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Everything posted by Registar

  1. That Britney one hits hard (one more time).
  2. I did! I voted for Asia. I hear many good things about the Thai islands (not been) but depending on cost/whatever everyone else decides to do that could easily switch to Mexico
  3. I'm torn between Asia (really want to go island hopping) and Mexico (amazing food and even better men) but I'm also resisting the urge to book anything until things stabilise more. Right now living through trip reports - so thanks to you and everyone who has braved travels to keep the rest of us entertained!
  4. This was fun in my younger years!
  5. He's hot. Does anyone think we'll ever get to a point where someone famous coming out isn't news?
  6. I have a huge crush on Nas. If you follow his social, he certainly knows what his audience wants without actually giving it to them. I love how out he is, and proud too. Good for him. Helps that his music is my style too!
  7. Breakfast flight food is normally ok, it's everything after I don't really like. The one meal I can remember was on the way to Sri Lanka. They served a hot curry dish (it was actually spicy!) and very tasty. Didn't get it on the way back though!
  8. What do you think of the rumors of season 2 already being worked on? I thought it ended so perfectly and it worked as a limited series that a second would just ruin it.
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