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Everything posted by pong2

  1. Many thanks for this info-sad to see but inevitable. So that will be location nr 3 for the SUN=Tawan! There also used to be 3 such bars along that short connecting soi-for me also first places long, long ago to visit BKK. SuperA and its sister/brother LuckyS-much later they merged and that Japanese run very neat place at the end (Lucky S was right beside and upstairs). Before MangoTree opened there was also such a place opposite-same side as Golden Cock- it changed names quite often, once it was I think King Diamond. Met one of the loveliest guys there-a Cambodian, long before the Khmer started to flock the Thai places
  2. Oh lucky you-krap khun much and hope it will all be even more pleasant along the balmy sea overthere. You were apparently just too late to take profit of the free introductory time for the 2 red lines by SRT. There are also many more wats with a boat-shaped building in-even 1 south along New Road coming from Silom. I guess there might even be another red line stop along or just above the old train stop-it certainly was under construction. Re bus-stations (satanee); Ekamai is due to be demolished soon by now-a new one is to go up much further along the BTS close to motorway-or maybe it goes to somewhere near Swampy airport. SaiTai-new is in fact as such quite a pleasant and well-organised bulding, more a shopping centre, but its way out in the sticks. The new red line nr 2 also does not come near. Agree with your impression of Swiss-have also used it quite a few times untill coming back the day covid struck last year. They used to have 2 flites/day, the other operated and code-share with THAI. Keep us informed (well, you will) and hope you can stay a long time!
  3. same-same but different!
  4. Thanks, Z, krap khun duay and have a very, very nice stay after having to wait for this so long.+sanuk a lot too. So I reckon you arrived at around 5/6.00 morning? 1 minor Q still: did your own health policy give the amounts that are stated, like MIN 50k or just like ´unlimited´? Looking forward to your assessment of current situation. Actually how you describe it looks most similar to what is promised for after 16/12-only quick test after arrival and bound in a hotel for 24 hrs.
  5. Hi apero, moin/moin. I am still in same doubt, having visited Th for the winter monthes since some 20+ yrs by now. But seeing-as you likely also do, how the nrs of covid here in EUR are spiralling high my next doubt will be how long TH will still consider us here in EU, vaccinated and all, as ´safe´. Also be aware that BKK really empties out (or at least did-its all pre-covid) exactly the few days before 1/1 to return after a few days/week. With 1 super-advantage: you can sit in the BTS and there are no traffic jams. But with peak high in Pattaya. Khao Sarn+around has always been a world on its own and without much, if any at all, opulent gay life.
  6. But then I guess at least 80-90% of those visitors only went to Bali for 1-2 weeks-OZzies and Chinese/Koreans. Of the rest nearly half is probably F&F (visit to family and friend). In fact international tourism had already fallen considerably before covid to other places formerly well known as Yogya or the Bukittingi/Parapat on Sumatera. Riau amazes me-but then I think its mostly a weekend escape for Singys closeby-hence the numbers In fact Bali does have some magnificent hi-class resorts away from the dirt&filth. Were even able to attract loads of famous pop-stars. But due to tradition the beaches cannot be private. Up till now this is very 1st mention of my favorite country to reopen-so Iĺl check what it all means and if it can serve as ALT for Thailand.
  7. Assuming its the very same as in Barca: was there late sept/early oct and went to Thermas. NO cert. needed and open with restricted hrs-not late eves. To ENTER Espana you need to fill out a long form and if succesfull it will send a QR-code to print out -better to do that as they collect it at airport, people with just on the fone had to go and print it out. Noone checked at the form - it was just looked at to see it had such a code and then thrown in a bin. IN sauna full of remarks and need to wear mask-which out of the changing room noone does.
  8. as you can see: 2564
  9. One of those venerable and long standing BKK gay places- mentioned in any of the 100s of ´gay listings/travelguides´ in print or on www has also bitten in the dust. Its in Silom soi 4 and at the end could not longer survive all the restrictions. Even though I guess about anyone in this forum will also read/follow the other gay-TH forum (often named the ´bitchy one´) were I just read this, I felt it appropriate to also post it here-for the sake of completeness. It has been taken over by the Phuket based Pride concern, and it seems the old manager now works and leads the place for them. Not clear if those old telefones (well, most of you seem to be old enough to remember how these worked and what they were for?!) will be able to find a new place in this circus.
  10. seeing this map I highly doubt its the Sapan kwai BTS-as there should be a big BigC and roadcrossing at the south end. Probably 1 stop more south =closer by from Siam. (PS-at the north end of this Spn Kwai BTS on left side of road were several other such places- 1 was the Bridge. Anyone has any more recent info about these? (probably not). Along the road crossing Phahon going east-it gets more narrow and narrow as it proceeds toward Huay Kwang (inthara....) are also several tipical Thai massage places that may-sometimes, if the right guys are in & willing- and probably also if you can overcome the language-offer much more as just the massage At least 2 of the guys I remember from other venues and at last 5 yrs ago-which means they must be now well >30 and probably hooked to this type of work? First time ever I see TIPs so specific- nearly always in Thai places its like 1000. Last yrs in more distinctive places sometimes a few 100 more for longer time= > 1.30
  11. pong2

    Thai Pass

    2 remarks re earlier points: 1.on the old ThaiVisa-now aseannow it as stated-a day ago or so, by the IT-specialists that 40.000 reqeusts for Th_pass were made and ´already´ 6.000 approved- a chance of less as 1 in 6. So the succesfull reporters here were indeed succesfull 2.remark on the old TM6 arr/dep cards: there were plans announced some 2 yrs ago-just before the covid outbreak- to go to do away with these anyway. It also seems Thai govmt is now making progress in doing away with all the cumbersome endless need for copies of this&that with about any formal procedure. Plus that apparentle the store houses for these cards (never ever thrown away?) were getting too full. Perhaps this is now the first step to replace it with all these online apps.
  12. Suka banyak! Darimana?
  13. So it seems now the whole of EU is included-also the previously forgotten countries. RO and BG are black spots in covid-it seems to be athing related to christian-orthodox countries, as RU is also spiralling high in the wrong direction in nr of reported infections. Several of these tiny countries send maybe 1 or 2 tourists/yr to Thailand
  14. So this may differ for other HTLs. Various other ´go to TH´ sites mention that a 2nd day/nite in quarantine (as that is what it effectively is) may be needed if the result is not there yet. Its is still debated if the test is done In/near the HTL (mostly coöp with a nearby hospital-a nurse could be sent over, but will not be in the HTL permanently) or before at airport. You also will be transported to that HTL as a potential ĺepra patient=isolated from each and everyone. They -for now-recommendation is to ujse HTLs used to the longer quarantine as they already have the know how. As Ive said before-batter to wait and read reports when its working.
  15. The farang is always able to ask more and more as the poor Thai can answer or has thought about. Strange that f.e. LUxemburg is not on the list-enclosed between Belgium/Germany/France. All firm EU-memberstates. Too small to care about, I guess. But ny now covid infection rates are again going way up, even though 70/80% or so of people have been vaccinated It is also not clear If one has to stay INside that booked hotel or can explore asap untill result of thai test. BTW: they seem to have learnt-many people booked HTL and then cancelled after all the burocrazy paperwrok for sandbox-you now have to show HTL is paid. Other minor prob: state insurance for medical cost here never shows amounts or MAX-as there is effectively no MAX. So there have been since Thailand opened endless quizzles with Thai embassy as they stick to the rules of an insurance that shows amounts. Twice vaccinated and never had any test since covid entered this world, I still hesitate much about going or booking on these conditions.
  16. But whats new then? at least 3 of these are the normal things that happen all the time-in normal times. INTernational fireworks probably means the stuff comes from China-but than it always does. Unless the also do an INTernational miss katoey contest in who can scream the loudest to set off the fires.
  17. Seeing the address-but not checked on a map, I think it could be yet another transformation of BodyClub2. They once had a large massage place in Sukh 8-an old former small hotel, and were bought out by str8s. Moved to (assumed) this place, tried the old format-failed. Once went there and just by chance hit an old flame who had been upcountry for some time-did not recognise him, but he did for me. Then tried some other format-like danceclub-failed. Building was just an ordinary thai shophouse that needed a good make over. Perhaps they have now just done that. And were then it by the covid restrictions. But its a kind of (educated?) guess-it could be something else.
  18. Long time since but there are other sites that are general and also have a subsection for bi/gay or m2m: kinky.nl - most guys on it also are on boys4u. Lists tel.nrs if clicked on. 06= mobile in NL, fixed AMS line =020. Most tell to send an app first. sexjobs.nl - but do not expect too much out of it. I also think it may not work in some foreign (to NL) countries. Seems mostly amateurs willing to take a chance and also mostly bottoms. There even were more such sites but they seem to have given up. some guys on boys4u have reviews (in dutch of course) and its advised to read this-can be done simply by opening a basic free account AFAIK-I do not go there myself, the former guys behind windows-as this topic started with and the singly remaining male brothel club21 have closed for now. The travelling group of Brasilians etc. touring west-Europe from their Spanish base most times also have a representation in Amsterdam and maybe also Rotterdam and ply their wares on boys4u
  19. Sorry, but as for now this is simply not possible-it closes at 21.30 and opens 14 or 15.00-a little earlier on weekends. Was there twice last week-for me first time after at least 2 yrs-you know the reason. Entry has gone up and is indeed now 18 eur-or 16 on wednesdays=clients day. I very well remember in the past it was open 24 hrs and as one could stay for that time on 1 entry and the guys also have to pay-many did just that. Also all normal cabins now have sign telling its for MAX 1 person only-anyone ignores. But you can also rent better private rooms for 1 hr. You have to wear mask at least on ground floor=entry+change room. Outside signs also says one has to wear those plastic gloves---noone does, My first visit turned out a little disappointing-small choice of guys and for me not the right one. 2nd time went better-even though choice as again quite limited and equalled nr. of visitors. But luck was with me and a Brasil guy had me. He spoke fairly good spanish and a little english and was certainly not mr. Adonis anymore. Quite willing to please, but as I found out he had also worked for a short period in Brasil as ´garoto´-or how they call it I led him do the programma and this was a fine decision. Told me he was in BCN now for 1 year but also did a normal job daytime and came in Thermas every other day or so. He even took me to and washed me afterwards in shower-very normal in Thailand, but not here. So I gave him a little extra tip which quite surprised him and some extra ´program service´. This was early evening. I think its better to go for best choice late afternoon-I saw a few guys leaving with a customer when i was there and so I guess this is now their way to find overnight lodgings. Did not see those times any of the guys listed above-the ´arabs´ nor east-europeans. But that could change by the day. I asked this guy about the mentioned Angelo from Brasil and he said he knew him but I could not find out if he was still there or not.
  20. pong2

    Is he gay ?

    Dont, in short. For most Thai-except perhaps the few that got a western-style education and have been outside- gay simple means ´being a bottom in sexual intercourse´ and not homosexual in the way most people on this tree use it. For some the word ´hohmoh´ (not hoo-moo, thats like hu-mu) may have the message. You dont talk in Thai about such things-just do it!
  21. My opinion about less and less real Thai boys working in either bars or massage is more the declining nr of such guys-TH is ageing rapidly. Plus the generally rising level of education among the fewer and fewer who become adult so more jobs open up for them. So thats progress. But many of the Burmese and Khmer taking over do a job quite well. However, my favourite msg place tried out some VNese and after too many complaints of customers simply threw them out and wont take any again.
  22. as for BKK; for a city this size-8 mln official, probably like 10-12 with the immediate surroundings and many non-registered people included, still has by far the highest nr of gay saunaś-even now, in un-closed times, at least some 20-25, granted this is less, nearly half, of the grand total some years ago. What is true and confirms above is that most surviving are in suburban and hence much cheaper areas. Around Silom only Heaven survives, afaik. But just like christian (who is much younger as me) Ive given up on visiting them. Those few in the provinces-when I went there, were much more rewarding. Many of the remaining places in BKK are now in 1 big concern who despises farang and charges much higher entry for whites and even more for elder people. These 2 farot-places are mentioned ev. few monthes for yet another raid and with finding moreorless the same findings. As were some time ago a few notorious of the gay m2m massageshops. This Pt-mail article seems mostly a short compilation of what was either on this or the other fora published item.
  23. You probably know christians blog= christianpfc.blogspot.com and he had a recent post about fb including this way of making contacts. Big threshold for most will be that most is in Thai, read and write
  24. Thanks, I have (or had? moved home some 2 yrs ago and had to do away a lot of heavy books) of mr. Jackson and some others too. Long time ago now that I read them. There are some other such studies too. They are shortened and summarised in the old TMOT=The Men of Thailand books too. The question re rural ´gay´ness is for me quite simple: do not forget, you probably still know it from your own childhood-there is and certainly was a very strict separation between the boys & the girls with of course the girls most heavily protected. Thus the boys did what they do in about any society-in TH from 14/15 old: do some experimentation together. Without even thinking or assuming self identity as gay or whatever. For the average Thai a gay simply means a bottom. And untill 19th century: well if you ´ve seen the pictures you must have noted-as is still mostly the case today, that most younger Thai girls/women hardly have ´breasts´. in the way westerners see it. For me one major reason why there seems to be less and less Thi younger gay persons is simply demography: TH is ageing fast and rapidly and the nr of such guys is diminishing by the day. Which is (not yet) the case in Cambodia or Phima=Burma=Myanmar
  25. Highly doubt if this is accurate-as the long stretch in Camb. needs an urgent complete renovation. They tried out a few weekends with running a train again there and it simply would not work yet. Buses run about twice as fast........ In fact I think that the across Lao raillink currently being built by the Chinese (who else?) will be online sooner-within 2 yrs from now Also from the usual and very well informed sources on railwayfora there is not a sign about this-like forum railways skyscrapercity What DID happen-but already some 2 yrs ago now, is that the Thai line was renovated from its last stop in TH-Aran(yaprathet) till border point-from where due to national legal reasons the Khmer-in fact a hired australian company-has to take over. And NO-one can be as sure as 111%-you, if it finally gets going-will have to step out-probably twice-and do the burocrazyness-as has alwys been the case with far more cooperating Thai_Malay side and more recent the Thai-Laos over the bridge shuttle. Oh-and for the best uptodate Khmer gay overviews: der Christian, well known for his blog is there since 1/1 and reports extensivily. christianpfc.blogspot.com
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