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Everything posted by iendo

  1. Has this not been always the case? I always used my card at Kasikorn, but that is not to say it wasn't possible without.
  2. I was hoping to read the actual prices in the thread but they are not mentioned. I'm ready to be shocked 🙂
  3. Geez, if only we knew who started this thread 😗 😂
  4. My Credit card company just refunded me, with the stipulation that they could charge me again in the future. Still no answer from Lufthansa. 🤮
  5. I don't think so. I'll have a look next month.
  6. check-mig was a drama. If I remember correctly, if you tried to complete it on the website, you couldn't choose a date. It would always chose the present day. That forced you to the app, with all the above named issues 🤪
  7. Does gay nightlife only mean GoGobars to you? I have lots of places that I frequent which are not "expensive." Bangkok: DJ Station and the rest of the bars in the Soi. God Balcony, Circus etc. Pattaya: Tamnan kon E-san, not 100% gay but a very good percentage. Dave Man Club (not sure if it is still there) Jomtien Complex There are many other places that I visit that are inexpensive. However, because I like Twinks, even GoGo bar visits are reasonably inexpensive for me.
  8. I just checked my phone and I called them 13 times in two days. Customer Service is a mess! In the end, I decided to take the refund. I triple checked I would get the whole booking back. But of course, SIR... And you get the confirmation in ten minutes. After 30 minutes, still no confirmation. Call again, and asked to wait an hour. Two hours later, still no confirmation, so I call again. This time something had to change, and I asked them to send it to another email address. You can see the result. And here is my refund: Yeah, this really happened. Are they crazy? And of course, customer service is useless. I disputed the creditcard charge and I have sent Lufthanse a letter drafted by the ECC https://www.eccnederland.nl/ I am going to hit them with everything I've got, but what good is it? All this stress because they are incompotent.
  9. Wow, Where is that place? I cannot find it on Google. The guys seems to have a number, are they offable?
  10. I lived in Vietnam a good part of my life; love the country, the people, the food and the culture. I can give you a long list of what I consider to be flaws in Vietnamese boys, but being violent is not one of them.
  11. 20+ hours is a tough ask, but many do it when they fly to Thailand from the US. From Europe, you can fly to Medellín in 13 or 14 hours. Direct flights are even shorter, but only available from a few destinations... Madrid comes to mind. I have never been to Brazil, but would love to go. However, I am not interested in really dark or macho boys. I like the light skinned Twinkies and for that, Colombia is perfect. Another thing I like about Medellín is how friendly people are in the hospitality industry.
  12. I have metioned this before. You can use an free program called "Bluestacks" on your PC. With this, you can use Grindr and set your location to anywhere in the world. Boys will be able to see your profile wherever you are. https://www.bluestacks.com/apps/social/grindr-app-on-pc.html
  13. I guess it was too good to be true. In hindsight, I wish I would have booked Air Europa. They canceled the last two legs of the booking. This means I can only fly a day later. It might because they decided to fly later at night. The new flight would be the 30th BOG - FRA, but at 11:30 PM. This would mean that my connecting flight to AMS changes and there will be a layover of 4 hours. My first thought was, almost a 5-hour layover in Bogotá and 4 in Amsterdam, crazy. But then I realized that it is worse than that. The first leg of the flight has not changed. Which means that the layover in Bogotá is 29 hours. I asked them to change it, but they kept saying that the flights are overbooked. 🤔 Finally, Customer Service told me that there are no seats in my class on later flights or the next day. Mind you, this is a flight with Avianca. They have 10 flights a day, MED - BOG. It is not that I am asking for an extra day. The least they could do is fix it that I don't have this absurd layover. I have written to Lufthansa to complain, but I think I will just cancel the flight. There are still tickets available for €1500 with Air Europa, but it is not going to be optimal. If I didn't have extreme problems with the altitude in Bogotá, I might have just done the one day to check out the scene. But I've been to Bogotá once and left after three days because I couldn't stand it. I don't understand why someone would pay €2000+ for this Lufthansa flight. Their business product on the route seems very outdated. No privacy and if you have a window seat you need to step over your neighbor. Same goes for Air Europa.
  14. As I can recall, tickets to Thailand where always cheaper than tickets to Latin America. Last year, I bought a business class ticket Amsterdam to Medellín for around 1500 Euro. Last week, I bought a similar ticket with Lufthansa for 1536 Euro. They are for the same periods DEC/JAN. When I look in the other direction, I find that tickets to Thailand could set you back 900 Euro easily, and that is for plain economy. Business class tickets are at least 2500 Euro from Amsterdam. I cannot explain this. There are far more options to fly to Thailand, than there are to Colombia. Shouldn't competition make tickets cheaper?
  15. Shocking. Did you write down that experience somewhere?
  16. Me too, but I might have a different reason. 🤤
  17. Did you go to Nice Boys?
  18. I saw that profile too. I think that he is the worst kind of prostitute. Pretentious from the getgo but he seems to get away with lying to himself.
  19. Not wanting to hijjack the thread: I lived in Vietnam for about ten years and language was not really problem. 😏
  20. I've been there...atleast in that near vicinity becuase it has been few years. But if it is the same then you can compre it with JJ karaoke in soi day and night area. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x31029612aed4f457%3A0x543f4269370d7f4b!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPMzzUE_Fd-jPTzYbOhkwE6SyuisJvAHBlPIY5s%3Dw426-h320-k-no!5sjj karaoke pattaya - Google Zoeken!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPMzzUE_Fd-jPTzYbOhkwE6SyuisJvAHBlPIY5s&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBs5iGxoz4AhXTNuwKHRFLDHQQoip6BAhCEAM
  21. iendo

    Raya Hotel

    I find that Booking.com and agoda are very helpfull in such cases. I just booked on agoda and asked the property to confirm that i would have a balcony via the booking system.
  22. accoording to the Mamasan M, is Cupidol now an open bar.
  23. I am not asking about prices in bars. More interested in the topic of the video. The part that starts at 2:30 and for that i like to compare with gogo bars in Bangkok.
  24. I always find it interesting to read about prices on this board. I like the twinkies and usually get quoted ST between 1000 and 1500 baht. Depending on the location, it could even be less or for longer. The gay scene is very different from the girly bar scene but some tricks are universal I suppose. This video is about the girly bars but i wonder if this is going on in the male gogo bars, especially in Bangkok. What I wish would exist is a Gentelmen's club like those in Pattaya but with boys. The interesting part starts at 2:30 minutes.
  25. Where are these prices coming from? I remember Jupiter used to have crazy prices 15 years ago, and i haven't been since. but it seems that they are all getting a bit nutty. Models...are they the coyotes from days past? The term "model" says it all. Someone to look at. I'd prefer a good prostitute. What happened to "Up to you" ???
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