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Everything posted by zoomomancs

  1. I will be rushing there in a few days when I say bye to Jomtien. Few people will know it is open so the bar will need our support.
  2. First night tonight. Friend nearby confirms.
  3. Screwboys open now
  4. My source, who was helping to clean Screwboys and get it set up, says it will open 'around the 20th April'. I'm in Pattaya then but I will go to Screwboys as soon as I can.
  5. I'm now in Bangkok. Some people are telling me that Screwboys will open on the 20th ie. in 4 days. I have asked my source to update me and will report back. I have seen a personal video of staff cleaning the bar, sent to me last Monday.
  6. My source says Screwboys will be open about the 25th April.
  7. I read that the bar has been cleaned and is waiting for the sound system so looking good. I am asking what date it might open.
  8. I think the two hotels are in completely different locations and it would take 20 minutes to walk from one to the other. The Quarter is a new hotel, round the corner from Tarntawan. But I don't remember what was there before The Quarter was built.
  9. My source is a good one, I believe, and says the owner is currently decorating the place.
  10. A source sent me this flyer yesterday showing the bar is advertising for staff.
  11. A lad on Patpong tells me bar openings are back to normal after that one night problem.
  12. Two different sources in Bangkok tell me that Screwboys will be reopening. I'm trying to find out when. The obvious date is in good time for Songkran. I will update with any news. Has anyone on the ground there seen any activity in the bar to confirm?
  13. Thank you for the report. I'm curious about the men on stage in Freshboys wearing t shirts? I left there on Feb 19th and there was no sign of t shirts.
  14. That is my guess too. In 2011 I took a massage lad from Bangkok to Patong Beach. He sat apart from me at the airport gate.
  15. As long as collecting it doesn't create another queue for us jet lagged and exhausted travellers.
  16. I always paid to get in, the fee included a drink(s); I had some good times there 2011 onwards but too smokey for me in the end.
  17. I'm in Bangkok but I rarely walk past GOD late at night. Does anyone know if it is open again and, if so, which nights?
  18. I agree completely. I had a friend who met a young Tunisian man and sent him money for years. The lad virtually never worked in 20 years. I know Tunisia isn't easy to get work but we don't help them by encouraging them to sit on their arse and smoke weed for decades.
  19. Dreamboys had more customers when I was there a few nights ago. I give plenty of lads 100 bt when it's quiet and the occasional wealthy customer gives out loads of money. The higher prices for drinks, the drink tips and extra tips for the lads, some offs; it clearly must work as a business as most go go's have reopened. I do not claim that most lads will break out of the poverty but the dream is the rich farang bf.
  20. Latest iphone, gold necklace, expensive perfume or, cheaper, a visit to a 'destination' like a waterpark or whatever that he can put photos of it online to show to his friends and gain face. I once hit the spot giving my favourite Vietnamese man a tablet so he could watch football and films on it with his mates.
  21. It's a good idea. The lad I'm seeing asked for perfume.
  22. This is the business I use and trust. Used them about 4 times.
  23. I had the same experience there, made worse by arriving with lad 1, who ordered many dishes, while we were waiting for his friend, lad 2, to join us. Lad 2 was not really hungry. As well as 'face' (order expensive dishes), there can also be the assumption that we must be really wealthy. One reason I can be generous to the lads is by being careful in my usual expenditure so I dislike seeing my money wasted.
  24. My chip not working well today. May 2020. A new YouGov poll of 1,640 people suggests that 28% of Americans believe that Bill Gates wants to use vaccines to implant microchips in people - with the figure rising to 44% among Republicans.
  25. Sorry to hear this. I am feeling a bit rough. Is that Soros and Gates?
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