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Everything posted by zoomomancs

  1. At the start of Covid in the uk I did chargebacks with the bank on the debit card re two cancelled flights with two airlines and both worked. With one of them the online agent was useless re a refund but it helps with the chargeback to show one has tried to get a refund through the obvious channels..
  2. Young men at Freshboys tell me it is now 'bustling' though would like more offs. Dreamboys had more customers when I was there in April but I prefer the men at Freshboys. The outer bar at Hot Male can be a cheaper alternative for drinks.
  3. A search on end of June direct shows Singapore, from Gatwick, and Eva
  4. In my recent experience weekends have many more customers in bars like Freshboys. I know we don't go for customers but more of them improves the atmosphere. Whether there are more young men available at weekends I'm not sure.
  5. I think Freshboys is more interesting at 10pm ish when the show starts. A few more customers there on weekdays and a decent number Fridays/Saturdays. Re the jeans I assume all the go go bars are navigating the odd covid rules so I'm just happy they have managed to open. Now I want Screwboys open with 20 Viet men there but I'm not about to get it.
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