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Everything posted by iendo

  1. It is time for them to use Be Real! https://bere.al/en That concept can bring some surprising photos.
  2. Great that we don't need that paper or digital mess anymore. I'm flying tomorrow too with Emirates from Amsterdam, arriving midday Friday.
  3. iendo


    A place where young likes old and vice versa. https://www.dad-son.com/ I could only open the website on a Japanese VPN.
  4. To elaborate, I am top and never have this with bottoms. Sometimes, I take home tops (for whatever reason) and on occasion they watched videos. Not a big deal at all. For OP it might be better indeed to discuss this before taking the boy home if it is something he finds important. Just like you would ask other important things, like kissing, bottoming etc. I can see why it could bother someone.
  5. How did Dave not answer your question? He said that he didn't mind and if it was good porn he would watch too. I agree with him!
  6. I saw a video of a vlogger the other day and he didn't have his pasport with him while riding a mother bike. When he went to the police station they told him to always have a copy of his pasport including visa page or photos of it on his phone. I get vicarious embarrassment watching this guy.
  7. Ohhh, is that the same you need for a driver's license? I've done that a few times over the years and that wasn't difficult.
  8. 10 to 15 years ago, I wrote blog posts about Vietnam. I had not thought about it for a while, but somehow I got reminded of it and did some digging. Here is an example, and if you guys are interested, I can post some more. There were a few comments to this post: Some of you may remember TOQ
  9. I found this information online. https://tdl-service.com/thailand-vehicle-transfer-of-ownership-car-or-motorbike-in-your-name-how-to/ They say that I would need a resident card or work permit. I have neither, but I would like to buy a motorbike. Does anyone know a way around this?
  10. At what time did you arrive? I think that might be an important factor too.
  11. iendo


    Ohh really. Sad to hear.
  12. iendo


    A friend just arrived in Cuba for the first time. I hooked him up with a boy I know from 3 years ago. I actually just texted him with some question that need to be answered. He will do so after the weekend. I do know that there is a new club, but I forgot the name. I hope to get some good info to post here. If been to Cuba 3 times and always stayed in an Airbnb. Never had a problem to bring boys. Some nights we took a few boys after Myxto closed. When @floridarob says "there is nothing there," I don't know if he means food. There are plenty of boys. Food doesn't have to be a problem. When no other option, go to Havana Libra to eat. The atmosphere is like in a school cantina, but they have half decent food. But yeah, you don't go to Cuba for the food 🙂 Ohh, why not go on Gayromeo and find out for yourself? You can talk with some boys and they can tell you the situation. Grindr doesn't work in Cuba.
  13. I lived in Cancun for a year, but this was back in early 2000. There used to be one club and one bar dancing that I frequented. I don't even remember the names, but they were in old town. I lived directly behind the bar dancing. It was very popular to go to parties during the weekends. These parties were at people's houses, but as a tourist you would not know about this. Most people (me included) used internet café's for their daily internet needs. If I remember, gay.com had a chat via web browser. I had some real stunners in Cancun. My problem was that I had stayed in Mexico City the first month of my arrival in Mexico, so I went from being able to score 1 or 2 boys a day in CDMX to 1 or 2 a week in Cancun. Money was never involved. I have not been back to Cancun since then, and I can imagine that there is nothing left but maybe the Strip. The humidity in Cancun was a nightmare.
  14. Fem boy and Tranny aren't the same. Give it a google.
  15. 20 years in Thailand, visiting and years living, never have I heard someone manly say "Ka." I don't understand what relevance "fem boy" needs to have when my comment is directed at you and others on this board. You knew immediately what I meant when I said it, right? ps Hehehe, and I just learned that some men do it when they want to talk with a soft tone especially to women...so, that might be why I never heard it. Everyone else can draw their own conclusions.
  16. I have only heard Fem boys say this.
  17. Japan is great, and you can find guys everywhere, I think. They have a lot of oddities of where you can and cannot go, for a number of different reasons. Too old, too young, too thin, too fat or too foreign. It was hard to figure out sometimes. I was there in 2015 on business. It was after a back surgery, so I had a hard time walking. Anyway, I was still taking in the sounds and sights when I saw this boy looking at me before the train came. This photo is after he got on the train and me, obviously still outside. So I decided to take a picture head on to see what he would do. And yeah, he kept staring. Was this not the perfect opportunity to make a hand gesture waving him over? Or at least I could have gotten in the train because he seemed to be waiting. I have messed up opportunities that were much clearer than this one. But this is the only time I got pictures of it.
  18. I will share my experience here.
  19. Don't let the fact that I get back to the topic disturb you guys' politics. I have been to Sinlapin Esan a few times when they just opened. Somehow, I never felt as good there as I did in Tamnan kon e-san. I can remember Tamnan perfectly. I would usually come during the first show, which was basically practising. We would have some food and of course our bottles. After the practice show, they would play some pop music from east and west. Then the main show would start en the place would be full. Mix of money boys and lots of guys that worked in hotels etc. The toilet was always an adventure with the many boys that worked there. if they knew you were a good tipper, you would be sure to get a nice 2, 4 or even 6 handed massage. I remember taking a waiter home one night. Poor boy! He had no idea what to do and this led to some awkward situations hahaha. I'm not one for showing these boys the ropes. The point is that these kinds of contacts were possible. And yes, it was pay for play, but because you could walk around and talk to people at other tables, or flirt from a distance etc. it could give the feeling of a little hunt, compared to à gogo where it was shooting fish in a barrel. The only thing that comes to mind when I think about Sinlapin Esan is that I remember comparing it with Tamnan, and that it came up short. But I don't remember any specifics about the show, staff or even setup. Looking forward to getting back there and hopefully like it. Ohh, yeah, one difference I do remember. They were checking IDs very thoroughly in Sinlapsin. This was irritating because sometimes the boys in our group were 18 or 19. Again, this was years ago.
  20. Spending well over 1000 Euros to get to Thailand, then trying to save that last 25 to 30 Euros would be very excessive if you ask me. It's great that someone is waiting for you at the airport, takes your luggage out of your hands and drives you where you need to go within an hour and a half, depending on traffic. But this is after a very long trip. I can imagine taking a Bell or those normal public buses when I would fly in the region or domestically. Especially the Bell bus is an interesting experience. My tips have always been a minimum of 100 baht for the drivers that didn't really give much effort, and 200 for those that did their best and made me feel welcome. That's 10 to 20 % on my bill, which should be sufficient.
  21. Yeah, and if I pay 1200 for mr T's taxi there is also a tip expected.
  22. I have seen crazy lines for taxi's before. But many on this board have recommended Mike's taxi, and I booked one for my BKK to Pattaya trip. BTW, they still only charge 1000 baht, whereas Mr T (a service I have used previously) now charges 1200. I am really prepared to spend some money this trip, but those 200 baht, I'd rater tip the boys.
  23. The link above went to another story. That story had a brilliant quote, as you can see.
  24. I guess this sums it up. 🤑 https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2433012/hotel-tycoon-wants-to-charge-tourists-more-to-fund-recovery
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