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Everything posted by a-447

  1. In which case, you'll need to take a lot more than $100 I'd imagine!
  2. "...........but as you said your 76 the bright side is you won't be suffering for much longer" Apparently not.
  3. I agree - we have to be careful that we don't misread the intention of others or let our desire for a sexual encounter read something into comments or behaviour which isn't there. Speaking from experience, when people start studying a foreign language in Asia they seem to learn the same simple, basic questions which are used to start a conversation. Some people take offence at such personal questions, as we would never ask them of someone we had just met, but as Marc said, it's just a cultural difference. BTW, I've never been asked "Have you bathed" - which is comforting! Lol I once badly misread the intentions of a handsome young guy in Myannmar. It was during their Songkran when young people do various acts of kindness towards older folk. I was walking along the street next to a park when this guy came up to me, held my hand and started walking with me. He then put his arm around my waist. Instant hard-on. I thought I could lead him into the park for a bit of fun among the bushes so I put my arm around his waist, snuggled up to him and attempted to guide him into the park. But he kept walking straight down the road until we came to a temple. He smiled, got onto a bus and off he went, without a word being spoken between us the whole time. Turns out he was just gaining merit by helping an old guy - me - to walk along the street!
  4. Yes, but the Christian religion teaches that human suffering is noble because it reflects the suffering of jesus on the cross. On the other hand, Buddhism recognises that suffering simply exists as a part of life, (rather than demanding it's followers suffer in order to demonstrate devotion) and the goal is to overcome hardship in everyday life and reach nirvana. At least that's how I understand it. But I'm certainly no expert.
  5. In fact, talking to a guy who was a novice monk for a year, he said Buddhism didn't really have any rules regarding sex - except for monks and nuns. Monks, for example, can have a wank but are not allowed to cum. I asked him if that meant he went for a year without ever cumming. He said of course not; but that he had to report the fact that he'd cum to the head monk. He was then "counselled" and forgiven. It's precisely because Thais and other Asians do not follow a religion that glorifies suffering, demands self -sacrifice and denies sexual gratification - sex is only for procreation, not recreation - that we can have our sexual desired fulfilled in Asia. I'm so grateful to have been brought up in a nominally Buddhist society by atheist parents.
  6. I've met around a dozen members from the 3 forums over the years and none fit your description. You need to get out more.
  7. My behaviour does not harm anyone - in fact, we both benefit from the transaction. So nothing to be ashamed of.
  8. Not all masculine guys are "ragamuffins". Sometimes looks can be deceiving. Some of the guys at Niceboys (and the old Goodboys) look like escapees from the local juvenile detention centre but when you get to speak to them, they are some of the sweetest, loveliest guys you could ever hope to meet. The masculine guys I saw as a "Sunee lover" in its hey-day are exactly the same manly type I admire today in the bars in Bangkok.
  9. Masculine guys could also be found at Eros, Goodboys, Niceboys, Powerboys and Holiday 2.
  10. The Rose Hotel is a minute walk from the action. I stayed there many times over the years. If I ever returned late to the hotel alone the ladies at reception (sisters?) would ask why I didn't have a guy with me! They always kept the guy's ID card and if he only had a photocopy or didn't have one at all, they would interrogate him to check his age. This was never a problem as I tend to go for guys in their 20s. It has a pool and a first-rate restaurant. It's not fancy but it is clean and inexpensive. (I'm presuming it's still there!) These days I stay at the Raya or Tarntawan but would be happy to go back to theoRise of they were full.
  11. People have been predicting that for at least 10 years.
  12. “………..he discovered that his wallet, containing 9,500 Australian dollars (around 200,000 Thai baht), 1,500 Thai baht, and various documents, was missing from his backpack……”
  13. This seems a bit odd. How would 95 x $100 notes fit into a single wallet (assuming that the money was all in that denomination)?
  14. Neil's story is a lesson for all prospective business owners in Thailand, especially businesses involving sex and bars. Although he was the most despicable, narcissistic human being I have ever met (I haven't met Trump), he was a great businessman and went out of his way to look after his young, sometimes wild, staff. He tried to sit all night at the bar in order to supervise what was going on and make sure the guys stayed inside with the customers, but due to various health issues, he was often absent, leaving the running of the place to his manager. One evening I turned up at the bar when Neil was absent. Despite pleas from the timid manager, the boys had taken over the bar, standing out on the street drinking copious amounts of alcohol and chatting up women while the customers sat by themselves inside without drinks. Needless to say, there was no show. It was obvious the bar would not survive if customers were ignored and the guys were drinking the profits. If you are going to run a successful business, you need to be in a position to supervise it all the time and/or employ a strong, competent manager. Given how well Neil treated his staff it was disappointing so see how they treated him. But boys will be boys and while the cat's away.............etc, etc.
  15. I always bowed - and still do - when in Japan.
  16. It doesn't mean that. Just like the VIP not wai-ing me doesn't mean she was displaying a lack of respect towards me. It's more complicated than that. And although the guys might think it a bit strange that you are wai-ing them (given the cultural context), I'm sure they are not laughing at you.
  17. When I wai-ed the VIP, suffice to say she did not wai me back - nor did she return my bow. If she had, it would have been front page news in Thailand. Was she being impolite or disrespecting me? Was she disrespecting the crowd to whom she also did not wai or bow? Of course not. Let the bar guys wai to us, as for them that is perfectly natural according to their culture. We can return the greeting with a smile and a nod. BTW, when a bar boy turns up for work, have you ever seen those already on stage wai to him, or vice versa? But as I said in my post above, no harm done if you wai. Up to you.
  18. Culturally inappropriate.
  19. Only once - and it was because I panicked at the time! I was in Siam Paragon when I saw a crowd of people. Always curious (and never ever wanting to miss out!) I politely pushed myself to the front and found myself standing with the press corps. And what was all the fuss about? A VIP - the daughter of a Very Very VIP was opening a French cosmetic boutique. As she chatted animately in French with the owner she headed over our way. Our eyes met! She kept coming closer! I thought she was going to order me to move, but instead she smiled, I wai-ed and bowed very deeply. We ended up exchanging a few words in French. French is my first language and I grew up speaking it as a child until I went to live in Japan. So I hadn't spoken it for a long while, but adrenalin kicked in and I reckon my French would have been perfect! (Lol). Hers certainly was. After our brief conversation ended, she moved on. A security guard (who obvioudky wasn't doing his job and is probably still languishing in prison!) rushed over and told me to l leave. In Asia, the way you greet someone depends on your "status" in society. That it why it is rather funny to see farang who wai bar boys. It's totally inappropriate and demonstrates a lack of cultural awareness. But no harm done.
  20. Just make sure you don't get into a blue with Blue!
  21. If you stick your wallet down the front of your pants you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone!
  22. Japan has 2 seasons -summer and winter - when cash bonuses are handed out to employees. The better the company is performing profit-wise, the higher your bonus. Some companies can pay up to a year's wage or more if it is doing well. Needless to say, politicians grant themselves huge bonuses. These are cash bonuses, handed over in bulging envelopes and stuffed into your pocket. I worked for a very large Japanese company and was the happy recipient of rather large envelopes. We all headed off to the bars and restaurants and spent up big. The thought of being mugged just never crossed anyone's mind. Afterall, this was Japan. And BTW, wages are paid monthly and are paid in cash, not into your bank account - although things might have changed, although I doubt it. The envelope would be handed unopened to your wife, who would then give you your monthly allowance to pay for food, transport, entertainment, etc. Unfortunately, Japanese think that the whole world is like back home and so are prime targets when they travel.
  23. Security can't check every single bag but putting them through a scanner and patrons walking through security gates would be better than nothing at all. It would have picked up the bullets the boy was carrying. They can do it quickly and efficiently at airports so I don't see the problem.
  24. Are the authorities investigating the apparent lax security procedures at Siam Paragon? CCTV would show whether or not security guards were performing their duties at the entrance. SP is one of my favourite places and over all the the years I've been visiting no one has ever checked my bag - I've either walked straight past the guards or there haven't been any on duty. No doubt security will now be strengthened but as usual, it's after the horse has bolted.
  25. I walked out, as did quite a few other patrons.
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