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Everything posted by a-447

  1. The Action Bar also had a 2-way mirror looking over the urinal trough so you knew who was hung and who wasn't. I loved the Oral Academy, as the guys were very well endowered and quite a mouthful!
  2. Yes, I followed the daily cherry blossom report on TV but it kept changing in line with the unpredictable weather. But we didn't have any particular time -frame; we stayed there until we saw them in full bloom in Kyoto, Tokyo and other areas.
  3. I was one of them but decided to pull out - tripus interruptus. With climate change well and truly upon us, who knows what weather to expect these days? We arrived in Japan at what we thought was the start of the cherry blossom season this year and started to panic when we saw that there were still only buds on the trees. Due to climate change the blossoms bloomed the latest in 10 years. Luckily, we were there long enough to see them in all their glory. I feel sorry for all those tourists who had booked cherry blossom trips and missed out. I'll keep an eager eye on Bangkok temperatures. I can't wait to get back there.
  4. Not really. They want to be free and independent and not rely on anyone. None of the women mentioned "being treated like equal human being" or "fluffing" the male ego.
  5. I use centimetres, not inches, when I measure dicks. Somehow it makes them seem bigger.
  6. "nor have I seen any studies to show these are effective at preventing PF. " No, they don't prevent pf but they relieve it to the point where it is no longer a problem.
  7. When I was growing up in Japan I never suffered from plantar fasciitis ; not did I ever hear of someone suffering from it. It only started when I returned to live in Australia. I take my shoes off in my own home but when I visit friends, they all wear their shoes indoor, ,so I leave mine on, too. That may or may not be the cause of my plantar fasciitis. After years of pain I finally came across a solution! Compression socks. Who would have imagined that such a simple solution existed? I only get pain when I go to bed so I just slip these on and the pain magically disappears. So carry these instead of slippers. Maybe worth a try.
  8. Where were these protesters on October 7?
  9. I've never seen Japan so crowded - it was an unreal feeling being surrounded by so many people and never hearing a single word of Japanese spoken. I only visited a few famous sites, preferring to go to places usually only Japanese go to. So I managed to escape the crowds most of the time. Don't let the crowds put you off - afterall, it was cherry blossom time and peak season. Just make sure you don't go in summer, as it is the rainy season and the humidity is oppressive. Other times during the year the weather is great.
  10. Normally, I would have considered a Songkran trip but decided to spend 3 weeks in Japan instead, admiring the cherry blossons and enjoying the balmy weather. On my return I got itchy feet again and planned a trip to Thailand and Cambodia last week but on checking the daily temperatures, I have since thought the better of it and will have to wait till it cools down a bit. I remember doing a trip to Myannmar during April a few years ago when it was 42 degrees every day and I nearly died! We have these high temperatures here in Perth from time to time during summer - this year we had over a week of consecutive days over 40 - but I just stay home in the air conditioning. It's not a time to be out and about sightseeing. BTW, Japan was ridiculously overcrowded with Chinese tourists. Unfortunately, they are back with a vengeance. Of course, they have as much right as anybody else to go on holidays; it's just that the sheer number is overwhelming. In the carpark near a famous temple in kyoto I counted 52 huge tourist buses!
  11. There's a reason for this. Japanese streets are chaotic - they do not have names and street numbers are not in numerical order. In some streets more than 1 building can have the same number. Also, any signs you need to help find your way out to identify your destination will not be in English. If, for example, you catch a taxi to somewhere which is not on a main street, it will drop you off near where you want to go. You then have to get out and wander around the area until you find the place. It's a nightmare.
  12. Like Covid, Mpox is still with us. Yet nobody talks about it. Out of sight, out of mind. Over 700 cases in January - probably most of these in Bangkok - is scary indeed. The response quoted above - "Maybe closed forever" - does not suggest the reason and seems to be just throw-away line.
  13. It depends. It costs more for a trip to Thailand than it does for a few visits from my "special" (read: paid) friend for sex. But if I average out the costs, it works out a lot cheaper if I want to have sex twice a day over 2 weeks. Plus, there's the fact that I'm also enjoying a holiday and delicious food. I read that a single night in a karaoke bar with guys in attendance could cost at least $1000, depending on the number of "hosts". I wonder if anyone could verify that. (I bet PeterRS could, but he's no longer here.)
  14. Yes, but the problem is, those karaoke bars (KTV) are apparently very expensive and so are out of reach for the average Chinese punter.
  15. I think the old Goodboys in Sunee may have been owned by Japanese interests. It's name was written in Japanese on the sign outside.
  16. I've always wondered why Sunee Plaza didn't promote itself on social media to the gay Chinese and Japanese markets, which consist of millions of horny guys. If their promotion reached only a very small percentage of these markets, Sunee would be booming today. If only they knew what was available in the form of gay entertainment - especially of the sleazy, hands -on bars which only ever really thrived in Sunee, they'd be arriving in droves. They could enjoy experiences unheard of in their own countries. Friends in Japan had no idea such a place existed until I told them of my adventures and were genuinely shocked. Such sleaze exists in Japan, but only in private sex clubs which are too expensive for most.
  17. I've always been aware of the difference between being friendy and being a friend. If I was unable to make the distinction I think I would have been disappointed many times in my relationships with Thai guys over the years.
  18. It all depends on the guy, of course. My regular guy in Pattaya who I've spent the majority of my holidays with is actually quite shy in person. He is softly spoken and very polite. But when working in Eros he let it all hang out and was anything but shy. Same, same in bed. He started off at Happy Boys and was very uncomfortable baring his arse for all to see. He wanted to go back home but his friend there told him to hang in there, and he soon got used to it and just treated it as a job. His attitude to sex in general reflects a common Thai attitude - it's no big deal. No need to be hung up about it. And if you're far from home, just go for it, especially if you're a handsome guy with a big cock. This attitude ran in the family - his younger brother worked with him in Eros and his sister worked in Walking Street. I think she found a farang to "take care of" her. And as shy as he is, he made at least 1 gay porn movie when he was 18.
  19. a-447

    Nice Boys

    Don't laugh, Vinapu. That's exactly what I did. I had extra baggy shorts made so I could wear them in Golden Cock, Natureboys and Eros. They worked a treat, especially when there were other customers in the bar, as unlike the boys, I would not pull my shorts down unless I wasn't the only customer in the bar. Golden Cock used to close the door and station a guard outside when I visited in the afternoon, so I had plenty of warning if a customer was approaching.
  20. I vividly remember my first time in a gogo bar. I was wandering around patpong market when a tout approached me and offered to take me to a girlie bar. When I said I was gay he took me over to a bar in Soi Twilight. As soon as I walked in, a very handsome guy with a hot body, wearing a small pair of briefs, came walking towards me, clutching his substantial bulge. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. And then the fuck show began. OMG!! I'd seen lots of fuck shows in Japan but never a Thai-style acrobatic one. Incredible! I'm very comfortable walking into a bar alone. I can't see why anyone would have a problem with that.
  21. A Japanese politician, Ishida Narise, hit the nail on the head when he said Japan's young men lack the ability to 'connect romantically' with the opposite sex. Women in Japan today are also to blame. These days many are well-educated, financially independent and career-minded and no longer see the need to be attached to a man or to be held back in life by having to stay home and look after children. Young men also find the whole dating process 'mendoukusai' or "a pain in the arse". They see the girls as being way too demanding and having expectations that they,as men, cannot possibly hope to live up to. So rather than spending time trying to find a girl, and then trying to please her, it is easier for them to just rely on the traditional manner in which men have always gained sexual satisfaction in Japan - pay for it in one of the millions of girlie bars spread across every city and down every side street. You can get the job done and not be bothered about any commitment. Plus, you can have a different girl every night. The other way to deal with their sexual needs is advertised here for all to see : Where else in the world could you see such blatant advertising for a wanking toy, like Tenga? You can visit any Don Quijote store - they are on every second corner - and choose from a huge selection of Tenga. Guys browse this section of the store without any embarrassment at all, as I witnessed on a recent trip. A survey conducted in 2017 found that 75% of men in their 30s, and 83%. of men in their 30s knew what a Tenga is. You can buy all kinds of merch, including socks, phone cases, sweaters, chocolate and baseball cap - even one with a tissue dispenser on top! It's so sad to think that Japan is full of lonely guys who have given up on a relationship and marriage, preferring to rely on ever more available porn and a wanking wonder toy. They will never father children.
  22. The police, like everyone else, are free to march along any public street in the city - they don't need to be part of an organised event and they certainly don't require permission from the Mardi Gras organisers. I have a feeling that that is what some members of the police force may, in fact, choose to do. And yes,the sad history of police persecution and discrimination against our community is well documented. However, having said that, they have been welcome to join in Mardi Gras/ Pride celebrations for as long as I can remember. So although the history is not forgotten, everyone has moved on and embraced people based soley on their sexuality. The rationale for banning the entire police force seems strange to me, as these murders were not part of an institutionalised culture of gay bashing; rather, the murders were a one-off, committed by someone who just happened to be a policeman. He could easily have been a teacher or a fireman. At the moment, the Police Chief of New South Wales is describing the crime as one of domestic violence ,as the alleged perpetrator had been in a relationship with one of his victims. It's still very early days in the investigation. We still don't know all the facts - and that "we" includes those who decided to ban the police,
  23. As I said, I could go on and on. Mavica, it wasn't me who said "57% of voters say they approve of the job Trump did as president". That was a quote posted by EmmetK.
  24. It's a free country so the police should be able to march if they want to. It's ironic that a group of people who have been discriminated against over the years now see fit to discriminate against the police.
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