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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. That sucks - but don't worry about it...karma will take care of it!
  2. Just one side note - health insurance companies won't actually cover a vaccine's cost until it has been approved by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) So FDA approval is important but you also need CDC approval. I attached the CDC committee's approval here - it took almost a year post FDA approval. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6832a3.htm
  3. I find both of your comments interesting - it sounds like you were able to just leave after your procedure. Over here in the USA they won't release you post procedure unless somebody picks you up from the hospital and signs a piece of paper agreeing to see you home and see to your after care. It is such a hassle. They won't even do an elective procedure unless you provide the name of your "babysitter" before surgery. Due to COVID I did not want to ask a friend or endanger a relative to exposure at a hospital so I had to hire a nursing service.
  4. I assume from the discussion, but particularly your comments that no prescription is needed for Cialis since the boys are able to pick it up?
  5. I believe it is (ii) - not enough data from trials for those older than 45. As more data is collected, perhaps this will change. It is also possible that too many people are exposed to the HPV virus already by the time they reach 45 and that can impact effectiveness.
  6. In the Unites States most major medical insurance plans now also pay for Gardasil 9 for men who have sex with men up to age 45. That started in 2019 - so it is a fairly recent development. I have been recommending it to my younger gay friends and got the shot myself - I had to get two shots about 6 months apart if memory serves. As always, it is best to consult with a medical professional before you make a final decision.
  7. Right here in NY!! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/03/26/covid-vaccine-passports-new-york-first-vaccination-proof-system/6976009002/
  8. Have done the same - returned to my go-to app this week since I am now fully vaccinated with my 2nd dose. Still don't plan to see anybody from the app in the next few weeks but it is nice to window shop. Updated both my description with confirmation of vaccination and added a picture of the vaccination sticker they hand out after you get the jab to my profile pics. Transparency is a good thing, no?
  9. They certainly have me hooked when it comes to the iPhone. I like the seamless integration with iTunes, ability to backup and upgrade to a new device without effort. I don't have an iPad yet - I fear when I get one I will be unable to extricate myself!
  10. My first was an IBM. I never really went down the Apple track so I can't really speak to the product life cycle. Since before the new millennium I switched to Asus. They have served me well. My current workhorse is about to be put out to pasture - an Asus laptop I purchased in 2009. Windows Vista is no longer supported and most of the applications like the anti-virus package I use are no longer compatible. The replacement is already at home - got it in April last year when I was told to work from home. Needed something more capable. Along the same lines - whomever came up with the concept of a "mouse" deserves a Nobel prize. Without it GUIs would not have taken off and we'd still be hitting the "tab" button to navigate our way through the day!
  11. Interesting that you mention AstraZeneca - they came out swinging in December but they have gotten a lot of bad press recently. Personally I think the alleged issues with their vaccine are overblown, but they will have to get their act together fast.
  12. Got my 2nd shot of Pfizer about a week ago. No issues after 1st or 2nd shot, just a little discomfort in the arm - similar to the flu shot. New York Presbyterian's site runs very smooth - in and out in 30 minutes for both shots. Thumbs up!
  13. Okay boys - maximum effort!!
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more of these announcements in the coming weeks. Especially targeting Americans since the USA has been getting the vaccine bus rolling at such speed. Airlines here in the USA are already increasing planned flights (CNBC).
  15. Asterix and Obelix series.
  16. This is spot on!
  17. Never made much sense to me either. To enjoy Venice you need to spend more than just a day around the city.
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