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Everything posted by Mavica

  1. I live in the USA. My full retirement age for government Social Security monthly benefits 7 years ago was 66.5 years old. That's when I retired from full-time work. I could have claimed that retirement benefit at age 62 but the monthly payment would be approx. 30% less for the rest of my life compared to what I receive now. At age 65 we are eligible for government assisted medical insurance a/k/a Medicare.
  2. Condo governing associations in the US oftentimes restrict how often and for how long we can rent our units. Where I live I can rent once yearly for not less than a 6 month term. The city where I live prohibits rentals less than 3 months and prohibits airbnb for most condos.
  3. Yes, a shameful chapter in our, USA, history. For sure.
  4. I stopped counting the number of friends, and particularly sex partners that were lost to HIV/AIDS 40-years ago. There were scores. No exaggeration. A generation wiped out where I played: Chicago, NYC, Acapulco. I was prolifically sexual; almost exclusively a top. At the time, I would think: "How did I survive when so many others perished?" "Why?" Those of us sharing this experience in our lives had to start all over again - not only building new relationships, but being sexual - and it was so very depressing for a while. Now, once again, I'm at a point in my life when friends and acquaintances are at end-of-life or rapidly approaching - due to other ailments. And the beat goes on. I try not to dwell on the past but look forward to the time I have left. 😁 My observation of guys from the USA, as one example, who move abroad is that they typically do so woefully unprepared. The inability to communicate in the new county language is the first challenge. Foreigners who are non-communicators almost always pay more for everything - and are the most frustrated. Even if you can communicate, you'll likely pay more than a local. How do you make friends, develop relationships if you can't communicate? Then there is the challenge of trying to understand the culture of where you land, Thailand or elsewhere. Many are indifferent and underestimate the importance of understanding / learning the cultural norms and how they differ from where we come from - how they're so very important ... before we arrive in the new country. As Dorothy said, "We're not in Kansas anymore". And ... there's the issue of fragile funding; under capitalization. Lacking the ability to communicate in the local language, indifference to the culture, financial insecurity and the lack of a ready support network are prescriptions for frustration, stress and depression. It might be paradise, but what good is being in paradise if you cannot enjoy it? Not all is lost, though, because those of you who successfully live in Thailand, and other "foreign countries" are a testament to the fact that such a transition can be accomplished - happily. Not without effort, but it can be done.
  5. For many of us, renting is better than buying.
  6. I waited 73 years to take my first cruise, last November. It was better than I thought it would be. Small ship, 2,500 passengers, 7 nights. Lots of gay men, most of whom seemed to be partnered ... and, umm, unhealthy looking (supersized).
  7. The blush on the rose of being in paradise isn't long lasting for many expats, no matter the country - particularly if the expat hasn't prepared himself for the cultural and language differences - and if financial insecurity circles overhead. One can only spend so much time in a bar offing MB / garotos, cruising public spaces, surfing social media / sex sites. There's more to life. 😁 And if the expat doesn't have a partner or a steady, loneliness and depression can and will set-in.
  8. I think it's a mistake to assume Russians, other than the nation's current leadership, are enamored with either of the US political parties or party leaders.
  9. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but my understanding is that expats residing in Thailand, no matter the visa category, are required to demonstrate economic solvency (i.e., verifiable monthly / annual income or other financial assets). True? If so, then the destitute expats being referred to would appear be in Thailand in violation of the law / regulations.
  10. I've frequently used Booking.com. We are given choices to make: accept a "no cancellation" option, which requires payment in advance; or, accept a slightly higher price with the right to cancel the reservation shortly prior to the arrival date. This latter option requires no advance payment; you pay the lodging directly, upon arrival. I've always chosen the option where I can cancel if necessary and have never been asked to pay in advance; I pay the hotel directly upon arrival. Properties set the conditions of accepting reservations via Booking.com, and there are variances. Because of my own experiences using Booking.com, I will continue to use the service.
  11. Ok. I responded earlier today using my cellphone or my iPad and didn't receive the warning. I returned home this evening and logged-on using Microsoft and the warning appeared - only for the forums section. I'm using Microsoft Edge on my laptop in the USA. I used Safari on my iPad. At the Gay guides home page, no warning appears. There is a place on the warning I received (More Information) to say the website isn't a scam, and I followed the instructions. Others should do the same. Someone or something has, IMO, reported the site as a scam and that's probably why the warnings appear.
  12. Cultural differences abound, worldwide. I lived in a building the residents of which were predominantly Jewish - many Orthodox. The families sit shiva at home (no body present). Orthodox cover all mirrors. Additionally, Ultra Orthodox remove all cushions from furniture. At graveside, each mourner uses a shovel to toss dirt onto the casket, 3 times. Irish would have the body in the home and waited a day or two before burial, because maybe the man was just drunk and passed out. Etc.
  13. What I believe is happening is that malware is likely attempting to attack your computer by luring you to click on commands, such as "Report' afrer which a virus will infect your computer. The warnings make no sense for this particular site and appwar to me to be a hoax. Don't click on any command. I've never received a similar warning.
  14. I recall a prior discussion in which Old Daddy said he'd sucked-off and/or eaten the asses of 60 guys in 60 days. Unless he's got a heck of a lot of money to spend, at that volume of sex he is compelled to find it for free. But free or cheaper doesn't mean it's better. Each of us is different, though, and, for some, quantity is more inportant than quality. Then there are guys who want it all, for nothing ... who make a game out of being cheap, and the game becomes the priority ... not the sex.
  15. Some popular uses of the air tags: Keep track of your car keys, wallet, purse, backpack, or other personal items. Remember where you parked your car or track your luggage while traveling. Track a runaway dog or cat, or find a lost child or elderly loved one. Track your tools, instruments, or other valuable items that might remain in your vehicle or elsewhere.
  16. There's an improved vaccine expected to be available in the USA probably within the next 60 days. FDA Panel Recommends Updating COVID-19 Vaccines to Match Current Variants (verywellhealth.com)
  17. Agreed. The poster - any of us posting - has the right to post whatever he/we want in conformance with the terms of participation of the website owner. Not everyone expresses themselves in the same way.
  18. He's gorgeous! Thank you for posting the pics.
  19. Polls mean very little at this time, IMO. Though the gaggle of GOP candidates have been on the campaign trail for months, the Biden campaign hasn't begun yet. Typically, the Presidential primary campaigns don't start ot ramp-up until after Labor Day the year preceding the primaries. Yes, the poll numbers don't look good for Biden, but they'll change. The country will remain divided no matter who the General Election candidates are. Trump? It's anyone's guess what will happen with him. His trial on the Federal indictments aren't likely to be decided before the election, which, if Trump is the GOP candidate, gives an advantage to Biden and/or the Dems. If he's convicted in Georgia or NY, or both, all the better for the Dems. Biden? I hope someone with influence is working on a Plan B, if he's out of the race. VP Harris is an important running mate if only to help with the turn-out of black voters. It's a political lifetime between now and the General election. Anything can happen, on short notice.
  20. If they're Republican, no, there is not one who isn't horrible ... because even if the candidate is somewhat "moderate" he/she has allegiance to an political party that hates the USA. Look at the GOP Congressional leadership, the majority of GOP Governors. It's a political party with policies that are hateful.
  21. How many of you watch the USA cable program '90 Day Financee?
  22. I think he's guilty as charged.
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