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Everything posted by a-447

  1. "57% of voters say they approve of the job Trump did as president" So, why did he lose the election? Rather than banging on about how Trump will win the election, shouldn't you be concentrating on the man himself and whether or not such a person is suitable for the position of potus? You are promiting a serial liar a convicted sex offender who boasts about grabbing women "by the pussy" a failed businessman a grown man who calls his opponents childish names someone who commits treason by suggesting Russia invade recalcitrant Nato countries a former president who debases the office by selling shoes a self-confessed billionaire who shamelessly asks the poor and uneducated to send him money they can ill-afford a sham Christian who cannot name a single passage in the bible and who ignores the 10 commandments a pathological narcissist whose followers think he cares about them but who abandons them when convenient (think about the families of the Jan 6 insurrectionists languishing in prison. Has Trump been supporting them financially?) A potus who refused to accept his defeat and tried to hold onto office by fomenting discontent among his followers by telling them he had won, thereby leading to an attempt to take over the government a serial adulterer ................. I could go on and on, but you get the picture. He's hardly a role-model, or someone to be admired. You need to aim higher.
  2. After visiting Israel in Israel Donald and Mercedes could pop across to Turkiye to say "hi" to its president and new bestie, Victor Orban. They could then invite Victor to come to America. They could stay at one of Trump's successful hotels or casinos. Oh, wait......... “The Trump Taj Mahal, which was built and owned by President Trump, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1991. The Trump Plaza, the Trump Castle, and the Plaza Hotel, all owned by President Trump at the time, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1992. THCR, which was founded by President Trump in 1995, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004. Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc., the new name given to Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts after its 2004 bankruptcy, declared bankruptcy in 2009.” Never mind. He could make it up to Orban by offering his grandkids places in Trump University. Oh, wait........ "Trump University, founded by President Trump in 2005, ceased operations in 2011 amid lawsuits and investigations regarding the company’s business practices." Never mind. He could console Orban with a nice steak, washed down by a glass of Trump vodka. Oh, wait.... "Trump Vodka, a brand of vodka produced by Drinks Americas under license from the Trump Organization, was introduced in 2005 and discontinued in 2011.” "Trump Steaks, a brand of steak and other meats founded by President Trump in 2007, discontinued sales two months after its launch.” I know! Trump could organise for Orban to have a holiday in Thighland on his way back home. If he is he's not too keen on that, he could go to Boston for a few days on Trump Airlines. On, wait..... "GoTrump.com, a travel site founded by President Trump in 2006, ceased operations in 2007." "Two years after he launched Trump Shuttle, the airline wasn’t making enough money to even cover the $1 million monthly interest payment on his loan. Trump ultimately defaulted, surrendering ownership of the airline to his creditors." As a parting souvenir of his time with the Trump's, he could go home with one of Trump: The Game boardgames. Oh, wait.... "Despite its flashy TV ad, the game sold only 800,000 copies — less than half the 2 million units the company expected to move. When it was discontinued in 1990, Trump chalked the game’s dismal sales up to the fact that it might have been “too complicated.” Oh.....well how about a few copies of Trump Magazine. They'd make good reading on the long flight home. Oh, wait.... That business folded in 2009. Mmmm.....maybe Orban should decline Trump's invitation and visit his mate, Putin, instead. Afterall, apparently he'd just have to walk across the border straight into Russia. ............................................. Yep, those magamaniacs - each one a 'stable genius' -sure know how to pick 'em!
  3. And will Trump and wife Mercedes be visiting Israel, the capital of Israel?
  4. So, a guy who boasts about being rich - "I'm rich. I'm really really rich" - and who estimates his wealth at anything between 4 and 10 billion dollars, depending on who is is trying to Impress, is now asking the poorer members of society to send him money. He makes tele-evangelists like Jim and Tammy Baker look like honest, tireless workers for charity! And to add insult to injury, the ex-potus has stooped to selling his own brand of sneakers! As they say, you can't make this stuff up. Trump is living proof that money can't buy class. He is more crass, more vulgar and less intelligent than any of his trailer trash followers.
  5. That is Sopheap, the boyfriend of Xavi, the Spanish owner. Both are lovely hosts. He has changed - I hardly recognise him! When I was a regular there, the clientele was gay, straight and everything in between. And just about all the gorgeous guys working there were straight. Afaik, nobody was offable, although one guy there said he could introduce me to a guy after the bar closed. I didn't bother.
  6. Vinapu, your post about the Space bar brought back wonderful memories of nights sitting out on the deck, champagne in one hand, dick in the other. It was a few years ago and the staff has completely changed, although I presume the Spanish owner is still there. My favourite guy there was Virat and we had lots of groping sessions under the table. Unfortunately, we didn't go any further. I feel a return trip coming up!
  7. I like to stay out of political discussion here, but I couldn't resist. I wouldn't give the nuclear codes to this guy, either!
  8. Yeah, nah. Couldn't be Aussies. 'Fuck' is usually every second word. Sometimes it's the only word.
  9. At first, I really enjoyed songkran, especially the party atmosphere in Silom. I looked forward to visiting Thailand every April and especially remember a wonderful time I had in Pattaya. A few friends from Eros suggested I come with them for some fun, so I bought the biggest supersoaker I could find and got right into it. We dropped by every 7/11 and I bought beers and snacks for everyone. But I started getting annoyed when farang would start songkran a few days earlier when I was not prepared to get wet. So I decided I'd had enough and decided to give songkran a miss. I would divide my time in April between Bangkok and Pattaya and was able to escape songkran due to the differing dates in both cities..I'd hang around in Pattaya until the 18th and then head up to Bangkok where it had already finished. Last year I took part in the celebrations in Bangkok for the first time in years. I had a great time with some friends from Golden Cock and Natureboys outside the bar. I was planning to go back this year but am now going to Japan instead.
  10. I bet 99.9% of their clients are Japanese men, not foreigners. Lots of guys in Japan in their 20s look like teenagers, and this is natural to those who hire them. It's what they would expect. I can understand how foreigners might see things differently, but that means they'd have to look for guys in their 30s if they weren't interested in teenagers. At least they would look as though they were adults in their 20s.
  11. What makes you reach that conclusion, Marc? I didn't see any pre-teens, only a few who were 18. The majority were over 20.
  12. A while ago I visited the Yushukan military museum, which is within the confines of the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo. Just inside the entrance there is a steam train on display - it was used on the Thai -Burma railway. Yet there is no mention of how the railway was constructed. Ignorance is bliss.
  13. I had a similar problem in Pattaya on my last visit. For a numbet of years I would have a massage by the same guy every day of my holiday. When Covid struck he returned home and I thought I'd never see him again. Then on my first night, as I walked through Boyztown, I heard my name being called. I turned around to see him rushing up to me. I was really happy to connect with him, and he was happy because his walking atm had arrived. He gave me a long sob-story - some of which was no doubt true- and told me he was desperately in need of money. So I said I'd be back around midnight and he could come back to my hotel. When I went to pick him up, he was sitting drinking with his friends at the massage place. He told me he was to drunk to do anything. But.,.but...I told you I would come and pick you up tonight! Never mind. I'll see you tomorrow night. Same,same. Sorry, I'm drinking with my friends. Next day I get a request for 3000 baht. When I explained that I wasn't a charity and that he'd have to earn it- I had already given him 2 chances to make some money - he got very angry and stormed off. We never spoke again.
  14. Skyscanner has tickets on Malaysian for $4400. I've flown with them to Japan a number of times recently and found them excellent. Their business class lounge is KL is pretty awesome, too.
  15. I just checked Thai Airways prices for a trip in April. Business class return was $3728, but that means catching the direct flight back to Perth at 07:00, which means getting to the airport by 0500. The next return trip offered was via Melbourne (!!), taking 17 hours and costing a ridiculous $8,215. That's around $3000 more than I paid for my recent trip to Japan on Cathay Pacific. Unfortunately, I got what felt like food poisoning on the flight home on Monday. When I reached Perth I couldn't catch a taxi home because I was vomiting and had diarrhoea. I had to wait several hours until the symptoms subsided a little before I could call a taxi. It was a very anxious trip home! I think I'd look for another option to fly to Thailand, rather than Thai Airways.
  16. Yet the local media has not mentioned them. As far as the Japanese are concerned, the flight attendants were simply doing their job. No need to single them out for praise.
  17. This, along with the earthquake yesterday, has locals wondering if these are portents of what's to come in Japan in 2024. I was down near Mt Fuji when the earthquake struck and although I didn't feel anything at all, my train back to Tokyo was cancelled and it took an extra hour to get back home. Knowing Japan,they'll have the airport opened by tomorrow. They don't mess around here.
  18. I find it hilarious that people on a forum like this try to claim the moral high ground. There isn't any. We are all in this together. (Were they piano players in a brothel in a previous life?)
  19. Well, there is only one photo but the text says there are multiple guys working there, although they don't turn up every day.
  20. I dont carry a lot of cash when I travel. I'm off to Taipei and Tokyo tomorrow and will be carrying $100 worth of Taiwanese currency and the same amount of Japaan yen. I always rely on using the ATM machines with my Visa card. I'm more concerned about my passport so I keep it in a small bag around my neck at all times. I wouldn't leave anything in an overhead locker.
  21. The Vintage website says the masseurs are Korean, not Japanese. Not a problem for me!
  22. Brazil's population is 3 times that of Thailand which goes some way to explaining the difference in the number of murders.
  23. Actually, I've been to Bali more time that I can remember. It's so close to Perth that friends and I would often fly up there for dinner, stay the night and fly home after lunch. I've also enjoyed longer holidays where I met the guys on Kuta beach for some fun times - so much so that I bought a condo. I speak Indonesian and really liked sitting on the beach chatting with the locals. Yet in all that time, I've never been asked that question. Mind you, I did shower a lot every day so I'm sure I didn't stink like an Aussie backpacker. These days I don't go to Bali - I much prefer Thailand. And Sri Lanka is on my radar.
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