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Everything posted by LondonF4

  1. Sounds like a great experience!
  2. This might strike everyone as a strange post. I guess I’d just love to hear your perspectives. Long before I started hiring - and was probably horrified by the concept of hiring - I went to Rio. I had a few one night stands with some gorgeous guys who couldn’t speak English, but we had fun anyway. Then I met a guy who I remember hung out with me for a few days. He stayed over at my hotel and we went sight seeing and shopping together. Unlike the other guys we maybe had sex once or not even at all. He was really cute and sweet and I remember finding it romantic, but a bit odd too. I guess it came time for me to leave and we parted ways. In retrospect I wonder - was this guy a provider and I just didn’t realise it? Was he expecting some kind of payment that never came from me? I don’t think I was robbed by him or anything like that. But looking back, was I just incredibly naive? I guess I’ll never know but it’s curious to think about.
  3. Who do you recommend for: great regular updates good archive good camera work not big on solo vids, prefer couples (rimming and cum eating my faves) I’m not very demanding am I? (Ha) already subscribed to Rhyheim who I absolutely recommend to others (have read pinga article, what an awesome blog)
  4. Do clients normally wonder around with phones? Just from a discretion/vanity point of view I’m not sure I’d want to be caught in someone’s photo by accident!
  5. Love this discussion! I’m a little younger that the OP but also worried I’m too old. Apparently not! Maybe it’s the pandemic but I’m hornier now than when I was in my 30s/40s and it feels like there might be another world waiting for me in Brazil!
  6. Great video. I know I’m dredging up an old post but I’ve been keen to see what the saunas actually look like inside. This is more upscale than I thought. I also for some reason thought cabins might not be entirely private but apparently they are.
  7. Was this in the saunas?
  8. Interesting to see these prices. Possibly a dumb question but why are boys on RM so much more expensive? Is it just supply and demand?
  9. As a newcomer to this forum it’s great reading all the topics and posts. I’ve never been to a sauna in any part of the world and have only become interested in idea, which makes me quite the latecomer as I’m decidedly middle aged! Has anyone else has such a mid life awakening? Brazil is absolutely the location of my fantasies now, I’ve had many a boner from reading about the adventures of others. It’s great to read that the rent boys all practice safe sex and the saunas are drug free. But on that note do they allow poppers in the saunas and are they classified as drugs in Brazil? Reading some stories I don’t know how I’d take some of the massive cocks on offer without some help!
  10. Checking this out in 2022… wow!
  11. Thanks for the reply! Okay so I’ve got a few good years in me left…! Can’t see myself being this horny when I’m one hundred but maybe into my 60s. Hopefully it’s not that long before I make it to the Brasíl saunas, in the meantime, keep these amazing stories coming.
  12. I’ve just joined this forum and loved reading your posts. I’ve never been to a sauna before despite being in my late 40s but I’ve suddenly become interested in the idea, along with a lot of other sex crazed thoughts I never had when I was younger (mid life crisis anyone?). It’s just a fantasy and Brazil seems like the place to entertain my fantasy - thank you google for leading me to this informative, and boner affirming, thread. Possibly a really strange question but I have to ask… how old do the clients range to? Do the rent boys turn their noses up at men 50+? And do the saunas ever post pics of the boys on offer online?
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