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Everything posted by a-447

  1. Last night I was accosted by a small, very cute guy on my way to 7/11. He told me he knew me becsuse he's a waiter at Freshboys. He was out of uniform so no, I didn't recognise him. He wanted to come back to my hotel but he was too late - I'd just finished sex. I'm flying home today so I decided to go to Freshboys and off Mr Groper. As soon as I walked in the cute waiter rushed over to greet me. My God, he's gorgeous. I had a quick grope in the shadows - he's quite small down there - and immediately tipped him 100 baht. Sitting in the bar I could have been in Beijing as everyone was Chinese. I somehow felt out of place. Mr Groper sat with me and I bought him a drink. He flashed me his very engaging smile and then put my hand inside his shorts. He got hard very quickly so I decided to off him. I had to wait until he had performed his acts in the show. Before I made the decision I found out what he would and wouldn't do, and made a point of asking him if he would cum. Turns out he could fuck me but he didn't do blow jobs. At least we got that straight before I offed him. Back in the room he took a quick shower and the fun began. I started sucking him, which he really seemed to enjoy. One thing I noticed is that despite being in the big cock show, in the room it was quite a bit smaller. Never mind - no need to fear a painful insertion. He fucked me for a short while and then I chuck wowed him. His cumshot was spectacular! He hit his shoulder, the pillow and saturated the sheets. OMG! This is what I've been waiting for! He then jacked me off but for some reason (too much sex?) I found it hard to cum. But to his credit he just kept on going until I eventually finished. I apologised for taking so long. No problem, he said. Like the other 2 guys I've had from the bars, he was dressed and ready to leave before I'd even gotten out of the shower. At I handed him his reward he have me a cheeky smile and asked for taxi money. I returned the cheeky smile and said, no. He just laughed. The sex could best be described have as adequate. I would have liked him to fuck me more than a few minutes, but I guess you can't have everything. I'll return home now and plan my next trip - back to Bangkok, or maybe to Chiang Mai, Phnom Penh, orJapan. I'm not sure.
  2. I speak enough Thai to get by, but for anything complicated I use Google translate. You speak in English and it changes it to Thai. The boy can either read it or you can play it back to them. It solved any language problems. A boy at Dreamboys downloaded the app for me and earned himself a nice tip. It worked perfectly in Space bar, too.
  3. Yes. I chuck wowed him.
  4. The bars are full every night with Chinese customers - they often have their partners/friends with them. In my experience, they enjoy watching the show and drinking with the boys but I don't often see them leaving with a guy in tow. In the 2 nights I was sitting in Dreamboys I didn't see any boy being offed, although lots were sitting, drinking with customers. Freshboys had a few offs, but not like before. I usually stay until the end of the night at Goodboys and most boys are still in the bar when it closes. This includes the "look at me! Aren't I handsome!" Vietnamese guy who, when not on stage, positions himself down the front of the bar where he can be seen. He just stands there flexing his pecs. He's always there when the bar closes. To make good money the boys need westerners to return, as we are the ones who tend to off them. At the moment, they are few and far between in Bangkok, so I think the boys are finding it tough.
  5. To be honest, I can't recall a time over all these years when I guy from a bar has not cum for me. It's part of the job. It happened earlier on in a couple of massage places so when negotiating a price for extras I learnt to specify that I wanted the masseur to cum. Most, .like me, didn't have a problem and saw it as part of the service; others wanted more, which I always happily agreed to pay, My sessions always follow a pattern and end in me chuck-wowing the guy before he finishes me. It's just something I've always enjoyed. I love to watch their face as they cum. Anyway, no harm done.
  6. I'm not here to help the guy get offed a second time. If he can't cum with customer number 2, that's his problem. If they don't want to cum - rare, in my experience - then they should charge less,
  7. Maybe I'm just hopeless. I could never say no to sex with an attractive guy, but girls don't need sex like we do. Guys are always in the mood for sex, whereas girls don't always feel the need. Thank God I'm a guy!!!
  8. Last night I returned to Dreamboys to see if anything had changed. Sadly, it hadn't. They had lots of guys on stage but many were too old for me and I only found a couple attractive. They had quite a crowd; mainly Asian customers. I went outside to the smoking area to sit with the boys while the ladyboys were on stage - it's usually a good chance to speak to them and maybe take things further, but they were all on their phones. An opportunity lost for all of us, especially the guys. Afterall, they are the ones who need money. So off I went to Goodboys. It was very busy, as usual, but I found a seat down the front right next to the stage. And who should be sitting there than the off from the previous night. He wanted to get up close and personal but I was after Mr Supersucker. At first I didn't see him but suddenly, there he was in the line-up. I immediately had him sit with me and decided to off him straight away. Back in the room he went straight to work. I then asked him to fuck me but he couldn't get hard enough so he pulled out his phone and started watching straight porn. I don't think I've ever seen a cock get so hard do quickly! So in he went. As we were changing positions his cock slipped out. He went to reinsert it but I told him if had enough and I'd like to chuck wow him. Instead, he went down on me again. I love the way he never gives up. I find it difficult to cum with a blow job so he had to work for a long while. I took pity on him so to give him a rest I said I'd now chuck wow him - he could finish me off after that. But he told me he'd already cum while he was fucking me. If that were true, why would he try to reinsert it? Never mind - I was more than happy for him to go back to work on my cock and I had a very happy ending indeed. After he left, I checked the condom and, as expected, he had not cum. I was really disappointed that he would do something like that, especially as this was our second encounter and he would have been looking for another off from me tonight. But he won't be getting one. I'm not going to make a big deal out of it - I'll just let him know that I'm aware of his deception and then off someone else. Maybe a third off with the guy from the previous night. I think these guys just need to be aware that cheating like that is very disrespectful, especially as I go out of my way to treat them kindly. It has cost him 2000 baht.
  9. Tipping is a personal decision and we are all different. In the scale of things, I think tipping the waiter 100 baht just for bringing you a drink is way too much, especially when 7/11 workers stand on their feet all day for around 350 baht. I only tip waiters if they help me in some way. They rarely do.
  10. I think the girls go with guys who have enough money to show them a good time before hopping into bed with them. Gays don't care about that - we just want to have sex.
  11. One thing that really pisses me off at Fresh boys is the way they give part of your change in coins. Last night I paid the 400 baht drink bill with a 500 baht note and I got a 50 baht note and 50 baht in coins. When I went to take my change all the coins fell onto the ground and the waiter was on his hands and knees looking for them. And speaking of last night's boy and his phone, I certainly don't mind if they are watching porn to get aroused. Let's face it, they are certainly not aroused by me! Oh, and I forgot to mention gogo boy #41. Those familiar with Boys Bangkok and Dreamboys in the old Soi Twilight would remember the old guy who came out during the big cock show wearing a pair of eings. Well, you'll be pleased to know he is still alive and kicking and working at Fresh boys. He must be close to 60 by now but has maintained his perfectly slim physique.
  12. I escaped the debilitating heat of Phnom Penh yesterday and am now back in Bangkok. I went to Fresh Boys for a quick look. My friend - the groper- came outside and we had a bit of fun. He was wearing their special brief underwear - it's lycra, I think - and you can clearly see the outline of some of the guys' cocks when they are on stage. One guy sitting outside was on his phone playing with himself while the show was underway inside, and I thought he had a hard -on. But he's just big, as I witnessed when he appeared on stage. It was the same. Fresh boys was overflowing with customers; they just kept streaming in but somehow they managed to squeeze them in. As usual, most of the customers were Chinese. As I was sitting outside I saw 3 Chinese guys leaving with one boy. Someone is in for a rough time! Mr groper had to leave early last night - his mum came to pick him up to travel to Cambodia to renew his passport - so I left and went to Goodboys. Again, the bar was overflowing. I endured the show, which consisted of a little cock but mostly just fat, ugly overdressed ladyboys pretending to be superstars. I hate it! I was planning to off the super-sucker from the other night but he wasn't there, so I offed the second guy I had on my last night before going to Phnom Penh - the ever so slightly fem guy. We got down to business. I started suckling him but while I was busy he was looking at his phone! I took it from him and put it on the side table. Suddenly he must have become horny because he said he wanted to fuck me. I told him he was too big but he assured me he'd take it slowly. It was quite painful at first but I decided to persevere. Once he got it all in, it was fine. In fact, it was great! He layed down on his back for the finale - I chuck wowed him - and then he finished me off. The only problem was, while he was jacking me off, he was looking at his facebook page! It kind of killed the atmosphere. I got up and quickly rinsed the cum off my body in the shower. By the time I got out of the shower - less than a minute - he was already dressed and ready to leave! I will go back to Goodboys tonight and look for the first guy. I need to experience that blow-job technique again!
  13. That was on top of the taxi fare. I small gift from me.
  14. I'm now sitting at the airport waiting flight to Bangkok The cute tuk tuk driver who was outside my hotel on the day I arrived, and who I was contemplating putting the hard word on, finally returned to the hotel so I got him to take me to the airport. We had a long chat beforehand on which he told me business was bad because of the lack of tourists, especially backpackers Why backpackers? I asked. He told me he was able to hey lots of free sex from the foreign women. He'd hang out in front of the hostels and invite pretty girls to go to a bar for drinks. They would then go back to his place for sex. I think his gentle personality and killer smile would be a real leg-opener. So, what do you do for sex now? He told me he'd off a woman from a local bar. How much do you pay her? $15, but that's for one shot only Sometimes he pays $50 to spend the night with a girl. "One shot not enough for me. I young. Can do 4 or 5 times. No problem." If I had $50 I would have gladly given it to him so he could have a hot, steamy night of non-stop fucking. Unfortunately, I was leaving PP with as little local currency as possible, because I can't use it anywhere else, so I couldn't help him out. But if I go back again, I'll make sure I treat him to some fun. Afterall, you're only young once and nice guys like him deserve to be looked after. That's my philosophy. I remember a taxi driver who took me from Suwannaphumi airport to my hotel complaining how he couldn't fuck any more because the girls were now too expensive. How much? "1500 baht, but only ugly girl." I gave him 3000 baht and he had a tear in his eye! Nice guys deserve to fuck beautiful women! Lol
  15. Getting home after 2am every night means I can't get up early. In fact, I sleep until 1pm and go for a short walk if it's not too hot or raining. After the palace I escaped to the Aeon mall to cool down. With the rain and heat, now is not the time to visit PP. Luckily, it doesn't rain at night so I can easily go to and from the bar. I did all my sightseeing on my last trip.
  16. I went there yesterday but the heat got to me and I found it exhausting wandering around. Also, many of the sights, including the palace, were closed.
  17. My final night at Space bar saw me, yet again, as the only customer. My 3 boys quickly came and joined me for the evening. The conversation soon turned dirty, and amongst other things I discovered that Mr Handsome only jacks off once a week "because it healthy to keep sperm inside body." OK. Thanks for that! He also told me he has a 20cm cock, a fact that was later confirmed by the other boys. OMG! This guy has everything. I then bought a fourth guy a drink. This is the guy who can't keep his hands to himself and is constantly groping everyone - except me, Of course he fits the mold of the guys working there. He's also gorgeous and is a model, and was in the Mr Cambodia competition last year. Mr Handsome number 2 again cuddled up to me and I found my hand spending a lot of time in his sweaty armpit. One of the guys - the singer - started groping me. (At last!! What took you so long!!) Naturally, I returned the favour. He offered to massage me in the hotel for $100 but when I said yes, of course it came to nothing. Just teasing. He told me the guys there do not go off with customers. Customers tend to arrive after 12:30 so it's a good idea to get there well before that. The boys then went back and forth between the 3 tables but I always had 3 sitting with me. As I was about to leave a guy came in from the street and immediately rushed over to give me a hug. "I know you!" he said. OMG! It was my favourite guy, Virat, from my last visit 8 years ago! I went to the bar every night for around 2 weeks and we sat together in a dark corner and just grope each other all night. (Sadly, things have changed). We would stop when we were about to cum, have a drink and then continue.He now has a very nice food cart and drops into the bar every now and then. I bought him a drink and we reminisced about the fun times we had back in the day. Although the hands -on action from the old days had gone, it didn't really matter because I had so much fun over the last 4 nights. For me, it's the only place in town.
  18. My regular guy in Pattaya - he takes care of me the entire time and I've been seeing him for around 10 years - used to work with his brother in the now-defunct Eros Bar. They are total opposites in every aspect. My guy has it all - drop-dead gorgeous, swimmer's body, quiet and gentle, all backed up with a huge Isaan cock. His brother is small and missed out on the big cock. A customer was smitten by him and bought him a motorcycle, but when he returned to Pattaya, he didn't want anything to do with him. My guy was shocked by his attitude. Unfortunately, he spent all his earnings on alcohol (and drugs, I suspect) and his brother was always bailing him out. I asked him why he continually helped him with money, "He my brother', he replied. I found it strange that 2 brothers could work in the same bar, especially as Eros was a hands-on bar where everything except fucking took place (they had a room inside the bar for that.) When my guy told me his brother wanted me to jack him off, I was happy to oblige but then his brother sat and watched! "Is your younger brother embarrased that your watching? I asked. "No problem," he replied. His sister also worked in a girlie bar on Walking Street. So sex ran in the family. So the moral of the story is, just because they are brothers doesn't always mean they are similar.
  19. I turned up at Space bar at 9:30 and was the only customer. I had my 3 favourite boys sit with me and we drank and chatted. As usual, the boys were having fun, groping each other and carrying on in a very sexual way. (Pick me! Pick me!) The conversation turned dirty very quickly. I nearly had a heart attack when Mr Handsome jokingly (I think) gave me that cheeky smile and asked me if I'd like to eat his arse! There was also lots of talk about coming back to the hotel with me and who was top or bottom. Mr Handsome first said he was bottom but later told me he was top. He's definitely a bottom! I realised what I find extra special about him. He reminds me of the cute, impossibly handsome Japanese boy singers who are constantly brushing their hand through their hair. I told him he should go and model in Japan, where he'd make a fortune. He has the super cute boyish face that Japanese go gaga over. I didn't suggest it but he'd also be a superstar in any of the gay bars in Bangkok. He told me he often goes to the Heart of Darkness disco. Just imagine how the boys there would flock to him. He said he meets lots of guys there who he has fun with. If he wins the Mr Cambodia contest next month he told me he'd receive a cash prize of $500-1000 but more importantly, he'd recurved various contracts for acting roles and TV advertisements. Later on the evening another customer turned up and was sitting by himself. I very reluctantly suggested one of the guys -not Mr Handsome- go and sit with him, but they stayed with me. He left after 20 minutes or so, no doubt cursing me for monopolising the boys. At least I tried. BTW, the boys never hassle you for drinks. I told them they could drink as much as they wanted, yet they didn't take advantage of me and go wild.
  20. "There was a particularly pretty Vietnamese guy. As we walked, he bragged about how he was the #1 boy in the bar. (I should have known then.) He acted like a boy who knew he was pretty." There's a similar Vietnamese guy in Good Boy - remember? You were considering him but then he was snatched by another customer. I think you missed a bullet. I tend to shy away from those types because not only do they know they're handsome, they want to charge extra for that and, in my earlier experience, did not perform well in the room.
  21. When I was in Ni-chome (one of Tokyo's gay areas) I was often accosted by guys from Taiwan. Rather than pay 10,000 yen for street trade, I'd rather pay more and visit a legitimate place. It would be much safer and the guys' service to their customers is legendary; as you would expect in Japan.
  22. I went to Hatha every night on my last visit when I was staying at Arthur and Paul. But the recent reviews suggest it has gone seriously downhill.
  23. Mr Handsome number 1 is not in the photos but number 2 is - he's on the left in the second photo. As predicted, last night was totally different to my first night there. There was only one customer when I arrived and he was sitting at a table with number 1, so I quickly joined them. I suddenly went weak at the knees as I sat next to him. He greeted me with a huge smile and a little hug and put his hand on my thigh. It's no surprise that he is a model and he showed me some photos on his instagram. There he was, strutting his stuff on the catwalk. He's in the Mr Cambodia competition and has his interview on Thursday. I think I'm in love! The crusty old farang at our table - he lives in Phnom Penh and is a regular customer - told me he had offed him once before for sex, but I somehow doubt it. Mind you, on the first night number 1 was constantly smiling at me and for a brief moment I thought he was giving me the come-on, but there was no indication that he is available. I'd be willing to pay any amount to take him back to the hotel. Number 2, who is also a model and who looks even better than his photo, was quite touchy feely. He lifted up his singlet and put my arm around his bare waist and snuggled up to me. He spent a lot of time leaning back into me as I felt his body and squeezed his muscles. As I was sitting there in sheer heaven another very handsome guy came up and put my hand on number 2's crotch. I immediately removed it, as it was uninvited. Then yet another guy (you guessed it - very handsome) sat closer to me and was continually touching me. He jokingly suggested we get a room across the street. When I said : "OK. Let's go", he just laughed and squeezed my leg. I only came here to go to Space Bar every night and it has definitely been well worth it. To sit in a bar surrounded by drop-dead gorgeous guys wearing singlets is a dream come true. Javier, the Spanish owner, has chosen his guys well. They are super friendly and speak enough English to be able to hold a decent (and very indecent!) conversation. Things may even get better tonight.
  24. The Soma massage is right next to my hotel so I decided to give it a try. I asked for a male masseur and one soon turned up with a basin to wash my feet. He seemed to have a great body but, of course, he was fully-clothed. And he was wearing a mask. We headed upstairs where he told me to change into some baggy pants and t-shirt while he waited outside. Not a good start. I last down on my dich and he worked on my back and legs for an inordinately long time. His m massaged my butt but his hand never stayed into my crack. And certainly no "accidental" brushing of the balls. Oh, dear. After I'd turned over things slightly improved with the odd touching of my cock. Instant hard-on. Then he moved down to my feet again. "Hey! What are you doing? I've got a hard-on, for Christ's sake! Doesn't that tell you something? Hello!!" I thought. A bit further into the massage he at last asked me what I wanted. "We jack each other off. Ok?" "How much you pay?" "$20" "I want $30." Now, he had me in a vulnerable position - I was horny add hell, so I agreed. I asked him to take off his pants but he only pulled them down a bit so I could grab the goods. Nice hard Cambodian cock. I tried to "smoke" him but he wasn't having any of that. He then told me he wouldn't cum. In the end, I just paid him $20 and he seemed ok with that. I thought I'd actually over -paid him because the hand-job was nothing special. I'll try and find another place tomorrow where the boys are more "amenable."
  25. I've re -played this video many times. My God, his cock is huge. It's clearly visible. So although he lost the pole vault, he's a big winner in another sense. I imagine he'd be getting plenty of action back in the olympic village!
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