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Everything posted by KeepItReal

  1. I would provide a citation...but I am afraid that if I do the source may "fall out a window" 🪟 like so many others.
  2. Can we get the thread back on track and talk about the poor Canadians?
  3. We shall see - how many times have we heard "Russia is about to crush the Ukraine - it will be over by week's end" in the past 3 years? I am not a betting man, but if I was, I know where I would place my bet.
  4. Russia just keeps on underestimating the Ukraine. And they will continue to pay the price for that. "Effectively" isn't a word I would associate with Russia's efforts so far.
  5. Interesting comparison. For perspective, 100s of Ukrainian churches have been damaged or destroyed by Russian bombing. If you are going to start a war, you have to be ready for war. https://www.oikoumene.org/news/500-churches-and-religious-sites-destroyed-in-ukraine-during-the-war
  6. Yes. They wait.
  7. Thanks - I did not know this. Will be hard to get a loan for "key money" as an expat since I don't have a credit history in South Korea...
  8. Thank you for volunteering- we look forward to your report. 👀
  9. I have not had any issues. Don't go jinxing us and making your problem our problem!! 😆
  10. You are adventurous. I have traveled extensively but only in relatively gay tolerant locations like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. So I would advise caution - the countries you list are not gay tolerant and you are likely to get yourself hurt.
  11. On this week's episode of "Only the Best People" our guest star is Charles Kushner. Meets all 3 priority criteria of the new administration: 1. Tremendously shady business man 2. Convicted criminal 3. Most important of all: Loyal to president Pinoccio above country In other words: they look exactly like the president bone spurs. 😆
  12. So we are friends now? Last week you called me a racist. You should make better choices - having racists for friends is bad karma.
  13. Goodness gracious me!
  14. We, the people, are all about to be the losers. Enjoy Thanksgiving while you can still afford to.
  15. Let us hope he knows the difference between "prey" and "pray".
  16. Please don't feed the trolls!
  17. I guess there is hope for my political aspirations yet!
  18. It annoys me to hear how tourists misbehave. And it happens everywhere with tourists from all over the world. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/american-tourist-tokyo-meiji-jingu-shrine-arrested-b2647614.html
  19. Please stop feeding the trolls.
  20. It is not the end of the world. Really. I feel for the younger generation. We (older) went through rough years with HIV/AIDS, various wars and nuclear disasters. Hurricanes and financial disasters. We are tough - we will put out heads down, keep working at it and strive for small gains. I am concerned that the younger generation does not have the stamina and tenacity to see opportunity in the challenge. Time will tell and maybe prove me wrong. I will be glad for it. 😁
  21. I was watching MAGA supporters attempt to talk up support for former Pres Trump on CNBC this week. They are making the case that a Trump presidency will be better for the economy. Problem is, beyond "tax breaks for the rich" there is very little in terms of policies to talk about. So they fall down under scrutiny. Not a good look.
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