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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. Thank you - I find the idea of checking out the guys while they play snooker in towels, which one would hope would slip from time to time - rather appealing! ๐Ÿคญ
  2. Check this out. I had almost forgotten about this. https://www.cleveland.com/open/2023/08/this-doctor-said-vaccines-magnetize-people-ohio-suspended-her-medical-license.html How the heck did it take Ohio 2 years to act on this??? ๐Ÿคจ
  3. Well, it was Texas, so I would probably also be considered exotic! ๐Ÿ˜‹
  4. I am very attached to my Avengers themed dildo set. Can't put them in my carry on and this fan boy will be heart broken if my Hulk dildo gets lost! ๐Ÿ˜†
  5. That is fascinating. But my understanding is that it depends on apple devices to be close by to detect/transmit the tag's location via Bluetooth. So if the bag is left someplace where no Apple device is within 30 ft or so, it will go undetected. There are locations where Apple devices are just not that common. For example, on a recent trip to India I found that the vast majority of people use Samsung/Android devices as Apple devices are far too expensive for them to afford. In that case, an android based device like Tile trackers may work better.
  6. Spot on - that is exactly the problem...why do I need to pick a side? The truth will out.
  7. I do hope the pee pee tape features very prominently in the Trump indictment. That and the Russian spies he slept with, the secret documents he left lying about and then bragged about... will be like a Tom Clancy novel!
  8. I don't get your point... How is this connected to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine?
  9. Your source is the "Gentlelady" from Georgia?? LMAO! You'd do better quoting the National Inquirer!
  10. Source?
  11. I'd love to know where you find your "facts" - the chamber of secrets at Hogwarts?? ๐Ÿคญ
  12. I didn't realize we were talking about shopping at the dollar store. You get what you pay for - I am not extravagant in my spending, but I am not cheap either.
  13. You forgot to mention all the friendly fire incidents on the Russian side. The Wagner Group rebellion incident was the ultimate friendly fire event. ๐Ÿ™ˆ
  14. You do you. I'm not going to say it, but you know what I'm thinking...
  15. I don't think there is a "standard". It depends on what you expect from an overnight. When does it start, when does it end...how do you plan to spend the time, will you provide meals, etc. A reasonable starting point is BR 2,500 (which is about a third of what you can expect in NYC for the same experience.)
  16. Perhaps, but have you considered... (No, I am not a war monger, but a bully needs to be punched in the nose) ๐Ÿค“
  17. Today is "National Grab Some Nuts day" here in the USA. Sounds like the DOJ is taking that to heart and has a nice firm grip on them nuts! ๐Ÿคญ
  18. That may be true. But just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean I have to participate. My cousin is a doctor that specializes in drug resistant diseases. She would tell you straight up: antibiotics should not be available over the counter and any general practitioner that prescribes an antibiotic because you have the sniffles is doing more harm than good. ๐Ÿค“
  19. Newbie - probably spam.
  20. Interesting- but I have been told that may be shifting. Apparently the % of religious people in LATAM have been slow to decline (unlike USA/Canada) and there is a shift away from Catholicism to Protestant amongst those that are religious, specifically evangelical beliefs. That is troubling to some.
  21. Information may be freely available on the internet, but @YoungWesternTop you should discuss with a medical professional before making a decision around medication and your health.
  22. Of course they have - I mean, they are smart enough to train Ninja Turtles!!
  23. I recently took a trip to South Africa. At the airport in Johannesburg I noticed that it was common practice for passengers to use the escalators with heavily laden luggage carts in tow. I found it very strange and frankly, rather dangerous. They don't allow strollers, but luggage carts are okay. There are even signs up, showing you it is okay to do this. Not being the adventurous type, I opted for the elevators. ๐Ÿคญ
  24. 1) Risk when wearing a condom is much reduced. Condoms are highly effective when used correctly. 2) Unprotected oral sex is higher risk than protected oral sex. The CDC still recommends the use of protection. You have to measure your own risk tolerance. Are you up to date with your shots? HPV and Hepatitus for example? Are you on Prep (pre exposure prophylaxis)? Factor that into your risk tolerance 3) It is probably as safe as anywhere else. Safer than some places in Europe to be honest. 4) You can ask, but frankly if you need to ask, he's probably too young for you (that's my rule). 5) 6) I dunno.
  25. I had the same experience. I got the original Pfizer two dose and then one booster. 9 months later I picked up Covid during a convention - very light symptoms, worked from home for a few days but did not feel like I needed time off from work or to get additional rest. Felt like a mild cold. Asked my doctor if I needed another booster a few weeks ago (about a year after I got Covid) and he said nope - no need. Will reassess when winter comes in a few months.
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