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Everything posted by a-447

  1. Which is why there will not be a nuclear war. If Putin's hand hovers over the nuclear button his generals will quickly step in and remove him from power. Afterall, they and their families want to live, not die for Putin or any perceived glory for the motherland. And the retaliation against Putin by the Russian people would be swift and decisive.
  2. Should read : We felt cheated and didn't appreciate the way he had taken us for granted. (Damn auto-correct!!)
  3. I went to his show here in Perth a few years ago. Having seen many of his performances on youtube, a few live shows and video (remember vcr?) which my friends had taped years ago, I was very disappointed with the show. I had heard all the jokes, except one, many times before. Given the price of the ticket I think the audience deserved a new show, not a rehash of old material. Given his age, he had a lot of trouble walking on the stage; he spend most of the time standing in one place. His banter with the audience was the same old, same old. "Come straight from work, have you?" "How can I describe your dress? Affordable, I'd say." Halfway through the show he sat down and we watched replays of his old TV shows where he interviewed famous people. The audience who were familiar with his work were unimpressed to say the least! We felt chested and didn't zodiacs the way he had taken us for granted. Still, the few younger members of the audience would have enjoyed it.
  4. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. In my case, I want a cock to have some resemblance to what a cock is supposed to look like, not a shapeless unrecognisable blob of meat. And that's how some of the worst examples I have seen actually look like. I wish I could do something to help them. So sad.
  5. OK. There goes my Phillipines trip!
  6. As reader says, penile implants - often badly done by the guys themselves- seem popular only with straight guys. And as we know, there are many straight guys working in gogo bars. I'll never forget a guy I was intending to off first phoning his wife from the bar to tell her he'd be spending the night with me. I thought it was a joke - and a funny one at that! Pearls were very popular with Japanese yakuza so maybe that's where the trend in Thailand started. Z909, I hope you never ever see a cock deformed by the injection of silicone. The girth is huge, which makes the cock head look ridiculously small by comparison. If badly done, the cock loses its shape and becomes just a blob of meat. There was a very handsome guy in Super A who I had come and sit with me. I was horrified when he pulled his briefs down to reveal the ugliest cock I'd ever seen. He told me he regretted what he had done but said all the guys in his village were doing it so he just followed. He told me "Farang don't like." I made a few enquiries to see if the silicone could be removed but was told once it is there, you can't do anything about it.
  7. I agree 100%! A few years ago I celebrated Songkran in Pattaya with my regular friend, his brother and some of his friends from Eros. First of all, I bought them all the largest water guns we could find. It was then off to 7/11 for our first of many cans of beer. We then hit Beach Road. I have to say it was the best fun I've had with my clothes on! We did the Thai thing and "went for a swim" when we needed a piss. Then more beer, more water fights, eating various snacks among the way......... it was exhausting. By the end of the day I was fucked. At the end of the day my friend and I retired to my hotel where I was fucked again!
  8. You mean you've never seen a cock totally deformed by silicone or a cock with"mook" (pearls) under the skin? Grotesque! I've had some nasty surprises over the years so I always check to see if the cock is "original", as the guys say, before I commit to an off.
  9. The main reason I go to Bangkok is because I've got a regular guy I spend time with, both in and out of bed. I also love the shopping and restaurants at Siam Paragon but other shopping opportunities are limited. Historical sites are also few and far between and once you've visited them there's nowhere else in town to see. Also, there aren't many interesting day trips from Bangkok, (touristy floating market, anyone?) I love Paris but Tokyo is tops for me. It is never, ever boring. It's got just about everything I could ever want, although the sex is much more expensive and the cocks do not measure up to the Thai guys. You can't have everything.
  10. It may not be luck - it may be caused by something else but I haven't mentioned it to my doctor because it's not a problem. Anyhow, I think I'd be too embarrassed! Lol I remember a veteran of the gay boards once saying that tramadol stopped him from cumming, so he could enjoy long sex sessions. Not all side effects are bad!
  11. I'm on medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol. My experience of their effects on erections is the opposite- since starting the medication last year I've been waking up in the middle of the night and sometimes in the morning with a hard-on. I'm presuming it's the effect of the medicine as I have not made any changes to my lifestyle, but I could be wrong. Of course, I'm not complaining!
  12. My golden rule is to never go back to a stranger's house as you don't know who is waiting in the back room. For me, it's my hotel room only, although I have at times had fun in a bar with the doors locked- and that was only because I knew the guys well.
  13. Giving the guys money is only a short-term fix. Setting them up in business is a much better option. It's the old "give them a fishing rod, not fish" scenario.
  14. Like father like son. Is there anything worse than parents of sports stars?
  15. Thank you, Vinapu, for taking the time to write up those reports. At times I actually felt I was there, and your reports brought back many fond memories. I'm a great believer that you get what you pay for in life. And your reports demonstrate that the amount of fun you can have in Thailand is often dependant on how generous you are willing to be. And also on the strength of your libido, of which I'm envious!
  16. When I fly to Europe I go with Emirates on their a380. I love everything about it- especially the size. I deliberately make sure I'm sleepy when I get to the airport. I then board and go straight to sleep! I'm surprised to see the a380 taking to the air again. I wonder how long they will last before they are replaced.
  17. I hope Cathay survives. It's one of my favourite airlines and I always travelled with them when visiting Japan. Their schedule was very convenient, the food choice was varied and always delicious and the cabin crew were efficient and friendly, personally welcoming me aboard with a smile. I also have a sentimental attachment to them.
  18. I think the guys turn up each night to be with each other, not with farang. They are there to hang out with their friends and enjoy each other's company. They obviously don't need the money. Then again, they can survive on a lot less money than we can. I'm just surprised the management allows such behaviour. Presumably they are still paying rent and need to at least cover costs. Maybe it's one of those places which the owner runs as a hobby and is not worried about making money. Like Natureboys and Golden Cock in Bangkok. As the boys are all straight it comes as no surprise that they want to get the deed over asap. Has anyone complained to the manager or owner?
  19. Does she also own a poofy cat?
  20. Thanks for that, Nirish. My advisor actually suggested something similar so that is probably the way to go. Being gay with no ties means many of us have superfluous money, as we've not had the cost of a family to drain our funds. I'd hate to think what it costs to educate a couple of kids through to university! And in my case the partners I've had over my lifetime have all been self-sufficient and have been able to pay their own way. So it may sound strange but I actually enjoy having a couple of very special friends in Thailand who I can spend money on, spoil a bit and look after. I've now entered my 70s and although I have no intention of dropping off the perch soon, I'm trying to downsize and get rid of much of the "stuff" I've accumulated over the years. As a shopping tragic, I've ended up with way too much of everything. (The Salvation Army is doing very well out of me!) So although I'm doing my best to spend, like many at my age I've got everything I need. Money is great when you're young because we have so many "wants " but at my age, money and assets become rather meaningless. I'm not complaining - It's a wonderful situation in which to be - but it's good to sit back and think how I am able to share what I have. I just need to work out HOW to share it. I'll leave that to the experts.
  21. And the forum members' members!
  22. I've always been wary of charities here owing to unsatisfactory experiences in the past. I used to donate to a number of charities who would take money out on a monthly basis from a special bank account I had set up. I stopped donating after I discovered over 90% of the money was being eaten up in "expenses"! I cancelled my donations and completely forgot about it until the guy who helps me with my finances informed me that the money was still being withdrawn. WTF?? The situation was finally rectified but not before a whole lot of rigmarole and the threat of legal action. So I'll need to give my plans a lot more thought. As for being remembered, that would be nice I guess, but it's not something I would ever ask for.
  23. That's exactly how I feel after reading your reports!
  24. What I will do with my assets after I die has been something which has preyed on my mind for quite some time now. I am an only child and have no relatives. I have a rather large circle of friends but they are in no need of any financial support. Everything cent (yen, in my case) I have earned has been just for me, and my assets now are also all for me. So, what to do? I have some "friends" in Thailand who will benefit substantially. However, just how much they will receive is problematic. Do I give them a sum which is life-changing or do I simply set them up in some kind of business venture? The latter is attractive as they are highly intelligent, hard-working guys who could probably make a go of things. But as the pandemic has shown us, nothing is certain and businesses can fail overnight. I just love to see my friends happy - the smile on their faces when I do something for them is priceless to me. (I get the impression Vinapu feels the same way, reading his trip reports). So I guess I'll just let them wake up one day and find a nice sum of money in their bank accounts. The remainder will be donated to charities both here in Australia and S.E. Asia. During my travels I have kitted out a couple of schools in Cambodia with furniture, books, etc but there are many more that need help. I have yet to build a school but given the low cost of construction, that may be an avenue worth looking into. And needless to say, I'm doing my best to spend some on myself, too! I guess the next thing is to look into the legal aspects, but I think (hope) that can wait a while, as I don't intend going anywhere soon.
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