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  1. As a late starter to smart phones and one who generally regards a phone for telephony and texts, I take the view that you gotta have a contract with inclusive data download if you use a smartphone in your own country. I don't need twitter or facebook or their like, but the gps maps & traffic, weather, and the ability to link to the internet is a great feature. Skype in particular is useful. Problem is, they want to connect and update themselves all the time. Left alone they don't consume very much data because they ask for permission before any big download, its the fact that they do connect thereby incurring a minimum daily charge from your service provider if you don't have a contract, and even if you do have a contract, connecting when overseas will incur significant charges. So when going abroad I just take the sim card out of my smart phone and stick it in my old faithful... albeit an obsolete model that thankfully no thief would be seen dead with. Then I've no worries about data download because my old phone just doesn't. Every service provider charges different rates for downloads outside your own country; you may be able to get a preferrential rate if you pre-pay for chunks of data or a specific period, but either way its more expensive than buying in to a sim card in the country you're visiting. OK, so your smartphone can connect to your email accounts and download your emails, but I much prefer opening up my laptop when it suits me and using a full size keyboard attached to a decent size screen to view and respond to email when travelling. And since when travelling my laptop is usually with me, I don't miss my smartphone. Most places guys like us stay in offer a wifi or cable connection so until recently I didn't need anything else until... Last year when travelling 'up country' to visit the bf's family home in Ubon, I had through necessity to buy one of those USB plug-in 'dongle' devices that houses a sim card for a fast 3G internet connection. Mine is with AIS but other Thai networks offer similar. They work on the same principal as wot smart phones use to connect to the internet. You can take the sim card out of this USB device and put it into your 3G smartphone to use in just the same way. They give you a pay by megabyte option or pay by time option, but both on a per monthly basis. Seemed to cost same pro rate whichever option you chose. If I remember correctly, up to 30Mb downloads a month cost about 300Baht, or unlimited useage was 700B per month. I think the dongle thing cost about 1,100Baht but now I've got it I only need top up the sim card for a month next time I go upcountry. Hope that helps
  2. Thanks for the history fountainhall. I'm wondering how good is the security on this site. Inside job? Would the poster formerly known as Michael please fess up!
  3. Who are the new owners?
  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR with the Pattaya Street Kids' Support Project Readers of Gay Tingtong Forum and those who have visited The Venue in Jomtien will be aware of the appeal to raise funds through the Pattaya Street Kids Support Project for the kids at the Huay Pong childrens home just outside Pattaya. The funds raised will be used exclusively to provide much need bedding, clothing, and sports equipment which the home has specifically requested. I do not wish to detract from that as these are much needed items. But there is another appeal that goes out this time of year for funding to enable the childrens' New Year parties organised by PSKSP to take place. This benefits not only the 300 kids at the Huay Pong home, but another 400 kids from the slums within Pattaya plus the students in the Projects sponsorship programme. It only costs
  5. There's love in those eyes!
  6. I realise many Thai's and some Farang for that matter think I'm crazy, but I find one of the most rewarding ways to explore a new area of Bangkok is to WALK it. I'm happy to spend those daylight hours from Breakfast to BoyBar opening exploring a new area on foot. Taking a chunk at a time, I follow the route of the Sky Train or Metro and discover what lies in and around those stations so as to build in my mind a continuous picture of some of the local geography. Next day I just take the train to where I left off and continue my walkabout. That sense of discovery is ever present. Then you find youself comparing one area with another. As it was the first area I became familiar with, I tend to take Silom as my point of reference. More affluent areas v. poorer areas; the demur of street vendors; so this is where the straight toursists go; where will this Soi take me; I didn't know that! Where am I? How much? That place looks nice! How the hell do I get across this junction! MBK, China Town, Panthip Plaza, etc. - instead of isolated destinations you arrive at by cab, they'll slot together like pieces of a jig saw puzzle if you get out a map and go walkabout.
  7. This year's report from the Trustees on the Childrens Parties has just been issued. It isn't on their website yet but a copy is attached to this post. It's a good read! You may be encouraged to know that the supporter referred to who visited the Project is a member of our Forum(s). The Parties were held a little later this year as one of the Trustees who plays a vital role had to go into hospital just prior to Christmas. Thanks once again to everyone who contributed. You did a good thing! Post Script: The report is now available online here March_2008_Newsletter.pdf
  8. Dick

    ID Cards

    So 31st July 1979 (or 31.07.1979) would be XXXI.VII.MCMLXXIX right? Sorry...Couldn't resist it Thanks for the ID card examples.
  9. The Treasurer of the Street Kids Support Project has told me they have so far accounted for over GBP600/$1200 in donations which they directly attribute to the appeal on the Gay Thailand Message Boards. In addition, a number of local expatriate residents have asked to be put on to their mailing list, coupled with offers of local help. I am also aware of readers who have expressed an interest in sponsoring kids. On behalf of the Project may I express my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the New Year Party Appeal and to the support of the Project, and my special thanks to the Adminsitrators of this Board for their support from the outset as helped bring this to the early attention of our readers. All the money we are able to raise does make a difference. 100% of all donations go directly to benefit the kids. The Appeal for donations continues. If anyone wishes to make a donation, there is still time. Please follow the links to the Projects website to make a donation by paypal. $5 is all it takes to pay for a slum kid to attend the New Year Party and receive a worthwhile gift - usually an item of clothing they have asked for. It's perhaps their one highlight of the year. If you wish to make a general or specific donation, just say how the money should be used in the notes section on the paypal webpage. Please visit the website to see some of the work that is being carried out by the Project www.pattayastreetkids.org Thank you all very much.
  10. I am aware that some readers are unable to access the Sawatdee Board where Naughty but Nice posted in a similar thread in response to some negative comment. I am therefore taking the liberty of copying his post here for the benefit of others, as he makes some very worthwhile comments: " I will declare my interest in this charity as I sponsor two girls and a boy in Pattaya for their education and have done so for 3years. If the detractors had bothered to read the charity's website they would learn that the New Year Parties are just a small part of the work that they support in Pattaya. The charity sponsors more than 80 children from the Pattaya slums for full-time education, supplies food and water/milk for the children at the GoPai slum in Pattaya at a community centre that they re-built for the kids. At the HauyPong home the charity have supplied computer equipment, sports equipment, a bus so the kids can go camping, sponsored education for children there, equipped a dorm for 40 boys ( and are refurbishing another dormitory this December-January). Supply regular food, mosquito nets, regular water deliveries and medical care for kids in the various slum dwelling in an around Pattaya. Pay for hospital treatment for the kids and drugs and medicines where needed. The above is all detailed on the website. I had the pleasure of meeting one of the charity trutees when he was in Bangkok earlier this year and we discussed the aims and ambitions of the charity. I and a fellow director at my company were impressed with the fact that the four trustees of the charity absorb the administrative costs themselves as well as their personal travel costs and I am now looking forward to meeting another of their trustees when she visits Thailand in November and a second trustee when he is in Thailand during the New Year. Our company website carried the charity's website address on our Charity page and we encourage our commercial clients to consider supporting the project. We are a financial banking organisation and make many in depth enquiries into any organisation we support to safeguard our own credibilty. The charity has also received support from Hewlett Packard, Hard Rock Hotel, Scottish Rail and a number of rotary clubs. none of these organisations would support a charity unless they had been completely satisfied as to the credentials of the charity. The whole idea of the parties is that it gives the charity trustees the chance to meet the kids and find out about their progress and their needs. It brings more than 500 children together over a few days, a number that the trustees would never be able to meet and talk to if they had to visit the various slums the kids come from. Let's be honest almost every child knows what Christmas & New Year celebrations are about, but whether or not kids as poor as those the charity is supporting ever get to experience some real happiness on those days depends on the generosity of others. As far as the religious angle accusations go, the charity make it clear that they have no religious bias and in fact under UK charity law they are not permitted to do so. So for one I am more than happy to continue my support the the Pattaya Street Kids' Project and would urge other to consider doing so. www.pattayastreetkids.org "
  11. Thanks GT. I'll pass your comments and suggestions on to the Treasurer. I don't know if there are restrictions in the Charity Rules about what accounts might be held where, but being in the UK the charity can often enhance the amount of the donation by the standard rate of UK income tax for donations received from UK based contributors. It can claim this money from the UK tax man under 'Gift Aid'. When I said it takes a good few weeks to get donations in, I was referring not to the paypal transaction which seems instant, but to persuading would be contributors to actually make a donation. Sometimes those who intend to, but hadn't yet got around to it, appreciate the reminders in the weeks leading up to Christmas.
  12. Many thanks GT for the kind generosity of the staff at GayThailand.com I perhaps should have mentioned the reason this appeal goes out in October, is that it takes a good few weeks to get donations in. Until funds are received, the Trustees don't know how many kids they will be able to invite or make arrangements for. So A BIG Thank You to you GT for leading the way with your prompt donation. BRAVO!
  13. Dear GT, This is the reply I received from the Treasurer in response to my query:- " Hi Dick. Thanks for the email and your efforts on behalf of the kids. You test donation arrived OK thanks and we often have donations in from the states and other parts of the world without any difficulty. We do not have an alternative PayPal address as being a charity we are only permitted to use one address. If there is any further problems that you hear of then I would be pleased to know so that I can contact PayPal and raise the matter. Thanks Don http://www.pattayastreetkids.org " I hope this helps to verify the authenticity of their email address for paypal.
  14. Sorry fountainhall, but there is no local Thai account. Paypal offers the easiest way to transfer money without incurring expensive bank transfer charges. Possibly you have a friend with a Paypal account that can send a donation off for you?
  15. I got a message from Paypal telling me my payment had been successfully sent - as I would usually expect from Paypal. Their email address is the same as has been used by many last year, and I know the Project received those payments. Never the less, I already messaged the Treasurer to ask if they had an alternative email address in case of further difficulties by those trying to use papal. If you require any reassurance about the account, please don't hesitate to email a message directly to the Project using the same email address. The Treasurer will I am sure respond promptly to answer any queries.
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