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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I can sympathize - I too tend to over analyze and cross border type hiring makes this more complex. If we've kept in touch and he remembers me, I may reach out and see what his asking rate would be to hang out- basically stressing that I want a repeat of previous meet. If it is beyond what I am willing to pay, I would politely decline, make up some excuse to spare his feelings, wish him well and perhaps reach out again when he is back in home country. I never try to negotiate and avoid making him feel like he isn't worth the asking price at all costs.
  2. Viagra, a glass of water and 10 minutes of making out has a 99% success rate. (Hey, you asked!) 🤓
  3. Such lies! What do you mean beautiful weather - President Pinocchio keeps telling us how cold it is inside the court house. I am collecting funds to buy him a snuggie won't you pls contribute??
  4. Air travel used to be something to look forward to, but today? Sigh. Not just the airlines, but the TSA usually rub me the wrong way here in the USA. https://youtu.be/QKEdKdgi2hg
  5. I can't imagine paying that much for a property. Unless it is located in a volcano and comes with a Rolls Royce, its own shark tank and super villain!
  6. Download the "Curb" app - in NYC you can hail a cab with the Curb app just like you would hail an Uber and can see exactly what it will cost before you commit. Then I usually compare with Lyft. Most days cabs on Curb are quite a bit cheaper.
  7. All major cities exposed to flooding will have to do the same thing: set up a sinking fund! And I mean that literally! 😆 (Sorry, accountant humor is a weakness of mine!)
  8. Yes! I had the exact same thought during my first visit: I'm back in the Bible belt!
  9. That is too funny! From studying the volume of this thread, the preaching seems to be coming from those shilling in favor of barebacking and glossing over the risks. I am just wondering if folks are honest with themselves about the risks, to them and their partners. Not to put too fine a point on it, but we older guys are one foot in the grave - but our younger partners have a long life ahead and they may end up dealing with the outcomes of high risk behavior for a long time. In my book, they deserve better. You do you. But be honest with yourself about the impact of high risk behavior. Amen.
  10. You take a risk when you get out of bed in the morning. Risk is part of life...and sex. I don't think that is what we are talking about. There is choosing higher risk behavior and choosing lower risk behavior when it comes to sex. In addition, encouraging higher risk behavior when interacting with an impressionable youth (the 18 year old mentioned above) is something else entirely.
  11. Oh dear. Manager gone. Data MIA. Phone kaput.
  12. So you met an irresponsible 18 year old that doesn't know his arse from his elbow? Consider that perhaps he isn't able to make a risk based decision...but you can. You don't have to lecture, but you can choose to refuse to participate in risky behavior.
  13. Thank you for the idea. I will be applying this logic and naming my first born Optimus Prime - must grow up to be a badass! 😆
  14. According to my calculations, given current earnings, anticipated growth and tech company Price/Earnings rations a fair price for the stock would be $1.87. So once the share price reaches $1 next month, it will be worth a buy, right?? (I am joking - it is a falling knife - catch it at your peril!) 😋
  15. #LowEnergy Sleepy sad shenanigander seemed kinda low energy in court today - don't think he can compete with Taylor Swift, even with all his theatrics.
  16. The truth is coming for Truth Social's shareholders!
  17. Struck out again on day number 2 at the Sauna - what I was looking for wasnt on offer. Had a good time chatting with some of the providers and they seemed to be in good spirits and quite welcoming. Will stop by again on my next visit and will recommend to anyone who wants friendly company and a bit of eye candy. Did meet a cute (and obviously horny!) university student at my hotel bar. He was looking for company and delighted to meet someone willing to buy drinks and a good meal. I was happy to oblige. He stayed overnight and we just had a great breakfast after some early morning exercise. 😉
  18. The place looks about like I remember it, maybe a little cleaner than the last time I was there. And more staff around too. Providers were friendly and almost all of them stopped by to say hello - havent felt this popular since high school! 😆 Still, couldn't find an enthusiastic bttm. Mostly guys were tops or just looking for quick oral fun. (I swear, I am not THAT big!!) 😁 So on to plan B. May stop by again tomorrow and see if I get lucky.
  19. Like you, I came into adulthood when HIV was a death sentence. Today, there are all kinds of wonderful medications that can help manage the disease. But management isn't a cure - I agree that it is important to remember that and consider your responsibility to your partners. People have short memories - many here may disagree with us, but playing safe is everyone's responsibility - especially now that STD infection rates are rising, almost everywhere and drug resistant strains are showing up routinely.
  20. Work sent me to Europe for a few days. Arrived in Barcelona today and heading to Thermas. Wish me luck! 😉
  21. Bonus points awarded for citing the Golden Girls! 😉 As that great philosopher, Van Wilder said: "Don't be a fool...wrap your tool!"
  22. I may have a new hobby! (Well, that is until the whole thing comes crashing down and the SEC halts trading!)
  23. I found this YouTube video. A good reminder that there are always those coming up with new scams and that you should remain mindful of the culture when traveling. Posting this in the Asia forum, but it is universal... https://youtu.be/feNzw6QrSPA
  24. Thank you for the informative post. I didn't realize Grindr had a boost button. Even without it I had lots of fun in Southern Africa during a recent trip. Will remember it for next time!
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