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Everything posted by a-447

  1. As Vinapu pointed out, they may not have your size! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. I remember a time, many years ago, when I found myself at a Christmas market in the beautiful town of Gรถttingen in Germany. I had just eaten my first German wurst, and it was absolutely delicious. I noticed one person in our group wasn't eating with us and when I asked why, he told me his neighbour was a butcher so he knew what was in the sausages. Really? So what have I been eating? Seventy percent fat, and the rest is blood and intestines. I nearly threw up. Since then, I've never eaten another sausage.
  3. Gosh, who does that remind me of?
  4. I think all of the guys there have day jobs. Many of them are models and have shown me videos of themselves posing for magazines and walking on the catwalk. I found I was usually the only customer when I turned up around 9 pm every night but it got very crowded from around 11 pm.
  5. I did get some "offers" from a couple of the guys at Space bar, but when I was ready to take them up on them, they quickly backed down. Just teasing. With the large number of customers in the bar every night, just imagine how much those hot, handsome hunks could make if they were willing to go with customers. I remember thinking about the absolute fortune the cute and very naughty guy who flirted with me every night could make if he worked at Moonlight. He would give Babe a run for his money. But then again, prostitution isn't for everyone and I respect their choice.
  6. Thanks, Andy.
  7. I've stayed at Arthur and Paul a number of times over the years and it's my favourite hotel in S.E. Asia. The breakfast -eggs benefict- is awesome and the beds are supremely comfortable. My last trip, earlier this year, was solely to visit Space bar every night so I chose a hotel close to the bar. I considered the Sun and Moon but the reviews on TripAdvisor were not very encouraging. Did you have any problems there? I'm presuming the Hatha Khmer massage you refer to is the one around the corner from A&P. Is that correct? I thought it had closed down. I have had wonderful times with a guy there who quickly became my regular over the years. I called him "Mr bubble butt" and wrote about him extensively on the boards. He would wait for me at the bar in the garden area. He spoke quite good English but when he got stuck we could communicate in Japanese! (He thought knowing Japanese could help him find a good job). During our seasons we would fuck each other - 2 fucks for the price of one! (Not quite - I did pay him more). My tuk-tuk driver from A&P would be waiting outside when I'd finished and I would head off to dinner and then to Space Bar. When I was at A&P I was told the massage guys in the hotel were strictly massage only, with no extras. Has that now changed? One time I was sitting around the pool when a couple of hot guys started fucking on a sun bed. OMG!! The hotel staff were still talking about it when I returned a year later! Your post has now gotten me interested in A&P and Hatha massage again! I'm of to Japan for Christmas /New Year but will look into a trip to PP early next year. The only problem is, A&P is often booked out.
  8. Being a hero is not one of the criteria for being chosen as Person of the Year.
  9. I think some are confused as to the meaning behind Man (Person) of the Year. It has nothing to do with the moral character of the person. It's for the person judged to have had the most influence, good or bad, on the events of the year. Hitler was Man of the Year in 1938.
  10. It's a set fee paid upfront. You don't tip the guy.
  11. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/donald-trump-jrs-phantom-engagement-leaves-americans-baffled/news-story/55548031f75a38b4f9d6018222758527 So now we know the story behind her appointment. Trump has basically exiled her to Greece so that Don Jr can carry on with his new 'love interest.' A perfectly understandable method of choosing an ambassador, don't you think? (The Greeks may take a different view!)
  12. If he's not a bottom yet, he soon will be!
  13. I have a similar line - not that I've been hit on for money all that often over the years. I say : "I want to spend money on things we can do together so I am also happy."
  14. You mean, like last time? Be careful what you wish for.
  15. "Just bring a wad of cash with you." I went there with a group and wanted to test out the firing range but nobody else wanted to so we just moved on. It was US$1 per bullet if I recall. It would get expensive very quickly if you were to fire a machine gun! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  16. I also had a panic attack. I was the first of my group to enter the tunnel but only got my body halfway in before I began to panic. I had to be dragged out by the legs and had nightmares for weeks after. When I was staying at a hotel in Hanoi, I put my dirty washing into a laundry bag, knowing that it would be ready by the end of the day. When I got back to my room it wasn't there so I went down to reception to enquire. After much discussion among the staff it was suggested I go and check the bin outside the hotel. And sure enough, there it was. They thought it was rubbish! I've been to Vietnam 3 times and although I loved the country I didn't like the people. I was scammed 24/7 and in the end, it got me down having to be constantly on guard.
  17. A great read! I've been to Adams Apple many times over the years and on each visit the majority of the guys on stage are new - they seem to have a big turn -over. If you want to fuck one you need to speak to the mama-san who will quietly point out the 1 or 2 bottoms there. Shhh.....! Is a shame you didn't make it to Classic House Massage. It's where I'd go to get off in the afternoon before heading to Adams Apple for my night time fuck. "But heโ€™s absolutely focused on his health right now". Not if he's barebacking!
  18. Is that a 'no!?
  19. don't think Japanese culture has any correlation with Thai culture, so pointless comparison. The ban on social media has close to 88% support from the general public. That figure also includes kids under 16 who are affected by the ban. So much for Australia being "authoritarian". ๐Ÿ˜‚ Dictators do what they want to do, whereas democratically elected governments do what the people want to see done. As for your opinion regarding the correlation between Japanese and Thai culture, how could you possibly know if you haven't spent a lot of time in Japan?? You are trying to make a point by relying on an uneducated guess. There is a huge correlation between the 2 cultures -and Buddhist cultures in general share lots in common. But all you can compare is your 1 Western culture with 1 asian culture - and your formative years were in the Western one. So you are commenting on a subject you know nothing about.
  20. I'm not looking for love. We all look for certain criteria when searching for a guy to have sex with, and for me a handsome face is essential. It's the same with hetero guys who want to fuck a beautiful young woman, not some ugly old pro. Looking at a beautiful masculine or cute face of your partner while having sex - and especially watching him cum- is priceless. Some of us are willing to pay for that. As for guys on the game in Thailand making a fortune, my 2 regular 'companions' have done very well indeed; the one in Bangkok has a huge cattle farm and an orchard. He now has a rich Thai sponsor. My Pattaya friend is also enjoying a very nice standard of living. But from my experience, these 2 guys are exceptions. They have at least a couple of things in common - they don't party, they don't drink or do drugs and they save a lot of their money. Those who become truly rich from their 'assets' are few and far between. Babe from Moonlight is probably one of them.
  21. I moved to Japan as a child, was educated at Japanese schools and university and spent my entire working life in Tokyo. The street I live in is in a shit country called Australia.
  22. It's a first world comment because I have lived my entire life in the first world, so no surprise there. I was simply stating the bleeding obvious. I was not starting a pissing contest. And there are many people in my own street (!), let alone all of Thailand, with a lot more money than me.
  23. I'm sorry, but I don't get the point you are making. I don't care what that rich Thai guy does. Being familiar with Asian culture, it comes as no surprise that he only pays 500 baht. His money, his life, his culture.
  24. "they have to get used to our smells." I don't think they are referring to stinky armpits. It's more likely to be the smell of our skin due to our different diets. So to me,some guys in Asia smell of fish sauce and to them, some farang smell of dairy products like milk. As for the Asian gene, I think that is true because even in the heat of summer there is no BO smell on crowded trains and buses, unlike say, the metro in Paris which positively stinks.
  25. Those tourist attractions are now in Japan, not China! Can you imagine what is like to walk around Tokyo or Kyoto and never hear Japanese being spoken? So maybe it's a good idea to visit China afterall!
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