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Mavica last won the day on May 16 2024

Mavica had the most liked content!

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    Florida USA

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    6 foot 1
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    80-84 kg
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    Clean Shaven
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  1. The accused were tried in a court, evidence presented, defense presented ... and were found guilty. End of story. The convicted should remain incarcerated until their term ends or in accordance with DOJ standards they are released.
  2. If the report is accurate, I agree with you and think few will disagree.
  3. Common sense suggestions. Thank you.
  4. Yet no talk of the other bodies found there? If they were involved in perpetrating scams ... then I have no sympathy for their passing.
  5. Mavica

    Over 65s

    Lots of good advice thus far. I think BlkSuperman offers a good first-timer, timid traveler option.
  6. I live adjacent to a cruise departure port and have taken just one cruise a couple of years ago ... because it was departing close to home (40-minute drive). No travel to another city required. It was a cruise to Mexican ports, etc. and I went solo, took no $150 excursions, no expensive drink packages (but brought a couple of bottles of wine with me). I'm interested in the repositioning cruises from Florida, though; might do one. However, IMO cruises (generally) are one of the most expensive modes of transport / travel for a solo traveler (departing from the USA).
  7. Yes, I always look up weather reports / history for destinations I travel to.
  8. Mr. Trump got a new paint job for New Years Eve. No, not "Blackface" ... "Orangeface".
  9. And ... in this instance ... the perpetrators, in New Orleans and Las Vegas (to a lesser extent) have active or retired military backgrounds. Others, I don't recall that they wear camo.
  10. Yes, there are parts of Mexico in which such fears are justified and where heinous acts occur, and innocents lose their lives. We always think it won't happen to us. No matter, or almost nowhere we live. Until it does.
  11. Not a place for the stereotypical conservative Midwestern farm family to wander about on vacation (other than NYE).
  12. Sad to hear this.
  13. Once behind closed doors ...
  14. Isn't this what's been happening in the USA and in other countries for ever so long, only not as openly blatant?
  15. I don't think anybody would or is suggesting Mr. Trump didn't win the election fair and square. There are many pushing back that there's any quite strong mandate to implement his most radical actions / promises, though. Mr. Trump won the popular vote by a margin of 1.5%. Of the 152,307,059 votes cast in the election, 75,009,338 were against Mr. Trump. The country remains closely divided: 49.9% to 48.4%. Yes, winner take all, to the victor goes the spoils ... and all that. But by no means a quite strong mandate for his radical proposals. Mr. Trump is doing what he promised, though ... I'll grant you that!
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