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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. I live in the USA, and have traveled world-wide, extensively. If I were to relocate outside the USA I'd almost certainly move to Mexico where I've lived previously. I speak Spanish, which is a huge plus. Other than Mexico, I'd like to live in Ireland .. but a retiree visa requires 50,000 Euro annual income if I'm recalling correctly. I wouldn't live in Asia, or Thailand. Language is one reason. Living someplace is very different than visiting as a tourist.
  2. Doesn't this belong in the Thailand forum?
  3. So what. Many straight - and Bi - guys switch hit. He's with an ugly wife now, hopefully a good companion and if he has the opportunity to trick with one of the stunningly handsome Brit soldier types at the palace ... congrats.
  4. Use of masks is a turn-off for me, and I think many others. There has to be a theme, a story line in order for the use of masks to work. They didn't work in the example in the OP.
  5. No, I don't think so.
  6. Cross-posted here and at The Beer Bar forum: The NY Times is featuring a report in today's (09.12.2022) online edition (a subscription may be required to read the article in its entirety). The report discusses more than just Brazil. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/12/health/monkeypox-vaccines-treatments-equity.html
  7. Mavica


    The NY Times is featuring an article on Monkeypox in the 09.12.2022 online edition (may require subscription to read in its entirety). https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/12/health/monkeypox-vaccines-treatments-equity.html
  8. Thank you for sharing the clip. I don't know what the story-line is for this short video clip, or if you need someone to assist with production. If it were me producing the videos and i didn't want to hire someone to help me with production ... I'd probably study the most popular gay porn videos available online to learn some production values. The masks/head coverings are a turn-off for me and the bodies of the two individuals in the clip aren't to my liking. ☚ī¸
  9. Not really. CNN has consistently, for many years now, contracted with and paid spokespersons/supporters of the various Presidents to appear and present their viewpoint. No other network does this. It's not something new. CNN has been consistent in offering "both sides" in those panel discussions.
  10. I don't know you personally. I have an impression, though, after reading many of your postings on Thai forum and on the Philippines, etc. I'm left with the impression that you are uncomfortable with being gay, how others may view you and your sexual preference and other things in your life ... and that you throw caution to the wind and are unconcerned not only about your own health ... but about that of others who follow behind you and trick with the same young men. For me, it begs the question: do you value your life? Harsh comments? Yes. But sincerely offered from someone approaching his mid-70s.
  11. Risks are not just to us individually, but to many others. I will act responsibly, and the risk to me is too great to frequent the GP saunas in Rio - or elsewhere - so I've decided to postpone/cancel a possible Fall trip to Rio. For me, the level of risk is not "doable". We sleep with the many others our partners have slept with. All too many people forget about or were not alive in the 80s when HIV hit and devastated our community. Yes, immunize ourselves if we can / want. But let's be real, and responsible for our health and the health of others. Ok, sermon is over! 😁
  12. Don't the Thai specific topics belong in the Thailand forum?
  13. There have been questions raised about criminal charges against one of the two, who, in video's, is seen wearing an ankle monitoring device? Criticism has been posted elsewhere about the age of one or more of the sex partners. Just asking.
  14. No, the sky is not falling.
  15. I think I understand. An older gay guy who prefers/enjoys the companionship of slight-build younger men is flattered when that young man fawns over him, pleases or slightly pleases him sexually, etc. It's a relationship many guys don't have the opportunity of back home - so they don't want to let go. Smart, intelligent (otherwise) farangs. Such relationships/financing isn't limited to Thailand, as we know. And it's not limited to just the gay community. Straight men and Pinoy women (as one example) ... you see/hear a lot of the same commentary. In the Philippines, it's not just the girl/young lady you help support ... but her extended family (sometimes true in Thailand). I've known many young men in Mexico who have had 2 or 3 foreigners financially supporting them - at the same time. I'd laugh watching the Mexicans juggling the visits of their backers/lovers (particularly in Acapulco). "A fool and his money are soon parted" (Thomas Tusser).
  16. I am similar. Thank you for the comment, and request(s).
  17. Mavica


    You're right. There was a time, maybe 15-20 years ago, I posted extensively to CFS. It was one of the best cruising websites, contributed to by some awesome people. I remember, too, Dreaded Ned's Thailand forums to which I posted. What a free for all that was! I recognize a couple of names on this forum who also posted there, back in the day.
  18. I've tricked with quite a few Pinoy young men here in the USA. Most if not all were physically stunning, great in bed. None were "butchered". Fond memories!
  19. Top Ten will differ, by whomever is asked.
  20. "Need"? I doubt it. "Desired"? For some, yes. I, too, am a prostate cancer survivor.
  21. Not all of us came to Thailand "because we sought sexual intimacy we couldn't find at home." Depending on age, yes ... many. My first visit to BKK was in 1992 - 30 years ago. At the time I was not partnered but had a very active sex life in Chicago where I lived. I also traveled to many other countries. Sex wasn't the only reason for these travels, but it was an important 'add on". The only country I've made a first trip to for sex ... was Brazil; Rio de Janeiro. I've never lived in Thailand, but I have lived on other countries. The longest length of time I've lived "abroad" was the 6 years I spent living/working in Mexico; Mexico City. In Mexico I was in my 40s and had sex to a level as if I was starving (and then having been fulfilled!). Sometimes, early-on, I had sex with 4 or 5 guys in a single day. If it walked, I'd fuck it. It was an extraordinary time in my life. As I satisfied the urge I developed repeat encounters with probably a half-dozen guys. They'd just show up on my doorstep, unannounced. I loved each one of them, and there were periods of time when one or two would live / stay with me for varying lengths of time (a weekend, a week, three months, a year, etc.). Mostly young men from the country, making periodic visits to the big city. Not just in Mexico City, but in Acapulco. A couple of them were elite military. Awesome lovers, each. Direct payment of money for sex/companionship wasn't always expected. When it was, it was (at the time) relatively minimal (Peso equivalent of US$20/50 per stay, usually). Though, one was a dental student who needed US$200 for dental school tuition (one of the most fantastic fucks I've ever had). They'd stay with me, I'd give them a place to stay, feed them, do their laundry, buy them some new clothing, a return bus ticket home ... and in two instances money to get them across the border into the USA to join family members (one of whom perished working in the World Trade Center 9/11). "True love"? Yes. At my age, I've learned to accept what comes my way - with gratitude. Share my affections and accept those of others ... without demands from either side. I have no problem sharing what I have, when I have it with partners (temporary or not) when they need help.
  22. "true love"? In a gay or straight relationship, "true" can be elusive. Both in the relationship are looking for something, oftentimes it's different. We oftentimes, too, compromise to get what we want.
  23. So true, the world over.
  24. Monkeypox information: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox https://www.ncdhhs.gov/media/17425/download?attachment?attachment https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/key-facts-about-vaccines-prevent-monkeypox-disease
  25. Please don't troll this individual because you don't like buffed bodies, big dicks, etc. I'm suspecting you have an ulterior motive posting such negative comments about someone you say you don't know. 💋
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