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Everything posted by a-447

  1. a-447


    They double their prices!
  2. Well, that crazy idea didn't last long. He's already thrown in the towel and backed down. But then, that's what happens when he is confronted. Just like all bullies. I'm looking forward to Bucky posting a tiktok on the embarrassing back down. 😂😂
  3. This Gaza decision proves beyond any doubt that Trump is really unhinged. His megalomania is now totally out of control and he is a danger not only to the US but to the entire world. God help us all.
  4. In just 2 short weeks Trump has threatened to use the US military to take over Greenland and the Panama Canal. Now he's planning to march in and take over Gaza. I look forward to Bucky posting a tiktok showing Trump telling the world that he was going to be the president of peace, and that he deserved the Nobel Peace prize. I also expect that the US will no longer criticise China's 9 dash line claiming sovereignty over the South China Sea. I mean, that would be hypocritical wouldn't it?
  5. Perhaps he had trouble getting up and down the stairs at Freshboys. 😂
  6. So basically, this is a tiktok glorifying and justifying bullying. And, as for Trump never losing, he's been bankrupt at least 6 times, lost the 2020 election, lost the house while he was potus, has had numerous businesses fail (Trump vodka, Trump steaks, Trump University, the New Jersey football team, casinos (WTF?? How can a casino fail?), Trump board game, tour de Trump cycle race, Trump Airlines, a mortgage company, Trump Travel, Trump Magazine,... You sure know how to pick 'em, Bucky!
  7. Wrong tiktok, Bucky. I didn't mention 'lawfare' - I asked for a tiktok where Hegseth's ignorance and inexperience was highlighted in the confirmation hearing. Please try again.
  8. Bucky, don't forget to post a tiktok of Hegseth's confirmation hearing where his lack knowledge regarding Asean and his total lack of experience in running a large corporation are evident,
  9. Surely this Trump madness can't continue. Maga morons may be uneducated, unsophisticated and gullible, but they might see the light when the tariffs see a substantial increase in the cost of living and inflation. Its way more than just the price of eggs. It could be the start of a backlash against all this insanity.
  10. "Pete Hegseth, US President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for defense secretary, struggled to name the members of ASEAN during his Senate confirmation hearing. Sen. Tammy Duckworth asked Hegseth, 44, to name any country in the Southeast Asian bloc on Tuesday, describe US agreements with the group and the number of member countries. “I couldn’t tell you the exact amount of nations in that, but I know we have allies in South Korea, and Japan, and in AUKUS with Australia, (we) work on submarines with them,” Hegseth replied. Duckworth interrupted him and said: "None of those three countries are in ASEAN," and advised Hegseth to "do a little homework" before future negotiations." You don't have a tiktok video showing this? Or did you just forget to post it? I mean, it's highly relevant, given his emphasis on the importance of the Indo-Pacific region.
  11. "Trump supporters are loyal UNTIL the shit happens to THEM, and then they can reflect on "I didnt think he meant ME" ? " I wonder how many of the 2 million government workers, who received the request to resign, are Trump supported. (Or were?)
  12. The strip shows were only advertised in the sports newspapers and certain magazines so if you can't read Japanese, you wouldn't know about them.
  13. "and of course an amazing Japanese toilet." Amazing, indeed! But no good for douching if you want to bottom. That's why I prefer the Thai bum hose. I have both in the toilets in my house.
  14. Yes! They are the shows I was telling you about! The theatres that we frequented were a lot smaller and intimate than the ones shown - which I think were in Shibuya. The girls and customers never wore masks. Our favourite one was on the outskirts of Funabashi, sitting next to a rice farm. Being away from everything gave patrons complete privacy - not much chance of running into a neighbour - and all inhibitions went out the window. For this reason it was popular with horny young university students, and even guys who looked like they were high school seniors. The law stated you had to be 20 years old to enter but as the theatres were run by the yakuza, they didn't care. In one of the theatres they had a small ladder set up on either side of the stage. Patrons would line up, climb the few stairs on the ladder and girls would give them a hand job. They sold cheap beer to further reduce any inhibitions. And the toilets were full of guys standing around jacking off. Oh, those were the days!
  15. No. Threy were run by the yakuza and so disappeared during the government crackdown on yakuza illegal activities. You could find out what was on at these theatres - called gekijo - by picking up a copy of any afternoon sports newspaper. Such a shame. Those professional fuckers put on a great show, often ending with the guy cumming over the girl's face, bukkake style.
  16. I disagree. I used to go to the strip shows in a city called Funabashi, not far from Tokyo. They had audience participation with the girls and I loved to see the university students losing their virginity. 😂 The guys would get up onto the stage and get naked - although for some reason, they never took off their socks. Some guys came as soon as the girl put the condom on, other came after a few vigorous thrusts. It was hilarious. They also had fuck shows, often amateurs. They were American students picked up from the streets. They also had professional performers who put on a magnificent show. The guy was always hung like a donkey. My straight friends watched the girls while I enjoyed the guys. These shows could also be seen in Shibuya, Shinjuku and Yokohama. Unfortunately, they are no more after a big crack down in the 90s. So I'd pay to see a straight fuck show.
  17. Trump has broken every one of the 10 commandments.
  18. I'm not one for having sex outdoors, regardless of the air quality! However, in my younger days friends and I would often wander the banks of the river in Tokyo and enjoy mutual jack-off sessions along the way. Unlike today that area was undeveloped - you probably couldn't do it now. And in those days Tokyo's air quality was probably the worst in the world - there was a constant white haze hanging over the city. Not any more. As for sexual encounters on the train, it was something I looked forward to practically every day!
  19. This reminds me of conversations I've had over the years with Muslim guys. They tell me that they enjoy all the naughty stuff, too - sex and alcohol - only they do it differently. For example, a guy from Pakistan and one from Iran this me they make their own alcohol which they drink at home. They also have home parties attended by "friendly girls." Where there's a will - and there always is - there's a way.
  20. On occasion I have taken a friend out to dinner and told him he could invite his mates of he wanted to. Of course, he did. One night a dozen or so of us went to a huge outdoor seafood restaurant in Pattaya and we had the all you can eat buffet. Drinks flowed freely. At the end of the evening they all thanked me profusely. Not one of them asked for a tip. And tbh, it didn't even occur to me that a tip would be in order, as I had not offed them from the bar; it was their choice to come and enjoy a free meal.
  21. We know that Trump preys on the uneducated and the gullible. If you saw his inauguration you'd see the people he will be supporting - stale, pale males and billionaires. Not a single member of the maga hoi polloi in sight. Yet they foolishly believe Trump cares for them.
  22. A very Trumpian response. So, what is the "phony stuff" Trump is referring to? (It's a serious question, btw)
  23. What "phony stuff" was he referring to? He didn't tell us, so maybe you can. And seeing that the Epstein files deal with paedophilia, and given that Trump said Epstein "likes them young", don't you think the release of these files would be towards the top of the list? They are certainly more relevant than the JFK assassination files which revealed nothing new. When do you think Trump will declassify them?
  24. Do you agree that Trump should also release the files on Jeffrey Epstein?
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