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Everything posted by a-447

  1. Business interests often override the interests of conservative politicians. In Japan, where conservative politicians have ruled since the end of WW2, you can buy a tenga (wanking toy) 24 hours a day at any Don Quijote store. They are all lined up on a shelf and there's always lots of guys perusing the latest colours and models.
  2. I first saw this at Boyzboyzboyz. All I can say is, the guys probably don't get paid much per ball, as a lot of them couldn't be bothered chasing after them. I think it is yet another cynical way for the bar to get money out of its customers. I thought the whole spectacle was degrading and humiliating. But that's just me.
  3. A lot of the 7/11 customers would be working in the nearby gay bars so your chance of scoring woukd be higher than in other 7/11s.
  4. I came late to Dame Edna, but immediately became a fan. I attended a couple of his live shows and followed his various TV shows from the US and the UK (Thank you, Youtube!). When I first saw the Dame I thought it was the funniest performance I'd ever seen. I don't think I had ever laughed so much in my life. I was with a bunch of friends and we all had tears running down our cheeks. However, I noticed over subsequent performances that he repeated many of the same jokes, and for a man of such talent, I thought he was just being lazy and taking everyone for granted. This reached its culmination in 2019 when I saw his final show in Perth. I had a feeling he would probably not be back again and so was really excited. The show turned out to be a total disaster - unless you had never seen him before. He only told one new joke; the remainder of the lines had been recycled from previous shows. I knew them all. Every single line! Every single bit of banter with the audience about their homes, clothes and appearances. He found it difficult to move on stage and after interval he sat down and showed us replays of his TV shows where he interviewed various celebrities. Many of us would have seen those shows before. A number of audience members sitting around me were as angry as I was. We'd paid a lot of money and we felt cheated. So I strongly disagree with the part of the statement released by his family after his death which said: "He never took his audience for granted". On that evening in October 2019 he took us all for a ride. I swore that would be the last Dame Edna show I'd ever attend. As it turned out...... He was a genius. The funniest comedian of them all.
  5. It was very quiet on Suriwongse outside the Raya Hotel when I left at midday on Friday. And yesterday when I headed to the airport at 8:30 am, the street was dead. I got to the airport in 30 minutes! I'm guessing everyone was still in bed sleeping off a hangover. On Thursday the police arrived at Silom Road at 9:30 pm and we're closing down the celebrations. As soon as the police moved on, the action started again.
  6. At Natureboys you have to pay the off fee if the guy cums in the bar. You won't have this problem at Niceboys.
  7. If this was in Japan all the guys would have just been wearing white fundoshi and it would be a full-on grope fest. The fundoshi fully exposes the butt cheeks and the bulge is the only other centre of attention. I think Thai guys are a little shy in public and removing their shirts is about as far as they are willing to go. Best get them behind closed doors.
  8. They used to pop up in Shibuya, in side alleys off Dogenzaka Street. But the police closed them down so they'd just move somewhere else in the area. It was a game of cat and mouse. Bukkake was alive and well in the gay cinema in Ueno. These days I think it's become a cinema for straight porn but most of the customers are gay, looking for a hook-up. These days, Thailand is the place for bukkake.
  9. Last night my friend who has been "entertaining" me every evening called me from Natureboys. "Come now! We having songkran party!" I managed to miraculously make it there from the Raya Hotel without getting wet! When I arrived, my friend greeted me with a bucket of water in my face. Lol They had a plastic swimming pool set up and one of the guys would grab passersby and drag then into the pool. The ladyboy from Super A helped drag the guys into the pool and took the opportunity to grope them while she exposed her fake tits. They all took it in good humour, of course. At one stage I was tempted to jump in myself and go for the grope! A number of foreigners didn't appreciate getting wet. One young farang yelled "No!!!" and raised his fist as he passed by. It didn't save him. Lol What the fuck are these guys doing in Thailand during Songkran??
  10. Unfortunately, the booths only fit 2 so no good for a group bukkake session. But I'm sure you could sit on stage and the guys would surround you. The guys could probably organise it so they all came at the same time and showered you with the sticky stuff. Wait an hour or so and they'd be up for a second round! The mama-san would quickly organise it for you. I'm sure everyone in the bar has seen it all before. In Japan the guys would all stand around in a group wanking. When they were about to cum they'd put their hand up and then be called out to stand next to the bukkake-ee who was kneeling on a cushion. Some guys were so excited they came on the floor before they reached the guy! Lol
  11. I've seen Thai guys cum in customers' mouths on numerous occasions. I've also seen them cum in a customer's drink. I haven't witnessed a bukkake....yet. As the mama-san in Niceboys kept saying, "Welcome to Thailand. Everything OK!"
  12. I went to Siam Square. Besides the usual mayhem, they had a series of floats. Young guys in wet white shorts are part of the floats and they put on a very sexy dancing display. Some delicious -looking bulges on display and the usual hot bodies. Heaven!
  13. a-447


    I'm very familiar with bukkake, as it is a Japanese word. They claim to have invented it. It is a regular practice in Japan - in my younger days my friends and I would visit bukkake clubs in Shibuya. It was also common in the gay cinemas and I was always a willing participant, more often as a bukkake-er rather than a bukkake-ee. Catching the train smelling of cum was a problem. Lol. I always took a spare shirt because their aim wasn't all that good. I'd put the cum -covered shirt in a plastic bag before I left the cinema. Oh, the memories! I've never thought about doing it in Thailand; maybe I'll keep that for my next trip. It's great to see that it has spread around the world. I think Niceboys would be the perfect place for this, as long as you are prepared to pay each guy 300 baht. It's probably more like 500 in Natureboys. Also, I'm sure the guys in Super A would also oblige. In all cases you can do it in the bar.
  14. a-447


    Natureboys in Bangkok, provided enough guys turn up to the bar. The manager can always call guys in for you at short notice.
  15. Was the mama-san in question the dark, fat ladyboy with the bouffant hairstyle? She wears number 888. She wanders around the bar holding a microphone and takes every opportunity to grope the boys on stage. She's horrible.
  16. The booths are on either side of the stage at the back of the bar. You can only see the top part of the guys in there so as Vessey said, it's a private way of having fun. There's no extra charge. When I walked into the bar the second night they led me straight to the booth and brought out a roll of toilet paper. The guys then all know what my intentions are. In the past I haven't found any guys particularly attractive but Mike and Mark certainly are. Both speak reasonable English and stay with you in the booth to chat after they've cum. Last night both Doo-y and Mark said they were up for another chuck-wow after they'd recovered. The guys all take a long time to cum, which is great for me. The longer the better!. Doo-y took close to 30 minutes the first time and he took over when my arm got tired. I asked him if he wanted to stop but told me to keep going. "I cum. Sure!" The second time he was a bit quicker, but not much. Mark's first cumshot was spectacular, as it was on the first night, but the second one was just a dribble. Lol As stated above, a chuck -wow costs 300, plus 250 for a drink. New boys seem to turn up every night. They are all free-lancers. And unlike in the past, where the boys appeared to be escapees from the local prison, none of the boys looked rough to me - just ordinary guys wanting to make an easy buck with their cocks and spend time with their friends. A bit like the old Golden Cock in Bangkok. More of a social club, but one that involves wanking. What's not to like about that if you're going and horny and want to make some quick baht?
  17. The bar claims they only ever charged me 200, which is what I paid tonight. Boys' drinks are 250. Tonight was a chuck-wow festival for the ages. Mike x1 Doo-y. x2 Mark x2 Gun x1 The Thai/Nigerian guy with the big cock missed out as the bar closed early at 12am.
  18. One guy was new to the bar and was a bit hesitant about a chuck-wow in the booth. The lady mama-san was explaining the routine to him and although very shy, he agreed. Once in the booth I asked him if he was sure he wanted to do it and told him it was ok if he felt uncomfortable. But no, he wanted it and performed admirably. On the first night there was a handsome young guy sitting chuck-wow ing on stage. I called him over to go to the booth but he refused. The mama -san said he only chuck-wows himself as a show for the customers. Well, he worked that cock all night, never taking his hand off it, even when there were no other customers in the bar, yet he never came! How is that possible? In hindsight I'm glad he refused because if he had agreed I'd still be working on him! He reminds me of a guy in Natureboys who used to sit down the back of the bar and chuck-wow all night while watching porn. He also never came. Unbelievable! BTW, I'm sure the first night I only paid 200 for a drink. But ever since they've been charging 250.
  19. I was specifically referring to the guys in Niceboys. All of them can get it up. I've met a few outside of Niceboys who can't, but not many. It's hit and miss regarding numbers. One night there were 5 guys, last night about 9. Mike and his mate Mark are real cuties- Mark has a big cock. A boy in blue shorts has silicone. A Thai/Nigerian older guy (36 yo) has a huge cock. The other guys are around 6 inches - large enough to get a good grip! Lol. There's one handsome but who, unfortunately, has a very small cock - the smallest I've ever seen in Thailand. Nevertheless, he was offed by 2 ladyboys last night. The Thai /Nigerian guy said if you want a big cock, find a guy from Korat. I don't know how true that is, but my next question after "Do you have silicone or mooks" will from now on will be "Are you from Korat?" A couple of the guys want a second chuck-wow later in the evening. As always, I'm very happy to oblige! The massive cumshots have been a thing of the past ever since porn became freely available on their phones, leading to too much wanking. But Mark managed to hit his chest the first time I chuck-wowed him. One spurt missed his body entirely and flew off into the never-never. But that was a one-off. Last night was just a dribble because he told me he'd fucked his wife before coming to the bar. Lol All the guys really are nice boys and after the event we sit and chat as they show me various photos on their phones. They tell me they can make a good living out of the bar and they enjoy the job, as it's an easy way to make money. Plus they get to cum - no complaints there - can relax later and be with their friends every night. A lot of time I'm by myself in the bar as customers are few and far between. Given the amount I spend, it's probably worthwhile them staying open! Niceboys is like a substitute for the old Goodboys. The only real difference is that most of the guys in Goodboys were hung like donkeys. Remember Chet? OMG! He was only a small guy, but was all cock. Eight inches, huge girth and hard as a rock. Probably from Korat!
  20. I've been busy chuck-wowing all the guys at Niceboys every night. They are all straight and 4 I know of are married with kids. Despite that, they have no trouble getting it up, albeit with the aid of porn on their phones. I get a nice hug and a kiss and a cuddle after the event. I don't know how they do it, but I don't care.
  21. I was in Bangkok all of last week. The daytime temperatures were 36~38 degrees but I didn't notice much humidity. Pattaya is also very hot but I still walk from the Classroom Hotel near Boyztown to Central Festival shopping centre every day without any problem. I'm from Perth where we usually have about a week of temperatures above 40 degrees, although not this year, so I'm used to the hot weather. I was out walking in Bangkok most of the day and survived just fine. Those coming from Europesn countries where anything above 15 degrees is considered a hest-wave would obviously feel it the most. I also think that being overweight may be part of the problem. Thankfully, I don't have that issue..
  22. I always make a point of asking. If the guy says his cock is "original" - that's one English word they all understand - then the deal is on. I called a guy into the chuck-wow booth at Niceboys the other night, and not having been to Thailand for a few years, I forgot to ask. Shock, horror - he had a thick band of silicone around the centre of his cock. We went ahead anyway, as to send him back would mean a loss of face. There is also a rather old gogo boy in Xboys who is in the big cock show. Most of his cock is silicone. Yuk!!! I remember coming across a number of guys at Classic House massage in Chiang Mai with mooks and silicone.
  23. That makes sense.
  24. Don't quote me, but I'm told the tying of the base of the cock with a condom in order to maintain an erection for the big cock show affects the ability to get an erection.
  25. The best way to know what you're getting is to go to one of the bars, watch the big cock show and make your choice.
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