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  1. Solacesoul thank you for the information. I have an appointment set for Sunday.
  2. Thursday night (3rd night if my trip) was much improved. I spent the evening at 117. I was pleased that I saw 4 GP’s from previous trips back at the club. It was not very busy but there were many more there than Wednesday. I spent the whole evening with 2 old favorites. I paid for a third (bottom) to join us in a suite so I could watch my 2 friends do him. It was quite hot. As for the going rate it seems to be 150 from what I can see which at $26 is quite the bargain. Hoping tonight is even busier. There was a GP there last night who kept making eye contact with me while I was with my 2 companions. He was very handsome so if he is there again tonight I might hire him. Tomorrow is the managers birthday celebration and they expect a bigger crowd. I’ll let you know. Today I have to find a place to line up a COVID test to take on Sunday so I can fly home on Monday. Wish me luck! On a side note, Google Translate is much improved since my last trip making conversation pretty easy.
  3. 2nd night I started out a 202 since I had not been there in years. The building was in slightly better shape than I remember. It was very full since it was their free room night. Many more boys than clients (from what I could see). Once again no one asked for any vaccination proof. My GP friend from 117 went with me. I did not find any one who was exactly what I was looking for so after an hour we headed over to 117. This was a mistake as the place was totally dead and near empty. At one point I counted 6 clients and 7 boys. I hope tonight has a bigger crowd.
  4. I went to 117 last night. While they did have signs posted saying that you are required to show proof of vaccination, no one asked me for proof. Inside only a few clients wore masks and none of the boys did (I did not). It felt like nothing had changed since I was last here almost 2 years ago except for the GP’s who were there last night. It was crowded as it always is on Tuesdays but there were very few guys who were my type (really handsome lightly muscled to heavy muscled). I was disappointed that only one of the regulars from my last few visits before Covid was there last night. I had let him know I was coming. I only did one program with him and a friend of his (an American football player type build kind of guy who was a great kisser). There used to be so many cute regulars that I enjoyed but my friend told me he has not seen them at the clubs since Covid. I am trying to decide if I will go back to 117 tonight or give 202 a try. I have been to 202 a couple of times before years ago but had no luck. Maybe I will give it a try tonight. My hotel in Centro seems the same except due to Covid they don’t stock the mini bar in room. I don’t know how that corresponds to Covid but whatever. I usually convert my money at the airport (I know I shouldn’t but it is so convenient) but my flights were delayed so I had to race through GRU to catch my connecting flight to Rio, so I did not have time to exchange my cash. Santos Dumont (my final destination) does not have a currency exchange. Now I have to figure out how to find a currency exchange somewhere Centro within walking distance of my hotel. I will check with the front desk when I go down for breakfast.
  5. Thank you all for the responses. I have my original vaccination card and a clear photo of it on my phone so I guess I am good. Headed to the airport now and will be at 117 tomorrow night. Can’t wait!
  6. Thank you for the reply. Will my American cardboard vaccination card be accepted? I hope so as it is all I have. I have a picture of it saved in my phone but I will also carry it with me. Looking forward to leaving on Monday!
  7. I am going to Rio next week and will be there Tuesday through Monday Dec 14-20, 2021. I was curious if any safety protocols are being practiced at 117 or 202. If I ask a GP if they have been vaccinated do you think they would tell me? Show proof? I’m just curious. It is not a deal breaker by any means but since I love to kiss I was wondering if there was a chance of find vaccinated guys. I am triple vaccinated so that eases my concerns (just a little) but I know I am rolling the dice. Any thoughts? I’ve been to Rio and the saunas 9 times previously but it has been a couple of years. In fact I was headed to the airport to go to Brazil when everything shut down at the start of the pandemic. Thanks for reading.
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