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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I am really surprised to hear this. How can they get away with this in the time when WCAG 2 compliance is such a hot topic? If you are elderly (which I am soon to be) and you need large font - an app is hardly going to be sufficient. In typical American fashion, I would file a complaint with the regulatory authority (Bank of Thailand). I wouldn't stop there either - would also send a letter of complaint to the Thai Assembly's standing committee on Finance if I did not get a satisfactory response from BoT. Be the squeaky wheel!
  2. Indeed. Insurance is regulated at the State level in the USA. Each State has an Insurance Commissioner. You can file a complaint at the office of the Insurance Commissioner and usually when you indicate that you will also complain to the State Attorney General, they move quite quick to resolve it. You cannot sell/offer insurance in a State without being licensed in that State.
  3. I learned how to make a great sausage roll during a trip to the UK. (As you would expect, since sausage is kinda my thing 😋). My fellow Americans are still a little perplexed by it but they do enjoy it...and some now request it. I have mostly broken them of the habit to slather the roll in catchup. It's a battle!
  4. Consider South Africa or Botswana - they are relatively gay friendly and m4m is not illegal. Plus, enjoy the local wildlife.
  5. Clever! You just want to make sure you get a 2nd helping after the massage gets you worked up again... We are on to your scheme! 😋
  6. How do you say "Can you please wash your knob so I can suck it" in Thai? 🫣
  7. I respect your right to choose it, but I am not onboard with Doxi Prep...and none of the health care professionals I have spoken to in my home town (NYC) are recommending it either. We already have too many problems with super bacteria/antibiotic resistant bacteria. This is just going to make it worse. I will stick to Van Wilder's advice!
  8. Most of the large cities in the USA provide sexual health clinics that are free or bill your health insurance. Most bi/gay men have access to free Prep in the USA - that does require an STD panel every 3 months to renew your prescription but can be done via the postal service...no need to visit a clinic. Ain't virtual health care great!
  9. That is assuming too much. PreP does protect against HIV/AIDS but not other STDs. In the words of that great philosopher, Van Wilder: Don't be a fool...wrap your tool!
  10. Happy 4th of July! Please be pet friendly - heavy on the sausage, easy on the fireworks! 😉
  11. I'd pay about double that for 10 capsules in the USA. I prefer the old way of brewing coffee, but not quite instant coffee old! Lol
  12. I got the 1st jab last year July - in the muscle in NYC. Then they started the process of giving smaller doses under the skin. I held off figuring as more vaccine became available they would switch back to giving it in the muscle as the manufacturer prescribe. Not sure if they have. But thinking I should call, ask and get the 2nd jab.
  13. Thank you - it sounds like you need to jailbreak the device. That is probably beyond my tech skills!! But appreciate you clarifying.
  14. @BlkSuperman Can you clarify- what is a"firestick"?
  15. I have a friend in Japan who raves about Line, but have never used it myself - I am sticking to WhatsApp. Certainly does not sound like you are losing things. In fact I wish my vacations were as action packed as yours - I will try to be a better butterfly and maybe a change of scenery (to Thailand perhaps!) will help. I applaud your adventurous spirit!
  16. I love tea - we need to compare notes! 😉
  17. I don't know, that I'd pretty cheap - even when compared with other developing countries. During a recent trip to South Africa, Turkey and Thailand, 40 USD didn't get me very far. 🤷‍♂️ That being said, the quality was excellent.
  18. We stand ready to FedEx overnight you some premium lube!!! 😆
  19. Both Amex and Bank of America have told me I no longer need to inform them of travel ahead of time. They did say I should make sure my mobile phone works - if they have concerns like a red flag pops up, they will text you to ask if it is you transacting. I usually call to make sure I know my ATM limit as that will dictate how much local currency I can withdraw at one time. My limit used to me $500, I had to request an increase. They were cool with that as it is a debit card that requires a pin.
  20. Yes, from the article referenced above: "But María Antonia Martínez, of the National Toxicology Institute’s Drugs Service, says that scopolamine intoxication through the skin is “practically in the realm of science fiction.”" Getting drugged during a rub down or stretching with a trainer in a public space is highly unlikely. Maybe oral ingestation but even then the outcome is unpredictable based on what I found online.
  21. Snopes did the homework on this for you. This is an urban legend - the drug causes mild disorientation. At higher doses it will make you physically sick. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/burundangascopolamine-warning/
  22. Same is happening elsewhere - South Africa is another example: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/blog/africa/covid-19-in-africa-real-toll-may-be-thrice-the-official-figure-77825
  23. I agree there is little joy to be found in banking service - but (to me at least) it is a necessary service. What you are really saying is that you want the bank to 1. safeguard your money, 2. make it available to you on demand at ATMs 24/7, 3. provide internet banking so you can pay bills, 4. provide an app on your phone so you can shuffle funds around on the go or deposit a check in your jammies, 5. give you state of the art cyber security to protect your personal account and transactions details. And you don't want to pay a dime in fees. Interesting point of view!!
  24. Your expectations are too high, sir. But I suspect you know that already given your experience. Banking is a service - you need to pay for a service for it to be worthwhile. My 2c.
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