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Everything posted by maump

  1. I am very sociable, I start friendly conversations with almost anyone who does not indicate distain. I chat with clerks bellhops, concierges, 7-11 clerks, waiters, cops... if we speak the same language. ( i even bought water for a couple of thai traffic cops in BKK because I thought they were dying dressed in black in the sun directing traffic) . when last in Pattaya (2016) I went out with Gaybutton (and ?) gay expat gang to the weekly (bi-weekly?) dinner at the german restaurant then went with a subset of the guys to several sleezy bars in sunee. I had a good time. I wont walk up to your table in Jomtien and introduce myself.... but if you are alone at the bar or sittting next to me at a gogo bar without a boy, i will probably try to start a conversation. I talk to guys at the gym (here in USA)... just wishful thinking I hope to see some of you guys in Jomtien area this christmas. would be happy to go out to dinner and chat...
  2. Interesting bill.... one way Looking for a cheap throw away ticket if I need it to get into thailand...
  3. Penis girth enhancement with injection is shown to be effective for a couple of years. it increases the "show" when soft and thickness when hard. one of my favorite hung asian american porno "tops" got it. he loved it. didn.t need it, but was happy. RaY DEXTER TWITTER @RayDexterXXX https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8987147/
  4. ah yes, I had heard of it as He-shot. seemed like snake oil. the "idea" of botox relaxing the muscles to allow more blood flow into the penis made some sense. An erection begins with sensory and mental stimulation. During sexual arousal, nerve messages begin to stimulate the penis. Impulses from the brain and local nerves cause the muscles of the corpora cavernosa to relax, allowing blood to flow in and fill the open spaces. The blood creates pressure in the corpora cavernosa, making the penis expand and creating an erection. The tunica albuginea (the membrane surrounding the corpora cavernosa), helps to trap the blood in the corpora cavernosa, sustaining the erection. Erection is reversed when muscles in the penis contract, stopping the inflow of blood and opening outflow channels.
  5. what is the p shots? botox?
  6. your right of course. I'm too stupid to keep visa exempt and visa on arrival straight..... thanks! from usa
  7. Maybe i dont understand, I am not a free visa/longterm stay. I am visa on arrival.
  8. Klook wants 62$ no other service tells me the price without booking.... are there other services. I arrive at 8 am on a saturday dec 8....
  9. USA DHS aggressively monitors all electronic communications of US citizens across national borders. USA DHS has a program to AI monitor all of GRINDR ROMEO, HORNET, Blued and others. I have seen multiple indictments with GRINDR communication. DHS allegedly has a program to pose as underage to entrap USA citizens. Under the law you do not have to have an intent, or be knowledgeable that the individual was underage to be prosecuted. USA DHS AI monitors all of these forums.... If there is any kind of trail, or you are a "person of interest" based on "travel patterns", when you return from Australia, DHS will meet you at the airport and seize your devices. then your work computer and your home electronics... "I did not say this.... I am not here."
  10. I can guarantee that the US aggressively monitors and pursues US citizens abroad who knowingly or UNKNOWINGLY have sex with an individual under 18. even though in that country (and in many US states) the age of consent for sexual relations is less than 18. Many US states are 16. (Arizona just recently raised theirs form 13)
  11. previously doctors had recommended me to eat active yogurt after antibiotics...
  12. something https://www.aidsmap.com/news/jul-2022/taking-antibiotic-after-sex-cuts-stis-two-thirds-doxypep-study-finds
  13. I guess it is only the rich ones then.... unlike the hot Ukrainian described by a fellow traveler in a Thailand trip report (I forget who/where in the system) who needed the money. oh to be young dumb, and full of cum...
  14. I agree, but they still commonly give it out for acne. and I only do it on vacation.
  15. can't hurt... helps after a series of anti-biotics (or coloscopy) to reload your gut. but it will NOT help with a biotic infection of your mouth, cock or ass.
  16. I take it daily when I am traveling and being a slut. at home only on demand... 2-1-1.
  17. It is still being studied, the CDC has not yet gotten fully behind it. Where do you get it (the drugs)? depends where you live. I asked my doctor for 90 pills, he wrote me a script for 180 after reading about it... this website is a good source of drugs... https://www.purchase-prep.com/
  18. True, there are 3 dosing regiments I have seen. the manufacture says one a day. SSTT method (4 tabletys per week sat sunday tues thursday) which keeps the serum level in the effective range (and saves money if it is expensive for you). and the on demand method. Taking PrEP pills only when you are at risk for getting HIV is known as “on-demand” PrEP. It is also known as “intermittent,” “non-daily,” “event-driven,” or “off-label” PrEP use. The type of “on-demand” PrEP that has been studied is the “2-1-1” schedule. This means taking 2 pills 2-24 hours before sex, 1 pill 24 hours after the first dose, and 1 pill 24 hours after the second dose. There is scientific evidence that the “2-1-1” schedule provides effective protection for gay and bisexual men* when having anal sex without a condom. https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/prep/on-demand-prep.html
  19. Are they available for hire? or competition? I hired one in 2016.... good body, ok, cock. good kisser.
  20. probably any full spectrum will do. doxy is the one studies, i used cyprofloxin in colombia. oh, I also take tadalafil and sildenafil for those difficult nights...
  21. dont forget doxycycline- prep / doxy-PEP.
  22. I enjoy rimming a clean ass. don't really care if they rim me.... can't remember any thai wanting to do that. the Emeraties and colombians all really loved to rim me before the raw cock went in....
  23. 2016 I came home from thailand with chlamydia , 1000Mg of azithromycinand it was gone. got crabs once in USA...
  24. there is always some risk BUT you can control your destiny! The tools are here! Bacterial STDs can be prevented with bacterial PrEP/DpEP (doxicycline antibiotic daily (100mg/day) or post risky sex (200 mg within 24 hrs)) will substantially reduce risk of BACTERIAL SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (70% or better reduction) : Bacterial STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Chlamydia Chlamydia is the most common STI in the United States and is most common among teens and young adults. For more information on chlamydia, visit the CDC's chlamydia page, and this Chlamydia Fact Sheet (pdf). Gonorrhea Anyone who is sexually active is susceptible to gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is especially common among young people between the ages of 15 and 24. For more information visit the CDC's gonorrhea page, and this Gonorrhea Fact Sheet (pdf) Syphilis Syphilis infection is divided into four distinct stages: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary, and there are different signs and symptoms with each stage of illness. For more information, refer to the Syphilis Fact Sheet (pdf) and visits the CDC's syphilis page https://www.aidsmap.com/news/jul-2022/taking-antibiotic-after-sex-cuts-stis-two-thirds-doxypep-study-finds The most common viral STDs are known as the ‘four H’s’ and they include: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (H.I.V.) H.I.V is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. As a retrovirus, H.I.V can create many copies of itself and has the ability to change a cell’s DNA. Truvada PrEP prevents HIV infection at 99% effectiveness (same or better than condom). Hepatitis Hepatitis refers to both the condition and the virus that causes it. Hepatitis causes the inflammation of the liver, this can progress to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and irreparable liver damage. In the United States, the most common types of viral hepatitis include hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C[6]. Vaccine available for Hep A, Hep B Expensive cure ofr Hep C available Human Papillomavirus (HPV) HPV is a viral infection that is sexually transmitted - there are more than 100 varieties of the virus. It may take a few years or even decades for symptoms of HPV to occur as it’s common for the virus to remain dormant for a significant amount of time [7]. 70% (?) of all adults have this, we all do. it is generally syptomless and not a problem for men. Vaccine available Herpes Simplex Virus (H.S.V.) H.S.V. falls under two categories - HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is mainly transmitted by oral contact and is the culprit behind the commonly known cold-sore (most of us will test positive for this virus) while HSV-2 is sexually transmitted and causes geni tal herpes[5]. So HSV-2 remains our greatest risk. chances of getting it are relatively low if there are no outbreak (open sores) always look! There is no cure, only treatment to prevent outbreaks. I do PrEP and D-PrEP and am fully vaccinated. . My condom use is ... at best intermittant, more partner dependant.
  25. I agree with you I agree, kissing it very important to me. I have never had any problem getting the gay boys to french kiss. (use good oral hygiene, Thailand is hot humid and Thai are sensitive to bad smells, poor hygiene, both oral and body are a must for them to be comfortable). Straight boys are much more likely to not want to do it. I refuse to suck a rubber. If the cock is clean and free of sores and not dripping strange fluids... I suck it.
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