full-service than apartment buildings, condo buildings, etc.
  23. Interaction, body language and the unknown affects how the money boys react to and accept us. I don't think it's as easy as flipping a switch and the performance is the same with whomever they go home with.
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