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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. It's described as human axillary odorant production, an issue widely discussed in medical journals / articles. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4724538/ Source: https://time.com/6082321/your-body-odor-says-about-you/ There's nothing wrong with any one of us having a preference for the color / shape / preference of guys we are attracted to and want to have sex with. We make choices every day of our lives, be it friendships, partners, or products we purchase. Not many of the participants on these forums have had in-person contact with one another who post, others are independent travelers and frequent posters, newbies, infrequent travelers, armchair travelers ... and the occasional and infrequent troll. The majority of individuals reading these discussions never post a comment they just read in part because they do not want to be personally attacked because of their lack of knowledge to satisfy a critic. Anonymous forums are oftentimes a fantasyland. I choose to treat others / respond to individuals offering commets as if they are legitimate / sincere ... until a point when I'm convinced the individual is game-playing. Even when a trickster arrives and initiates a discussion or posts multiple odd comments to a discussion thread ... it's a learning experience. In the midst of a game, it's not a waisted exercise. None of us knows it all. Rather than reading or giving credence to comments of a known troll maliciously calling someone else (a newbie) a troll, I'll reserve my right to decide for myself. As I've posted previously, I look forward to reading your trip report(s). Please be as specific as you can, because we live vicariously through the experiences of others. 🙂
  2. 🙄 This has been asked/answered/commented-on previously. GPs at the saunas we've been discussing come in all skin colors and various body types. Like many of our tastes of life, some things are acquired over time. I understand what you are saying regarding body smells of some (not all) black men. I've observed the same thing you're pointing out. For me, it's become part of the attraction. I remember that during my first visit to Bangkok I was "sniff kissed" which I thought was odd; it isn't. 🙂 Like Jesus, I love them all! (only in a different way!)
  3. It could be that New Meio Mundo has a greater abundance of passive types who would be inclined to fulfill your nipple sucker requests.
  4. Sounds awesome! 😁
  5. Some of the best sexual encounters I've had, lifelong, have been with black men. You know the saying, "Once you go Black, you don't go back."? , and, "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice". In Rio, I've had the most enjoyable escapades with guys who were black-skinned working at Club 117. However, I'm an equal opportunity client!
  6. In Brazil, though I am interested in culture, food, etc., I've visited only Rio and for the principal reason the opportunity to have high-quality sex unavailable to me in the USA. Considering the cost of air travel, lodging, garotos ... I personally don't consider it cheap sex. But given my age ... maybe you're right and it is cheap sex. 😁
  7. A principal challenge for those of us who visit for the first time, even the second, third and fourth times ... especially if we do not speak the local language ... is avoiding getting ourselves into dangerous situations without knowing what we don't know. In Rio, I confine my sexcapades to the locations the Garotos de Programa are available; such as Club 117 (my first choice). Though, twice in multiple visits have I tricked with someone I've met outside of the saunas: an excellent encounter with two 18 year olds I met on Copacabana Beach (who'd been part of a group whose personal belongings I'd watched while they were swimming), and, tricking with a soldier when I was staying in an apartment in Urca. Both were potentially risky, but my "gut" told me the situations were right and I had rented apartments without guest restrictions. I've since refrained from such encounters, though. I typically spend some time, most days, on the gay beach at Ipanema - depending on the time of year I'm there (easily and safely reached by, Metro); lots of 'eye candy'. At other times, I wander about Rio (not looking for a sexual partner). Though I consider my personal safety, I'm an explorer; it took at least 3 or 4 visits before I became comfortable widening my circle of areas of exploration (beyond Copacabana, Ipanema, Catete). My recommendation for first-timers is to go slow. There are enough possible sexual encounters at the saunas to make street cruising unnecessary. Remain aware of your surroundings, and those surrounding you ... so as not to be surprised by incidents of street crime. If accosted in a robbery attempt, do not resist. Enjoy your visit. I know that readers will appreciate learning of your exploits!
  8. Not in Thailand, but when I lived in both Chicago and Mexico City and frequented adult bookstores with video booths 😛... guys going down on me in a booth sometimes put their hands in my jean pockets hugging my ankles, looking for money. I was never victimized, though, but some acquaintances of mine have been. Too many guys are caught in the moment of soft lips on hard cock ... too far gone to sense what's happening, or just don't care at that point.
  9. Yes. And not just in Rio, or Brazil. Any of our destinations. 🙃
  10. I'm way behind on going to the movies. Just yesterday, I finally sat in the theater and watched Top Gun: Maverick. Excellent movie! Don't know that I'll get to see BROS.
  11. Lose 2lbs, take a shit.
  12. The US sanctions against Cuba don't make sense, to probably a majority of USA residents. Pandering to Cuban-American voters is wrongful, IMO. I say, "send them back to Cuba". Let's not forget, though, that Fidel contributed to the slaughter (reportedly) of more than 100,000 Cubans, including key supporters of his. It will take a GOP Presidential administration to change policy, and that won't happen any time soon.
  13. I've refrained from commenting on or responding to your hyper-active stalking and trolling of me on these forums, until now. Your behavior, including the repeated Ad hominem attacks on me clearly appear to violate the terms of your, mine and everyone else's participation on these forums. You have gotten away with your bad behavior for a log time. The site administrator / moderator likely has access to the history you claim I have here on this website. "A few years back"? Really? You are a liar. Repeating lies doesn't mean the lies are truth, factual. I invite readers to click on my Profile and follow the links to comments I've posted. The truth will set you free! My impression of your participation on the forums here is that you are hungry for positive responses. "Contrarian" viewpoints are a mainstay of social media, web forums. After all, these are discussions and few of us will share exactly the same viewpoints. Does a "contrarian viewpoint" equate to the maker of such views "disruptive"? Sometimes, yes. However, contrary viewpoints aren't necessarily malicious, they offer additional content which can and does provoke expanded discussion by participants. We learn from comments of others, even when we disagree with what they / we may have written. You post here solely to personally attack me, without adding anything meaningful to the discussion. Why? You falsely assert I post "constant negativity". Please back that up with facts. Site those instances since I've registered at this forum, participating for the first time by the way ... ever. Do that, or sit down and shut up. Better yet, apologize. When someone doesn't agree with a particular posting / comment of yours you get in a hissy fit. "Troll!" you exclaim. It obviously bothers you that not everyone agrees with you - or that there are a variance of opinions on a discussion topic. Yet, your responses are troll-like. Has that fact escaped you? Maybe not. Maybe the best "defense' is a good "offense". Are your own postings, your trip reports truthful? Maybe others can vouch for you, I don't know. Fantasy postings? I hope not. You obviously (to me) have your nylons in a knot because I've clicked on a down arrow at times when you've said things I disagree with. Well, this may come as news to you ... rather than post a written response, readers are given the opportunity (by the site owner / administrator) for us to simply click on an emoji to express our opinion / sentiment. It's an action almost everyone here undertakes. A simple check of how I personally use the emoji's will reveal I generously / appreciatively compliment more, substantially more comments than I disagree with; probably 95+% positive responses to what others have said. And you? I don't see you complimenting others very often; maybe I'm missing them. If someone here has access to the archives of the Gay Brazil website they will see my contributory postings pertaining to Rio de Janeiro, under the same screen name - Mavica. I've never been called a troll or disruptive. If someone here has access to the Cruising for Sex website, you can search the older Mexico discussion forums for my screen name ... which is what I use here and have only used on gay-themed forums for 20+ years. Although it was at a time when screen names and log-in was not required, I was an active participant at the Dreaded Ned's Thailand forum. Don't like me, don't like my comments? Fine. Get over it. Learn to live your own life instead of preaching how other should live theirs.
  14. No "wars", just a personal opinion ... which each of us is entitled to express - within the guidelines established by the website owner / administrator / moderator. Like opinions, or not. 😁 The opinion I've expressed, by the way, is mild in comparison to the personal attacks and/or trolling taking place in this discussion thread. Maybe you've already spoken-out about that matter and I've missed mention of it.
  15. When my PSA test result showed an unusual increase, not substantial, though, my primary care physician said there was a 53% chance I had Prostate Cancer ("PC"). I was fortunate that my physician was pro-active and on numerous occasions his advice protected me from various severe consequences. Unfortunately, I now live in Florida where, IMO, care for seniors is substandard ... which can result in life-threatening events. Sloan-Kettering, MD Anderson ... exemplary cancer diagnosis / treatment centers. My PC care was at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago ... an excellent teaching hospital. Some, maybe many biopsy's result in infections and, as in my case ... sepsis. I was fortunate to have slipped into shock while in my Urologist's office at the hospital where I was rushed into Intensive Care. I've read about SPC and the technology / methods it applies ... which is more advanced from that which I had available when diagnosed with PC. Surgical outcome is only as good as the surgeon and his/her procedures. I'm fortunate to have excellent employer-sponsored health care insurance when my prostate was removed. The "tab" for the procedure, etc., was US$66,000, but my insurance company negotiated that down to US$33,000. Out of pocket for me? Less than US$1,000. I've lived / worked in Canada. The wait for "elective" surgery can be long. For some, uncomfortably long. I don't know how cases of PC are classified. Long term, or short term wait for a procedure. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
  16. My suggestion is that you not hijack the Beer Bar forum by peppering it with topics specifically related to Thailand, for which there is a dedicated forum where they appropriately belong ... in my opinion. And, instead of violating copyright regulations by posting the entirety of articles published and protected intellectual property ... simply post a link. If you have something to say about the topic of an article, comment on the content instead of merely copying and posting. Otherwise, what's the point? 😁 Thank you.
  17. Yes, blame it on Indiana Jones.
  18. A disappointing response at the box office, thus far. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/bros-billy-eichner-homophobics-box-office-1235231561/
  19. I've twice stayed in Catete. Although I'm a "walker" when in Rio ... covering a lot of ground exploring ... the Metro Station at Catete makes it easy and inexpensive to move around the city rapidly. City busses are also plentiful. My first visits to Rio, however, included stays at the Atlantico Copacabana.
  20. Source: https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/the-hook-up/ass-eating-rimming/11492332 I would never ask a pay for play guy to rim me (neither would I rim someone), nor would I knowingly hire an escort/moneyboy if I knew he engaged in what I consider a dangerous behavior.
  21. Here are links to some informative articles/publications regarding Prostate Cancer in Gay men: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4770844/ https://www.smsna.org/patients/news/heteronormativity-and-prostate-cancer-in-gay-and-bisexual-men https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/when-it-comes-prostate-cancer-gay-men-are-erased-patients-n929686 https://prostatecancer.net/living-coping/gay-men
  22. Thank you for your comments, Moses, and for sharing your experiences. Similar to you, I had regularly scheduled PSA tests; on a yearly basis. When my PSA number rose unexpectedly, my primary care physician scheduled a visit with a Urologist whose finger examination did not result in any concerns. However, as a precaution a biopsy was recommended. The day following the biopsy and before the results were available, I slid into septic shock and was in intensive care for several days. While still in the hospital the biopsy results came in and it was estimated that my prostate likely contained 12% cancer. Watchful waiting, radiation, removal (via Da Vinci surgery) ... were options presented to me by my Urologist. Right then and there I told the Urologist/Surgeon I wanted the prostate removed via Da Vinci robotic. For me, I made the right decision: the level of cancer was 25%, but had not migrated outside of the prostate. As with other surgeries, one patient's experience can be different than someone else. I experienced severe incontinence once the catheter was removed - which was 2 weeks post-op. I leaked like water shooting out of a garden hose. Lesser degrees of incontinence continue to this day, which is annoying. My primary care physician at the time believed the surgery was not completely successful and I might want a corrective procedure (something I have not acted on). My frequency and strength of erections has not returned to pre-op levels, which has had a negative impact on my sex life. Pre-op, I'd have described my sexual activity as 90% top. Post-op, it's 100% bottom. Such a change can be, and is, difficult to deal with - psychologically - for gay men. Thankfully, pre-op ... I'd had 30+ years of a very active sex life. Thanks for the memories! When I think about my health history and prostate cancer, I have no regrets deciding to have my prostate removed. I'm alive. For this I am grateful.
  23. There's no one "Mexican food." It's a large country with regional variations in fare. You can be gluttonous eating every part of a cow or pig, or eat healthy. As for weather: September, October and early-November ... that's the core of the rainy season. Tropical storms, hurricanes, etc. Water quality along the beaches during these periods can be "stay away" classification.
  24. Whether we be a top or a bottom, the prostate in gay men is hugely important to our sexual / social life. 14 years ago (when I was 59) I was diagnosed with prostate cancer ("PC"). Whenever we're told we have Cancer, we assume the worst; oftentimes, for good reason: the "end" is near!. My PC was diagnosed as consuming 12% of my prostate. Instead of "watchful waiting", I chose to have my prostate removed (it doesn't belong in me, get it out!). Anticipating the Urological Surgeon's caution that it was likely I'd lose some length and firmness/rigidity of my dick post-op (which turned out to be an accurate prediction), I postponed surgery for a month so that I could visit Rio de Janeiro ... and I could have fun in Rio de Janeiro (GP, and some women for hire). For most of my life I was a "top". Most importantly, I wanted to fuck as many stunningly handsome guys as I could before surrendering my erection to the surgeons. Post-OP, the removed prostate analysis revealed that it was 25% consumed by PC and had not, to the best of the knowledge of my Urologist, metastasized (thankfully). Very lucky me! So, it's not been easy post-op. I'm unattached, no partner. My focus on sexual satisfaction has changed. I enjoyed a spectacular period of time during pre-op which I enjoyed/excelled being a "top". Fantastic memories, thankfully. Any others on this forum who have had PC, and surgery? 😁
  25. Stereotypes don't work well, in my opinion. You're "more into latin type". What does that tell us? There are Latins who are black, brown and light skinned. There are some areas in Brazil where the population speaks both Portuguese and Spanish. During my visits to Club 117, I've seen / been with / observed Garotos de Programa of all skin colors (well, not as white-skinned as me!). I've been with black, mixed, brown and white/light skinned. If I use a filter when deciding which guy to have sex with, it's body type and personality - not skin color. Click on this link below to learn more about Brazil's demographics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Brazil
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