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  1. Thanks that sounds nice I will send you a message. I’m down to talk to anyone on this forum you guys are all cool. My line is exactly the same as my username here. When do I arrive? My flight lands on Tuesday 22nd at 6:30 am local time. I have everything set to go except for packing my bags and a pre travel Covid test. I have just 5 days booked to do my test and go but otherwise my plan is to probably stay in or around Bangkok. I feel obligated to spend at least 1 night in a hostel but I’m also trying to take advantage of the nice hotels in the area having up to 50% off normal price. so yeah if anyone wants to talk hmu on line tallamerica
  2. Very important distinction thanks for setting me straight. I will NOT have sex without a condom. I appreciate so many people giving advice and tips. I feel much more ready than I did when I made this thread.
  3. Yeah in regards to stds I’m petrified of getting something that doesn’t go away with some pills. I will take it slow and definitely will do my best to resist the urge to not wear a condom. Also are local condoms really small or is that an exaggeration? I have heard that like 5-6 inches is the max size for some brands but I fit in normal regular sized American condoms. Good news for me is that I coincidentally booked a hotel that is very close to krubb sauna. Plus every Tuesday is free foreigner day with ID and that just happens to be the day I come in so I guess I have no excuse not to go except for my nerves!
  4. Ahaha that’s good to hear that it won’t be too difficult to find someone. Oh and I just bought my ticket and hotel for test and go so it is officially happening! In regards to tefl I have researched that scene in Bangkok a lot and already have a 180 hour certification and some school teaching experience. Between that and reading about other peoples experience finding a job and converting tourist visa to businesses visa I think I will be ok. If not I was always planning on doing online tutoring to supplement my income which is the same thing essentially and can be done anywhere with an internet connection. Worst case scenario I run out my visa and shift over to Vietnam or maybe Cambodia until I get everything sorted out.
  5. Thank you all for the replies! I think I forgot to mention I plan to move there long term/ permanently and teach English so I’m not racing against the clock to experience everything I can. I think I will start with the apps. I want to wait until I am in my 30s before I start paying for sex. Until then I only eat what I can kill. I really want to like try not necessarily dating full on but see someone more than once and not block them after the first time like a scaredy-cat. Like casually date I guess so being fluent in English is important to me. I think I might still get a handy at the end of a massage, but in terms of sex at this point in my life I want to have an emotional connection to the person I’m humping. I have ThaiFriendly all set up and while the selection of lady boys and women is very impressive, the selection of cute guys is really lacking (it is majority tourist that are very old and then some lady boys that put the wrong gender in profile). I was reading some other posts and someone said something like ”whatever app has the boy I want is my favorite app of the day” so I will adopt that philosophy lol. I thought I read that Romeo was on its last legs in terms of user numbers and young people don’t use it but I’m willing to cast a wide net. I have 3 sex goals for this trip and that’s to hookup with: a British girl, a lady boy, and casually date/ hookup with a twink either local or foreign. After that I will just go to whatever makes my dingle tingle. Again many thanks for all the replies!
  6. Hi and sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I’m going to be arriving in Bangkok before the month is over and am interested in exploring my sexuality and trying some stuff with dudes. So overall I’m looking for basic newbie advice but also recommendations on where to go or avoid and cultural norms as someone who is still new. I have done stuff a couple times on Grindr in America but never with anyone I was interested in and it was just sex to say “look see at least someone wants to get fucked by me”. So I am very new to everything especially being in a group setting around gay guys. I’m what I would consider to be a straightish/ bisexual top, I don’t come off as anything other than a normal suburban dude. I”m pretty tall (6’4) but also chubby(have made progress but it doesn’t disappear over night) so I’m wondering if my height can cancel out being a little thicc or if I should assume the really hot twinks won’t be interested. I kind of want to try going to a sauna but am nervous about unwanted touching and going there and nobody wanting what I got. I consider myself to be average looking just a tall guy with dad bod type look. And lastly how do I make it known that I’m not interested in touching anybodys dick? I am seriously unaware what the situation is like. Are most people vers but have a preference? Will it be hard finding someone that will just go down on or bend over for me without reciprocating? Thanks for taking the time to read this and I seriously appreciate any advice or tips anyone has to offer.
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