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Everything posted by zoomomancs

  1. "Do gogoboys working in gogoboy bars receive salary from the bar, or is their income primarily derived from customers who purchase drinks, provide tips, and engage in sexual services with them?" I have asked many go go men about this. My understanding is that most bars pay a small amount (eg 150bt) to regular men who turn up at say 8pm and stay until the close, as long as they do not get off'd. If they get off'd by a customer they lose the 'salary'. Often, if a go go man has a customer and fails to turn up the next night they will be fined the off fee (eg 500bt) because the bar presumes they are still with the same customer.
  2. A Thai go go man, now 29, who I have known for ten years, told me that that all the go go men are not doing it for fun or sex or love but for the chance of a big score with one rich customer or a series of rich customers. He has a house and a car now. A Vietnamese go go man, who I asked why they do the job if it is so difficult to earn enough, echoed this when he replied that they hope to 'get lucky'.
  3. "All wearing white bb shorts and singlet tops bearing names of various NBA teams. Some guys were shirtless." Little more than 2 weeks ago when I was in Screwboys all the men on stage were shirtless. What might have caused this retrograde step?
  4. Apart from the Covid era I've been doing at least 4 visa exempt entries a year for 12 years. Only once have I had vigorous questioning from an IO who assumed I was working but let me in. I have never worked in Thailand. Leave a gap of time, have a return ticket within the 30 days. I have never been asked to show the money required (20,000 baht equivalent) but I always have it.
  5. I read that the authorities stopped fucking shows everywhere in Bangkok for 6 months, maybe as a pitch for more tea money to restart them? I was recently in Bangkok for some weeks and went to all the bars and saw none.
  6. "3pm arrives and….grrrrr. What is it with me today, did I turn into a toad? No show again, I text and retext. Repeat the morning remedy with a smoothy at Coffee Grinder and a massage at Prime. Around 6pm, 3pm-er is texting that he overslept and could I come tonight and take him from the club. I say no, gently remind him that the idea was me to avoid the 800 THB off fee." Are you able to share the number of the no show?
  7. Utterly agree that X One Surawong has the best rates to change money. Ignore all the other exchanges on Surawong. Or the gold shop and the red shutter place across the road from that on Thaniya are ok too.
  8. It is possible in mom pop stores. Take a bag.
  9. The bar was inviting models to apply to work on its Facebook page on March 9th this year. But now it's two months later. The once I went there were men on stage but I fancied nobody in the bar. Some twinks would improve it. If the offer was attractive I would walk there from Patpong.
  10. Last Saturday Screwboys was open with soft drinks. The other bars on Patpong were closed. As you say, Sunday is normal after 6pm.
  11. And 4 years ago a place to take Vietnamese men from Screwboys to eat outside there after midnight but, sadly, the late night eateries seem to have been ended by Covid.
  12. Last night I took off a different man from Screwboys for long time and he was excellent, he stayed until the agreed time, and I had a good time. Despite the issues I've mentioned the bar is seducing me away from Freshboys, where I usually go. Tonight is my last night in Thailand and I will do a tour of Red Dragon bar, Freshboys and Screwboys to say goodbye. I may even pop in to Dreamboys which has more twinks than it used to have.
  13. I have been asking the bar lads I know how long they think short time for 2000bt should be. I thought 1 to 2 hours. Very varied answers. From Viet men working go go bar in Patpong: "40 minutes; 60 minutes". From Thai/Laos men working host bars in Pattaya: "For me, a short time spent with customers 2-3 hours is 1000 baht, but if a long time spent with customers is night until noon or the afternoon of the next day is 2000, it's a reasonable price". and "about 1 to 2 hours". It shows it's good to discuss the time and what we do and the fee while we are in the bar. I admit I don't always do this at 1.30am.
  14. I have raised the issue with the mamasan but I hope in a very Thai way. (eg. I love the bar, like the men; everyone, staff and customers are making a new start and we all need to understand each other etc.) That seems to be going down ok but I have made the point. If that kept happening when everyone is full of whisky at 2am it could go very pear shaped.
  15. Although I am very positive about the bar I have to report two less than positive experiences on consecutive nights, taking out a man from there. And there is a pattern. The first I take him off about 01.40, pay the 500 off fee, go to 7/11 nearby and to my hotel two minutes walk away. When we arrive in my room at about 01.50 he tells me his friend is waiting for him so he hasn't got long. I express surprise and he says he can stay until 03.00. We go to bed, which is ok ish, he can't come (not a problem), I can't come; he clearly wants to go at 02.27. I pay him the 2000 and he goes but I feel short changed. He did ask if I was ok and I said I was (I lied but I see little point in demanding a man stays when he wants to leave). The next night I take off a different man about the same time, arriving in room at 01.50. He immediately says he only has until 02.00 and he has to go to hospital. (He does not appear sick and there are many reasons one might go to a hospital). I tell him I am not happy and the same thing happened the previous night. I say goodbye and give him nothing. He says sorry and leaves. This is the only time in 12 years I have given a man zero. From both of these lads I get the impression they think they finish work at 2am (ish) regardless. I don't want to raise this with the bar in case it damages the men's relationship with the bar but in the context of short time in Patpong this is not good enough. Thoughts?
  16. I read it was official but I suspected a tea money reason to enable fuck shows to restart in the future. Re jeans at Screwboys I asked a mamasan about it and understood that it's jeans for now but more skimpy wear may be possible in the future. I absolutely agree the bar needs to make some money and we need to be patient while it settles down. Last night it was busy late on. One Vietnamese man working on stage nearby noted that it's mainly Thai customers at the moment who go to drink rather than take off men. In the old days there were many farang customers who did off the men. So we can shape the future of the bar, and who wants to work on stage, by going there.
  17. The authorities have banned fuck shows in Bangkok for 6 months, so no. There is some flesh, big cock etc, plus drag as the bar used to have.
  18. I think the bar is finding its way so let's see where it's up to in a few months. So far things are very like the old days in many ways so all may be possible on that front.
  19. For entertainment, like dancers, rather than lots of sexual and flesh, then Dreamboys with a big stage and good costumes is worth a look. Beer currently 500 bt. Also a lot of men work there. I prefer Freshboys and Screwboys for the twinks so spend more time in those bars. Beer there is 400 and 350 respectively.
  20. Wednesday night was interesting. Not many customers early on but after midnight it got busier with lively atmosphere. Mamasan told me it's open until 2am so after 1am it's a Patpong bar to go to when some others, like Freshboys, close.
  21. Early 20's, many with tattoos, almost a younger version of Nice Boys. Little on the twink front but some in shouting distance of twinkness. Currently shirtless, wearing jeans.
  22. The bar invited men to apply to work on the likes of Facebook and are taking on newcomers by the day, the mamasan tells me. Last night more men on stage. I counted 16.
  23. Screwboys, Saturday night. I think I counted 13 guys, yes manly, but some had not entirely left twinkdom, speaking as a twink lover. And it's early days for this bar. Decent number of customers, I was surprised, not full, but atmosphere reminiscent of the old days. Many of the staff are the same. Beer 350 bt. Sunday night I arrived about 22.20. I was told 'no boys working'. Mamasan didn't know why. Few customers but show was on so stayed a while. Up to Freshboys which had a good number of customers. More twinks here. Many of them know me and I know them. Back to Screwboys where boys had appeared on stage, about ten of them. TiT; this is Thailand, where anything can happen. Of course, in the past, years ago, the lads got no wage here but could arrive/leave as they wanted, I was told. I have no idea what the current arrangement with them is. I took off one to nearby hotel and I was content and he seemed happy with his tip. I think this bar has made a very good start after 3 years closed and I will support it.
  24. I've thrown the ping pong balls before in Winner but I felt shy this time to send the lads scurrying round. But they told me once they like it as it's money for them. Any thoughts?
  25. Last Saturday I did a little tour so brief notes: Smile Bar, a new pop up at the top of the Jomtien Complex street. Leo 80, 150bt including the 70bt lad tip, if you want to buy anyone a drink. The lads are good fun there to chat to. Got the 10 bt songthaew and walked then to Winner Bar in Sunee. Walking seemed safe enough but I know the area so I don't worry about getting lost. 9 boys, 6 customers; good, considering what I'd read. Cute lads who smile. I was welcomed by a man I presume to be the owner. That afternoon I spoke to the man who runs the non gay bar across the road. He said he had done that for more than 40 years. On to Nice boys, 3 customers, incl. me, 8 boys, all on phones. The other 2 customers left and I asked the Mamasan if they still do the 300 bt in a pot and all the men wanking. They do! Roughish men with tattoos. Not my type but they would fit the bill for those who like more masculine, rough. Next to Picky bar, Boystown, a few customers, a good number of bar lads, some handsome. I like the lads and the view from here. Several Lao bar lads who I seem to like. Have to visit Toy Boys, many cute men there. Maybe 20 men on a busy night. There is a menu of prices for offing the men so ask to see it if you want to. No surprises in it. I can't recall if I took anyone off that night but I have off'd three men from there who were fine. Best to discuss what we want to do in advance.
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