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About Half-vaccinated

  • Birthday October 25

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  • Location
    South East

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  • Height
    5 foot 10
  • HIV Status
    On PrEP
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  1. They do find you deplorable in the Beer Garden. And I find you equally deplorable for scamming gay tourist Online. fyi. if you talked to a fake account that requested money, favors, ubers on twitter/grinder/a4a/skkokar/jack'd etc etc. It was Dis Bitch. ⬆️ You been warned.
  2. Dont flatter yourself Girl Monsta. There is NOTHING about you interesting. Actually, I find you repugnant.
  3. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Neither did he address his SCAMMING of gays that visit that island.
  4. XRecorder_01062023_030653.mp4
  5. Yes you are missy. Stone cokehead is the term I'm told. To each his own vices, enjoy🤣🤣🤣🥶. But it's the International Online Scamming that you perpetuate against unsuspecting gay tourist I find alarming. How could you? 😡🤬🤬 And to think we were in a safe sharing space.😥
  6. Im really sorry to hear that. But was that the car you bought? Lots of travelers read the board and somebody in boxed me. They also said you never got a chance to ride in it. Again, sorry for your loss.
  7. Word on the street is that you are a scammer and cokehead nowdays.
  8. I know people who lives in foreign countries that said, "fuck that language. I speak peso." Stop acting like some of you thirsty dirty booty fossils go to these countries and bring your best behavior. You do not! You cheat the boys and barely tip the servers. Keep it 💯. It is truly a blessingto experience this guys skillz. This guy can Smash you for hours😄
  9. Haitian Pinga 20230319_214821.mp4
  10. This thread needs pinga! These are brothel boys
  11. How would you know? You never been. Its a two country island. The Haitians are formidable. They packing the most AND serve the best. Culture? Who Christopher Columbus? You might want to waddle that yass through The Oldest Zones on this half of the hemisphere. The architecture is sublime and the restoration is stunning.
  12. You strike me as bitter fat and ugly. Its never too late, you can always change that. But that takes work and you seem to look outward for happiness. Stop hijacking threads for the worst. You are one of the reasons folks nolonger post around here. Furthermore, it wasnt a simple stare it was an entire haircut stare. 5 years ago, around 2a.m. I was standing outside Pacos Restaurant waiting on a friend in the bathroom when a White 40ish potbelly American walked up and started talking to me. I smiled, said nothing. He kept talking in English and I continued to act like I didnt understand. When all of a sudden his tone changed and he sternly said. "You do know what it means when an American is talking to you." By this time my American friend walked up. We laughed Hard! I mean really hard. So yeah we know ALL the boys not trade. Duh!
  13. Yes! They running the 'straight' boys off. They getting tired of getting arrested. Thats why you see so many gay boys in and about the zone and in Marlowe's. IAlso, allegedly the police are trying to clean up the zone. And that starts with the Boys.
  14. Hump! Whose this Barber Husband that cut hair in the colonial zone with a Big Dick? I'm watching the NCAA Track&Field (early rounds) Championships and I'm completely sprung.🤪 I got a haircut at the Barber College across from the Ocean Breeze Hotel last year. This slim goodie kept starring. He was 6' 154lb Dark Brown with dark eyebrows and long lashes. Everytime I looked at him he returned the gaze. (Remember a Barber chair is a captured devise). After my cut I was in a comaldo and he came in. I got his number. We texted. He spoke English. I propositioned him. He wrote back angrly. I wrote back "No disrespect, dont do nothing you dont want too. But in the future, when an American looks at you - do not return the gaze." Then I blocked him. 🤷
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