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Everything posted by pong2

  1. After these many years I have to do the reverse: In TH-as clothes there are never properly labelled, I stock up, if I see anything cheap&cheerful for EUR and here in EUR I buy pure 100% cotton shirts/pants- mostly in the after season big sales, as I still find these are the best for TH, even only staying the cool monthes there. Except for the yellow+Thai flag coloured monday shirt. Most of the out of centre hypermarkets have a stall of 2-3 selling 2nd hand cloths and these can offer very good buys, but its a pin in a haystack. The saying is these are donated from the west with pitiful intention to dead poor countries like Cambodia (not/never Laos-even if its more poor) or Burma/Phima. The clever people overthere search them out and sell the better items on to TH as this gives them more money! Now they can buy on their markets 2 pants/shirts/whatever for that they got as 1.
  2. SAM is the one with the blue/white striped shirt. Anyone else remembers him? Other names, being so long away from TH a bit of fun reading them: Peter, Chris, Mac, Lek (the big guy), Omsin (=the savings bank).
  3. yes, its on suttisarn, a very well known and rather traffic choked narrow street going east from the Sapan Kwai/Big C intersection toward Huay Kwang. There are many more such m2m massageplaces along that road. Saw a guy in the later pictures named SAM many moons ago in another place-forgotten which and also forgotten if I ever took him. There might even be 1 or 2 other guys I have seen before somewhere else. There is in this same subforum a kind of listing from chinese facebook listings for BKK-massage and most of thes eplaces are also along Suttisarn or its sidedois. Name of this spa is also a kind of thai play with words, so I hope you do not get caught in that. Oh Gath Nah means a kind of very polite´maybe later´ and is spoken quite similar to how this place would be pronounced by a Thai. BTW; those of you who did visit: did you check/find out if they are Thai or the nowadays more usual Khmer/Lao/Phima=Myanm/Burmese?
  4. Yes, it may surprise you, but according to the stats ICeland has the highest % of Thai restrts-and hence also Thai workers compared to about any other western country. And there is not even a direct flite. Part of this is pure statistics: IC has so few own inhabitants-less as any average sized US city, that just a few already make a higher percentage. All in all to the subject: most likely these Thai share a fairly common Thai belief (superstition may also be used) that any foreign country-except the direct neighbors east and west, are better as hometown. Sadly, AFAIK and have found till now, there is hardly any direct relation between availability of willing Thai and their nrs/percentages in a given country.
  5. Back to orig. subject: expect-well hope to be able to pick up my usual routine as untill 19/20-leave from EUrope to Thailand some time in nov. and stay for 1-2 monthes till a break around Xmas and 1/1 and resume untill the heat gets too much, perhaps with a sidetrip to some nearby ASEAN country (did that untill 15/3/20-exactly the date when all the lockdowns started here in EUR. BTW-had some trouble with expired mail adresses etc and my subscription, I am just the old pong, but that forum name was thus taken.
  6. scusi, sorry, dont wont to break the wishes. but as for now youll have to wait, wait more and wait more-as for now people from Brasil, be it citizens or coming directly from there. are banned from entry to this Kingdom. In fact also many EUR countries have scrapped all flites from there. And If they finally admit you (I think youll first have to stay some time in IT/EU or get the covid-vaccine before) youll have to endure self paid quarantine for 7/10/14 days (still 7 when vaccinated). This means a lock up in a hotel room, booked by you before they even will issue a visa to enter. Also as for the o any listing is much out of date-TH has also various lockdowns and enforced closures of what they call ´entertainment venues´ How the situation will be when this is all obver and relaxed, we all have to wait and see. For some saucy and also by now a bit out of date reports of gay adventures, places etc. also visit the blog of christianpfc.blogspot. But now he is in Cambodia. Forum.thaivia usually has the most recent info re entry rules etc. and main Thai news topics.
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